Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cindy Sheehan shouts down Emanuel: "de-escalate, investigate, troops home now,"

This is why I've said Democrats will implode come 2008.

Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., cut the press conference short when protests drowned out his voice through a dozen microphones set up to record his comments. Emanuel said Democrats would go back to the caucus room and return later.
Start the investigation with how Bremer could have appointed Ahim Alsammarae Minister for Electricity. A guy active in the movement to remove sanctions on Saddam pre-War. We need Alsammarae back in Chicago talking to Fitzgerald.

Update: PJ Media has the video.


Anonymous,  6:32 PM  

Baar, this is your most ridiculous post yet. Cindy Sheehan is not a carbon copy of the vast majority that turned out for the Democrats in November. Sheehan is one individual, bouyed by her news-program poularity, attempting to impose views she holds dearly on a new Congress. She is couragous and dedicated but her influence is less than that of 25 voters in say Melissa Beans district.
So get off your High Horse and start doing something positive for your country, even your party, rather than posting haibrained summaries of use-less stories intended to knock elected officials on the basis of their party affiliation rather than on substance.
In the name of the late Pres. Gerald Ford and in honor of the New Year, Mr. Baar, end your polarizing postings and work on fostering a true discussion of the issues this year.

Anonymous,  11:05 PM  

THANK YOU. Why is it that Bill constantly needs to be held in check to post anything constructive?

Anonymous,  12:09 AM  

The Democrats created the Sheehan media phenomenon and now they have to deal with it. She served a purpose for awhile, and now Sheehan is getting in the way of their agenda.

Bill Baar 6:07 AM  

Politics is about polarlization. It's stating the case and letting one side win, or split the difference, or ignoring the issue. Either way you need poles.

One of my problems with Ford was the Nixon pardon. That was an example of ignoring. Read Sowell on the Alternatives to seriousness.

Sheehan's right on investigations.

Some of the first subpeonas should go to Paul Bremer, Adnam Pachachi, Ahim Alsammarae, and Tony Rezko. Bremer relied on Sunni Arabs for advice and it sure looks like a strong Chicago connection. Why Bremer picked Alsammara is inexlplicable because of his ADC work pre-War to remove sanctions on Saddam.

Sheehan's got it right. People need to start talking.

crash-dev 11:06 AM  

Explain to me why any Iraqi would be in favor of sanctions against Iraq? So that basically means we are left picking non-Iraqi's....

Anonymous,  11:17 AM  

The Emanuel/Lieberman faction of the Democratic Party doesn't represent the feelings of most Democratic voters. A majority of the public is opposed to the Iraq war yet some Democratic leaders still straddle the fence.

The Democratic Party will only implode if the nominee is a pro-war Democrat. It will be a repeat of the '68 Humphrey disaster.

Bill Baar 12:19 PM  

Explain to me why any Iraqi would be in favor of sanctions against Iraq?

Same way Mandela supported sanctions against South Africa.

This is an example where a Cindy Sheehan is helpful. This Alsammarrae episode's convinced me there is some bipartisan concern to put a lid on investigations. Both parties are going to want him to go away.

crash-dev 12:58 PM  

Mandela was a different class of citizen than white south africans, and the sanctions did help his movement. He does not support "comprehensive sanctions" against a rogue state (link). I don't really know the history of smart sanctions and Iraqi policy, but would love to read some summaries if you guys have any.

I am willing to bet that most Palestinians would support sanctions against Israel.

The only pro-democracy movement I have really looked at in moderate detail is Iran's. I have key players there speak against sanctions. I'd also be willing to bet that these players would hold key positions in a democratic Iranian society.

Bill Baar 1:23 PM  

What's important is Alsammarae's story.

Right now I think there are many who would prefer we not hear him.

Anonymous,  9:31 AM  

If they break their promises and don't get the troops home. They will emplode. That is do what the GOP did.

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