Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Update on another campus radical: Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground

Crossposted on Marathon Pundit.

FrontPage Magazine is off to a great start in 2006. Bill Ayers, former Weather Underground terrorist, is an education professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Donna Ron recounts a creepy run-in with Ayers, who, as Ron writes, is an unrepentant terrorist.

Ayers wife, Bernadine Dohrn , also is a former Weather Underground member, she is a professor too: at Northwestern University, you'll find her in the law school.

Left wing, crazy professors: They're everywhere.


fedup dem 8:58 AM  

You say you'll find them everywhere? My guess is that these days you can find them at the local drug store, stocking up on Centrum Silver, Ben Gay, Geritol, etc.

They are probably rather tired this morning, having stayed up to watch the entire Orange Bowl game (not that they are big fans of Penn State or Florida State, but at the age these radicals are now, they are more likely to draw inspiration from watching an active 79-year-old Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno prowl one sideline, and 76-year-old Florida State Head Coach Bobby Bowden roam the other sideline until the game ended at 1 am local time.

Anonymous,  10:02 AM  

So I wonder if the libel suit against Ms. Ron should be filed in the US or Israel. Either way, we can find out what the truth is. And can links in blogs, spreading the potentially libelous statements without questioning their veracity, implicate the blog editors party to the libel? Best of luck to you all.

Anonymous,  10:03 AM  

The vast majority of gang members earn not much more than minimum wage, but the more entrepreneurial ones can make 6 figures a year.

Also, John, do you have any evidence that these professors aren't qualified for their positions. It's fine to be a radical as long as they've been publishing good work.

Anonymous,  10:59 AM  

Right wing, crazy bloggers: they're right here.

Anonymous,  11:39 AM  

I actually had a biology professor say on the first day that he wouldn't be teaching creation science! Activist, leftist professors! I had to learn about evolution darnit.

Bill Baar 12:47 PM  

I remember the old SDS Weatherman song about Richard Elrod, the City Attorny who tackled Weathermen Brian Sullican during the days-of-rage leaving Elrod badly injured.

It was sung to the tune of Lay-Lady-Lay and went,

Lay Elrod Lay,
Lay in Iron Lung,

Stay Elrod stay,
Stay in your bed a while,

and then went into some refrain about the People's Army being a push over or something.

Pretty ugley song sung by some ugley people.

They late 60's early 70's were lousy times and left a lot of people screwed up.

That Ayers and Dorhen managed to land so comfortably leaves a bitter taste.

Anonymous,  3:10 PM  

Don't act stupid - because you obviously aren't.

A handful of rich drug dealers in a ghetto does not constitute a historical rise out of poverty.

And prattling off a couple of street gang names doesn't make you a sociologist. Latin Kings. Gaylords. Two-Six. I can do it too.

Some here try to make everything so cut and dried. Some gangbangers are rich and drive Benzes, ergo, poverty does not breed crime. It is no excuse, to be sure. The guilty must atone for their actions (though it helps if you're guilty and have the dough for a good lawyer), but to deny that historically impoverished groups are more likely to be both victims and perpetrators of crimes is ignoring the obvious.

On topic.

Once again...manufactured outrage from the MP. I agree that the Weather Underground types were mostly kids of privilege who got out of trouble because of it (just like the George Bushes of their day - it works both ways). But their relevence is all but gone. They teach college? Big deal. When I was in college, if there was a professor I disliked or disagreed with - I didn't take their class. Not tough.

Anonymous,  3:13 PM  

Forgive me for using "stupid" in my post. I wasn't calling anyone stupid, but nevertheless, it has no place in the debate.

Stubborn, is perhaps what I was looking for.

Mea Culpa.

Marathon Pundit 10:02 PM  

BL: Scroll up a few posts for more on Professor Dohrn. Neither she nor Ayers should've been hired. As I told a "devil's advocate" poster on my blog, I find it hard to believe in Dohrn's case (or Ayers) that NU or UIC couldn't find someone equally qualified (and w/o spending time on the FBI's most wanted list) to sit in those professors chairs.

Marathon Pundit 10:03 PM  

No problem Pat on the Rubes. Those other Ruberry's are likely Ed Ruberry's clan, distant relations of mine.

Bill Baar 7:31 AM  

This looks like a case of crime spawning wealth.

I wonder how much Ayers makes off these books.

Bad guys do win. Good luck explaining that one to the kids Pat.

Anonymous,  3:56 PM  

John Stroger had an act of goodness? This is the guy that won't allow county workers to empty garbage cans near Larry Suferdin's house.

Are you sure this is the Cook County Board president?

Anonymous,  6:51 PM  

Ayers is exactly as he has been described. They should have thrown his lame, idiotic, terrorist self in Marion after it was built to sit and write nonsensical, terrorist stuff in solitary. Good God. I am liberal (born 1972) but my father saw to it that I learned history from the beginning. These people are criminals. Nothing more, nothing less. There are a lot better ways they could have protested the Vietnam war then planning and setting off bombs.

Under NO circumstances should these people be teaching at a public institution (like Ayers) or at one that receives any taxpayer supported research grants.

Ayers ought to think about this: were he black, he would be in prison as we speak.

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