Saturday, March 04, 2006

Obama and Darfur

I'd like to see our Senator on the Foreign Relations committee, who made a point of bring Samantha Powers onto his staff, a little more out front on Darfur.

Here's what Kristoff is telling Bush to do via World Wide Standard.

Update 1: Respublica tells us what Senator Obama talked about last night (for $150 to $1000 a pop), which sounds pretty light-weight to me given the gravity of our time.

Update 2: Would be nice to hear Obama's thoughts (Durbin's too for that matter) on this observation by Father Pleger about our Gov and Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad. Via Rich Miller and Forbes,

The Rev. Michael Pfleger, the white pastor of a mostly black Chicago church and a friend of Muhammad’s, said Blagojevich would generate enormous anger if he removed Muhammad from the commission.

“If you are not willing to stand up in difficult times, don’t pretend to be a supporter of black issues, of the black community,” Pfleger said. “Now is a test for him.”
Farrakan's Founder's Day speech on Hollywood Jews, Homosexuals and Filth tests the whole State of Illinois.

Genocide in Darfur while Farrakan's talking about the Jews and Homosexuals, and Pfleger's talking about who supports Black Issues.

All the cards show as our little demagogues in Illinois yak away.

cross posted at Bill Baar's West Side


Bill Baar 2:36 PM  

I point out Obama because he hired Samantha Powers as a staffer... follow my links to her writings on this issue.

Obama has taken a lead and I believe needs to deliver.

pathickey 3:40 PM  

If there is a passion to aid warring countries in Africa, it may be a better idea to 'privatize' American support:

Example - for over one fifty years, Irish America has supported the cause of Irish freedom and unity by organizing fund-raising and sending aid to their homeland; likewise, American Jews responded to their relatives who emigrated to Palastine in the 1930's and 40's with privately funded efforts.

Italian charitable organizations have worked for refugee and disaster relief efforts.

There is a great tradition of non-Federally funded ways to help people in other countries.

An African American relief effort completely distinct from any government or political interference would be a great way to match the hand to the heart and avoid any political opportunists from exploiting the suffering of people.

Bill Baar 5:03 PM  

Anything can help... simple things (one reason I blog it...I hope it helps in some small way).

Here's Powers writing on Rwanda and one of those small things,

The Defense Department was disdainful both of the policy ideas being circulated at the working-group meetings and, memos indicate, of the people circulating them. A memo by one Defense Department aide observed that the State Department's Africa bureau had received a phone call from a Kigali hotel owner who said that his hotel and the civilians inside were about to be attacked. The memo snidely reported that the Africa bureau's proposed "solution" was "Pru Bushnell will call the [Rwandan] military and tell them we will hold them personally responsible if anything happens (!)." (In fact the hotel owner, who survived the genocide, later acknowledged that phone calls from Washington played a key role in dissuading the killers from massacring the inhabitants of the hotel.)

Rwanda, Bosnia, and Kosvo changed my thinking long before 911.

Anonymous,  11:57 PM  

What about the Muslims killing Southern Christians and Animists in Sudan?
The Muslims should speak out against these Sudanese Muslims killing others in the name of Allah
and the darker skin African
where is Farrakhan

Anonymous,  11:59 PM  

It is the liberal Jewish elite and not observant real Jews who are promoting homosexuality.
Homosexuality is being pushed on society. It is Hollywood, most of them are Jewish and it is obvious.
Sorry but the truth hurts

pathickey 9:13 AM  

I thought that the truth shall st you free? The truth is - it does not hurt - unless it is not the truth.

Anonymous,  9:52 AM  

So does the truth hurt or not hurt.

Anonymous,  10:03 AM  

Dissect what Louis Farrakhan said. Also Farrakhan does not just play the fiddle like the Turkey Irish friends of Hickey, Farrakhan plays beautiful classical violin on par with Heifetz.
First, Farrakhan said Jews control Hollywood. Well, is it TRUE or NOT. Most of Hollywood is JEWISH. They do dominate Hollywood. They do tend to be secular and anti-religious (look at their response to the Passion)
and they are promoting the movie Brokeback Mountain which clearly promotes homosexuality.
Second, a lot of what traditional people consider "filth" (not just Muslims or Farrakhan) is coming out of Hollywood. Listen to the Hip Hop music and watch the music and the explicit and implicit values including homosexuality. Traditional religions, including Pat Hickeys much beloved Catholicism of Rome considers homosexuality a sin and even the orientation a disorder, not one major traditional religion (including the Dalai Lama, and most Animist/pagan religions) as well as cultures, even hip hop culture, consider something wrong with homosexuality. If you are not super gay and accepting than you are neandrethal.
I am looking at if Farrakhan was right not if he should be immediately condemned.

Bill Baar 11:25 AM  

Anon 10:03

What's undisputedly right at the moment is the Liberal Left slow to condem folks like you who believe Jews are running things...

...and slow off the mark condeming Darfur where Islamic terrorists committing Genocide.

Obama gets paid $150 to $1000 to talk. He ought to have Sam Powers write him a speech on Darfur that he gives every time he talks...

He ought to tell us where he stands on Farrakan and whether he thinks Pfeger right.

We ought to get that much out of him for the prices people are paying.

Telling us Republicans are mean while Africans slaughtered and others telling us Jews pulling the strings in Hollywood just doesn't cut it with me... a guy who voted for him by the way.

Anonymous,  2:25 PM  

Obama did a podcast on Darfur a couple weeks ago:

He was also on The NewsHour talking about it with Senator Brownback.

They introduced legislation with Biden and others: and search for darfur

Anonymous,  10:55 PM  

Muslims in Africa are killing a lot of people, now, this may or may not be intrinsically linked to the religion just as Christians killing others may not be an inherent part of the religion but it is happening regardless of the reasons. Muslims need to address these travesties.

Anonymous,  11:02 PM  

Killing darker Black Africans by the millions is not as important as defending Farrakhan.

Bill Baar 7:44 AM  

anon 2:25 Thanks, I've followed ans posted on some of this work he's done.

But he needs to do more.

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