Thursday, January 04, 2007

Wacky Warning Labels Winners Announced

Our friends at the Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch (M-LAW) released their annual list of Wacky Warning Labels this morning. Now a tradition spanning ten years, the wacky warnings (or at least 101 of the best) are headed into a book: "Remove Child Before Folding, The 101 Stupidest, Silliest and Wackiest Warning Labels Ever" by M-LAW founder Bob Dorigo Jones.

This year's winner?

A warning label on a washing machine at a laundromat that warns, "Do not put any person in this washer."

A deserved mention goes to the third place winner, who failed to win the lottery, but received a $100 prize for the wacky warning on the Super Lotto Ticket: "Do Not Iron."

Good advice, but maybe not quite as good as the winner of the eigth annual awards: the flushable toilet brush label that reads "Don't use for personal heigene."

Check out all of M-LAW's winning label's at And don't forget the new book, which would obviously be a great Groundhog's Day gift.

Cross-posted by Al Adomite at Illinois Justice Blog.



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