Roeser Flirts Back
State Sen. James Meeks has been flirting with a Third Party bid for Governor, and he's been flirting with conservative groups that oppose a woman's right to choose and equal protections for gay Americans in the process.
Today, conservative heavyweight Tom Roeser flirts back:
Now, I've already said that I think this marriage is highly unlikely, but let's assume for a minute that a shotgun wedding starring Meeks as Governor and Oberweis as Lt. Governor is on the way. Who else would you put on the ticket, and what would you call it?The word is out that Topinka’s people are making overtures to social conservatives, asking separate groups what it would take to get them involved in the campaign....The phone conversation terminated quickly. The downstate people on the other line are saying it’s not impossible they could back Meeks. But what about Meeks’ tax hike? They say, listen-odds are that Blagojevich will raise taxes after election or that Topinka will, blaming it on the Democrats. We’re thinking about Meeks. With one vote we’d screw Blagojevich and Topinka both. Not bad for one day’s work. (Election Day)
Maybe if Meeks is looking for sore losers like Oberweis, he should ask Cegelis to run for SOS or Treasurer on his ticket.
Nothing like a personal attack, too bad you aren't bold enough to use your name instead of posting as anonymous.
Come back when you don't have a personal vendetta against someone!
Good point, Jeffrey. As for Roeser, I wonder why he doesn't put links on his site?
Please don't every use the term Roeser and flirt in the same sentence again. Bad visuals.
It could work. It could be a powerful ticket if Meeks is serious campaigner... I've never seen him in action.
And evidence it can work is the tone of the anon comments here.
The idea scares someone.
Now, you wonder why Oberweis didn't think of Meeks when he was running in the primary and the others pairing up with Lt Gov candidates. It was early on then that a bold idea could have helped him.
Sorry I was a little slow on the delete....
Comments like that aren't any more tolerated here than on CapFax.
Rich just bans people like that from the site. I compile a list of where the jerks work and send them a drag queen singing telegram on Valentine's Day.
Now, back to the thread.....
I posed this question on an earlier Meeks thread, and no one picked up on it. So here I go again:
Meeks and Roeser/Oberweis may agree on abortion, gay marriage, and a vague commitment to “reform,” but that’s about it. A conservative “Republican” (with Roeser/Oberweis, I use the term lightly at this point) would have to swallow a lot of tax/education “reform” positions that they had previously opposed – while Meeks doesn’t seem poised to make any similar concession. Sounds like an unbalanced partnership to me. And what makes the deal even worse is that a Governor Meeks would be powerless to actually influence state law/policy on abortion or gay rights because of the overwhelmingly liberal/Democratic tilt of the House, but just might be able to finesse HB750 through the GA. So why in god’s name would Roeser or Oberweis accept such a raw deal, no matter how much they hate Judy?
BTW, YDD, in regards to your immediately previous post - absolutely hilarious!
BTW, I'm still trying to remember the last Roeser sponsored, top ticket candidate to win an election. What exactly makes him a "heavyweight?"
Dog, it's been a long time since I paid any attention to it, but my recollection is that even after being on the ballot in March, Oberweis could do that with a third party, as Adlai did when faced with LaRouche. Right?
It's down with the GOP, it's up with the CAP (Clowns and Preachers) ticket!
GOP -- I believe the answer is "Peter Fitzgerald".
Steve -- You're correct.
I agree that Oberweis is not the best fit for Meeks' ticket. I think the biggest problem is that Meeks' #1 ally in working to pass education funding reform is Senator Miguel DelValle, who absolutely, positively would not support a ticket with Oberweis on it.
The guy who makes the smartest fit is Bill Brady. Brady supports education funding reform. But, I'll always believe Brady was a shill for Topinka this election, mainly because the Iliinois State Rifle Association (a.k.a. Bill Dugan) endorsed Brady and then Operating Engineers 150 (a.k.a. Bill Dugan) hosted Topinka's election night party. Bill Dugan is a lifelong Topinka supporter, and once again proves he is one of the smartest political operatives out there.
Since Brady formally endorsed Topinka before all of the ballots were even counted, let me throw this name out there: Sen. Rick Winkel.
YDD - I think there may be some confusion here. I got Jack and Tom mixed up while I was reading and commenting (the recently added pics helped clear that up in an instant!). Nonetheless, Fitz's victory (which Jack supported) was a rare exception to Jack's to constant fruitlessness of Jack's endeavors.
That being said, I'm still trying to figure out what else Meeks is willing to offer conservatives like Roeser (either one) and Oberweis so that their support of him doesn't expose them as single (okay, maybe 2-issue) extremists.
ohmigod guys, layoff the Saturday afternoon hootch!!!!
There isn't any concievable way with all the human services groups with a compassion to assiting those that fall into poverty after birth will ever work with the neo-conservative pro-lifers that say humans are on their own after they are born.
What are you all smokin????
I propose that YDD and I share the role of campaign manager for this proposed titanic tag-team. That way we can ensure that it is mired in bitter internal strife and interneine battles from now until well after election day.
And if it somehow does get boring we can bring Baar on board.
Anonymous 3:56 - Don't let me ever hear you say "neo-conservative pro-lifers" in a single breath. Lumping pro-lifers with neocons is like comparing apples and skunk cabbages. Not going to work.
In the words of Meredith Wilson's mayor of River City, please "watch your phraseology."
Oh, I forgot the name of the ticket -- the Milk & Cheese party.
So-Called Austin Mayor -- You ain't the enemy, and it certainly isn't personal.
Besides, Meeks lost all hope of my support the minute he turned his fight for education funding reform into a Holy War.
What's next? Prayer in school? Creationism?
I've never understood why conservatives think that the folks they don't even trust to balance the state's checkbook should be the arbiters of morality.
Conservatives agree with Scalia...Judges aren't any better suited to judge moral issues than anyone else...
They're right, and that's what's great about Roberts and Alito. Keep courts out of this stuff.
When it comes to morality, School Boards should decide.
I heard Rev Meeks on the radio this morning,He said Blago had sent spies but He did not want to bust them until the service ended in hopes they would get the word of God. I really like Meeks.
I haven't seen Alan Keyes lately... I wonder if he is ready for round 2?
Roeser's taking out of both sides of his mouth. From the same website:
"The idea, propounded by the minister-pol, that State Senator James Meeks would be attractive to social conservatives and thus could get votes beyond the African American community as the nominee of an “Honesty and Integrity” third party is ridiculous. Meeks is proposing an income tax hike to cover a $1 billion hike in educational spending and supports further gun-control. These don’t go hand-in-hand with social conservatism, a philosophy that needs a perfect four-pro-life, anti-special favoritism for gays, anti-gun control and no new taxes in order to be effective. But if his candidacy really got going, it would depress Blagojevich’s numbers, that’s for sure…"
Bill -
Are you saying morality should be subject to majority rule? As a person of faith, that's the kind of moral relativism I don't go for.
Society can teach children the difference between lawful and unlawful, civil and uncivil, socially acceptable and socially unacceptable.
But morality, faith and religion should be taught by parents.
nice catch anon 4:04.
I notice opposing public corruption doesn't make the list of Conservative priorities.
I should change the headline to Sharon Stone bombs three times. BI2 is not doing well in the box office.
Oh no, Meeks lost YDD's will he go on????
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