What's in a Name?
The Sun-Times reports that Governor Blagojevich signed a bill “requiring candidates who have changed their names within three years before running to have a ‘formerly known as’ under their name [on the ballot].”
It seems that a number of candidates for judicial offices in Cook County have changed their name to sound Irish, because, “candidates with Irish names…tend to sweep judicial elections.” Well now, thanks to a bill signed by the Governor and sponsored by fellow Illinoize blogger State Rep. John Fritchey, only truly Irish candidates get the benefit of such ridiculously thoughtless voting habits.
Seriously, isn’t the fact that voters are selecting judges based on ethnicity to begin with a much more disconcerting issue? Granted, I’m not sure much can be done about that. In a democracy, people are certainly free to base their vote on whatever superficial criteria they want. But how far should the state go to help them do so? Should we start including the race or religious affiliation of a candidate after their name on the ballot, in case someone wants to base their vote on that?
Fáilte chuig suíomh gréasáin Seirbhís Chúirteanna na hÉireann.
Táimid i mbun ár suíomh iomláin a chur ar fáil trí Ghaeilge. Táimid tar éis éagsúlacht d'ábhair a chur ar fáil mar chéim thosaigh sa threo sin agus tá sé mar chuspóir againn a thuilleadh a chur leis thar na míonna seo chugainn.
Léiríonn na naisc thuas an réimse ábhair atá ar fáil faoi láthair. Cuirfimid fáilte roimh bhúr dtráchtanna agus bhúr moltaí chun cabhrú linn chun ár suíomh a fhorbairt go ginearálta.
Now, if candidate Master Increase Oglethorge -Titwillow, BA,MBA,JD ( University of Chicago) can translate the above, fair deuce to ya; its the business, lad!'just the ticket' That'll Blaggard the c#$%$s atogether.
I wish the Pols would go over a take a look at Irland's economic success besides just changing their names.
I bet Illinois could learn some lessons.
You know me better than that :) My goal was to dissuade those individuals who would prey on the multitude of voters who elect judges based on the sound of the candidate name rather than on the qualifications of the candidate. (whether or not judges should even be elected is another fertile ground for discussion.)
I am not trying to keep anybody off the ballot, the law requires that if the name was changed within a couple of years prior to the election, that the previous name also be indicated on the ballot.
I am just trying to reduce the number of games in an already game-laden system.
Whale Oil B!
Representative Fritchey,
Respectfully, I just don’t see the virtue in helping ensure that when a voter decides to cast their ballot based on a candidate's(perceived) ethnicity, they are really getting what they expect.
All you are doing is aiding and abetting the ignorance of these voters by effectively legitimizing (and protecting the purity of) their superficial, ethnic-based evaluation of candidates.
So this law would forbid Obama from dropping his middle name on the ballot?
If someone is really that concerned about voting for authentic Irish, can't they just email Hickey?
Or if they're worried about voting for a secret Muslim, email that lady who started the whole middle name nonsense?
This article is coming from a partisan (GOP) who supports a party that has based its total support of GOP fear mongering of Muslims.
With some GOP disgusting bigot such as Rep Virgil Goode (R-VA) warned his constituents: "I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States" if we do not adopt "strict immigration policies."
This law is practical, I recall people changing their name(s) to "No Tax Larry." "No Abortion Stan."
...total support of GOP fear mongering of Muslims.
President Bush is photographed welcoming the head of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq and Obama hands out a plan today to withdraw support from Iraqi allies in 14 months time and were supposed to believe the GOP is fear mongering Muslims?
That's a stretch....show me some pictures of Obama expressing unwavering support for Muslims fighting a fierce battle. (Hakim lost six bothers.)
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