Thursday, March 09, 2006

Anit-Blago Bumper Sticker

It is with some trepidation that I post what’s on this window of a pick-up truck owned by an Operating Engineers Local 150 member. The truck was running in the corner of the Crystal Lake Sam’s Club parking lot across from the gas station early on Sunday afternoon during the snowstorm.

Note the small round sticker saying, “I’m for Judy & Joe,” in large letters with their last names in small letters. And, there is a United States Marine Corps sticker, too.

More on the peaceful little ("probably fewer people than are in this room") rowing regatti in Crystal Lake, plus hot developer- and vendor-financed referendums in Carpentersville's District 300 and Woodstock District 200, on McHenry County Blog.


Anonymous,  9:16 AM  

Please let me know how to get my hands on one of those...thats great.

Anonymous,  10:03 AM  

Quit teasing us and give us the name or place where we can get one.

Anonymous,  11:45 AM  

come on!!! I need one of these! Where can I get it?!

Skeeter 12:34 PM  

Class acts.

Republicans: "We talk about moral behavior so we don't have to engage in it."

Apparently Republicans believe that having foul language on a bumper sticker is perfectly acceptable. I look forward to seeing Republicans explain to their children the humor behind their little sign.

Those same Republicans will ramble on about how Hollywood and its filth are destroying America.

What's that I smell cominmg from Crystal Lake? Is that the foul stench of hypocracy?

Anonymous,  3:15 PM  

"YAWN"...I know your first thought Skeeter is to assume that car belongs to a Republican...heck, most people would given it's proudly displaying a USMC sticker.

Maybe spend less time worrying about Republicans and spend some time coming up with new talking points.


Skeeter 3:33 PM  

Anonymous said...
""YAWN"...I know your first thought Skeeter is to assume that car belongs to a Republican...heck, most people would given it's proudly displaying a USMC sticker.

Maybe spend less time worrying about Republicans and spend some time coming up with new talking points. "

In response:

A lot of Democrats back Judy and Joe?

Let me get this right:
The vehicle has a sticker that includes profanity about a Democrat, and a sticker that supports two Republicans.

Do you really think a Democrat owns that vehicle?

Maybe you are too sleep. Maybe that's why you missed the little tip off.

Further, I actually thought the USMC sticker meant it was a Democrat's car. Since Democrats back providing body armor for our troops, I would assume that a Marine family would support Democrats.

Now back to my point: Republican put a profane joke on the back of a car, and then lecture the rest of us about morality. That's hypocracy, my sleepy friend.

Anonymous,  4:00 PM  

Reread the post, before you start with the DNC talking points.

The blogger wrote: "It is with some trepidation that I post what’s on this window of a pick-up truck owned by an Operating Engineers Local 150 member."

A union member who hates Rod? Sounds about right to me.

BTW Skeeter, tough break on those law schools trying to ban military recruiters, guess the first amendment fits your needs when it's an issue you agree with.

Ok, back to sleep!

Anonymous,  4:38 PM  

It could be an independent who owns the car. Doubtful but for some reason too many commenters here view everything in a Republican/Democrat black/white kind of way.

There are a great deal of us independents/straddlers out here.

Secondly, since it is a pet peeve, the word is hypocrisy. It gets thrown around on the boards so much it deserves to be porperly spelled.

The closest definition of hypocracy (not really a word) would be less than normal/deficient government/rule.

Skeeter 4:39 PM  

Anonymous said...
"Reread the post, before you start with the DNC talking points.

The blogger wrote: "It is with some trepidation that I post what’s on this window of a pick-up truck owned by an Operating Engineers Local 150 member."

A union member who hates Rod? Sounds about right to me.

BTW Skeeter, tough break on those law schools trying to ban military recruiters, guess the first amendment fits your needs when it's an issue you agree with.

Ok, back to sleep!"


I'm sure you hear this often, but I don't have the slighest clue what point, if any, you are trying to make.

Let us return to the issue: Do a lot of Democrats have "Judy and Joe" stickers and stickers bashing our gov?

Do you still think that was a Democrat vehicle?

What is the view of Republicans as to the "filth coming out of Hollywood."

Those were Republicans that I heard condemning an alleged lack of morality. Was that correct?

By the way: The talking points comment was very witty the first time, and it was even more intelligent the second time. You sure can argue!

Anonymous,  4:40 PM  

Thirdly the word is properly.

Anonymous,  6:11 PM  

I'm 100% behind Rod and that silly garbage doesn't bother me.

