Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lisa Madigan Softens Her Abortion Image

Attorney General Lisa Madigan had the hardest of images among pro-lifers when she first ran for statewide office in 2002.

The rumor was that she would try to shut down crisis pregnancy centers.

Not only didn’t she take any such step, which would have completely outraged the pro-life community, but now she has taken action that will please pro-lifers.

Lisa Madigan has agreed to do her job to enforce the soft parental notice law that was passed in the mid-1990’s. (Here's how an underage pregnant girl could avoid the law.)

Politics certainly makes strange bedfellows, as the cliché goes.

More takes like this on McHenry County Blog, where the fight against the McHenry County Republican Cat Tax continues, even if the Democrats are willing to join the effort and you can find something Governor Rod Blagojevich could put on his pro-life resume, if you look closely at Sunday's postings.


Well, maybe not completely seriously.


pathickey 10:04 AM  

Good on you Lisa!

Anonymous,  2:56 PM  

Smart political move

Anonymous,  5:02 PM  

She was my State Senaor before the Atorney General run... i liked her then (especially being on the board for Inspiration Cafe), and have seen her grow into her AG well, taking some strong but good stances.

This enforcement of the abortion law is very good in my opinion, and building up credibility in that she is a fair leader.

The cloud of Michael Madigan never crossed my mind, and this is one of many steps showing she is her own person.

i definitely would be interested if she was going for the governor's office in 2010.

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