I have the same type of thing on my truck about Bush.

Anonymous,  7:26 PM  

Skeeter, good to see you've brough you Illinois Leader comments here, they never got old there either.

Yes, Democrats have JBT stickers.

Yes, some republicans are against hollywood.

anything else? do you really need to come here to validate what you think is your self worth? I feel sad for you....but you probably get that all the time too.

Oh, and as for my comments, yeah...we never get tired of hearing you repeat the same garbage over and over.

Anonymous,  11:14 PM  

geez Skeeter, grow a sense of humor. Do democrats have a sense of humor? Is being a democrat and shmooz mutually exclusive???

Anonymous,  1:25 AM  

Democrats are handing them out in Chicago.

Anonymous,  8:29 AM  

Those stickers ae avaialable at the Union hall. And yes Local 150 is very much opposed to this Governor.

As a conservitive who does not bemoan hollywood, and wants all of you to let me raise my kids my way, without all your help and interferance, I find them funny.

I may not care for some of theother ones MoveOn have put out, but everyone gets their day and has a chance to express their feelings. Some times it makes us laugh and other times cringe.

If I can figue out a way to make these available to people, I'll be happy to.

Anonymous,  11:41 AM  

Liberals don't have a sense of let's cut Skeeter some slack.

Skeeter 10:50 AM  

Sure Democrats have a sense of humor. We laugh our asses off at the ILGOP. Those guys crack me up.

Skeeter 11:43 AM  

It is interesting that a labor union would hand out those sticker.

Tobias Wolff in "The Deposition" summed up unions like that pretty well, and my attitude does approach Burke's [the story's main character] at times:

"Burke knew the story -- he'd bet the farm on it. Unions broken, or bought off. Salaries and benefits steadily cut under threat of layoffs that happened anyway as the work went to foreign wage slaves, the owners meanwhile conjuring up jolly visions of the corporate "family" and better days to come before selling out just in time to duck the fines for a century of fouling the river; then the new owners, vultures with M.B.A.s, gliding in to sack the pension fund before declaring bankruptcy. Burke knew the whole story and it disgusted him, especially the workers who'd let the owners screw them like this while patting them on the head, congratulating them for being the backbone of the country, salt of the earth, the true Americans. Jesus! And they still ate it up, and voted like robbers instead of the robbed. Served them right."

To all the union members who vote Republican in the November, 2006: If the Republicans win, don't whine to the Democrats. Take what you have coming to you. Serves you right.

Anonymous,  10:33 PM  

Skeeter -- you just don't get it.

Blago puts tens of thousands of construction workers on the unemployment line by raiding the road fund and using it to pay for new social welfare programs.

We lies tot he AFCME guys at the prisons and uses them as pawns.

screws us by not filling the gaming baord and holdig up major constuction projects.

Has spent all the money, so we don't have mathcing funds for federal road money that REPUBLICANS got our state.

We did just fine under Ryan with Illinois First and Thompson with Build Illinois.

We have seen our pay increase cause we fight for good contracts and organize to keep the market union. We just had an employer tell us that no one desreves a pension like we have and we should cut all our helathcare benies instead of seeking higher rates from employers. Guess that's why were on strike there for 6 months.

We can vote republican, and many will, and we can do just fine. It was a democrat President that gave us NAFTA and GATT if memory serves me right. Under those years of a democrat pres and congress did we get striker replacement? NO. What did we get in the labor movement --a bowl movement and excuses.

We can toss blago and a couple others out on their ass and let them know that when the base talks you had better listen.
This pissing down our pant legs and tellingus it's raining ain't gonna cut it.

So if it is Topinka, watch as rank and file union workers, those regan-dems vote republican and refuse to give Emil another seat. Maybe even take one out just to prove a point.

I'll sit back and laugh. Maybe a few of us labor guys, you know the guys not good enough to work on the Governor's house, will help him clean out his office.

anyone need a bumper sticker?

Skeeter 6:22 AM  

When JBT wins and destroys all the protections that unions have, make sure you take credit for it with the membership.
You should have a meeting with your brothers in Georgia and South Carolina and Alabama and Texas, where your Republicans rule.
No, you can't have meeting with your brothers there. It seems your new Republicans friends have pretty muched wiped out the unions. Plus, that will be pretty far to travel when you are working for $7 per hour.
Luckily, Illinois is still a strong union state, and will remain one if it we can keep it out the hands of your friends.

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