IL's current national embarrassment: Dick Durbin
Note: Great to see Rich roaming the Capitol halls this week in Springfield. . . when I crawled out of blogger pj's long enough to visit with lawmakers. Thanks again for this venue, Rich.Is anyone else embarrassed as to Illinois' own formerly pro-life U.S. Senator Dick Durbin's incessant drilling of Judge Samuel Alito over the topic of abortion? The venom exuding from Durbin is, well, disturbing.
It is also ridiculous. A vast majority of women polled earlier this week said that Judge Alito should not be disqualified from serving on the U.S. Supreme Court if he is pro-life. Durbin, Feinstein, Kennedy and Schumer apparently have failed to derail the Alito's Supreme Ct confirmation over the issue of abortion.
The Susan B. Anthony List had a Public Opinion Strategies do a poll on a sample of 800 likely voters this week.
Cross-posted at
Sen Corbin said it best.
Durbin has been surprisingly partisan since the 2004 election. The national democratic organization seems to have a strategy that allows potential 2008 presidential candidates to position themselves as centrist or a little farther left (like on Iraq), while using Durbin, Dean and others to fire-up the and other extremely anti-conservative groups.
Durbin seems to have replaced Daschle in that role. He must feel very secure in his seat.
Well the names you had follow Durbins tells the story.The idiot bunch on the Dems side.Kennedy needs to go back to West Palm Beach and walk around drunk in his underwear like he did years ago.It would do our nation more good.It's a shame that went on because there was no reason why.The bill for that 3 days needs sent to the Democrat party.One other thing I always voted for Durbin no more.
And there it is in italics....all about Fran.
You must mean admitted abortionist and illegal sterilizer of women Sen. Tom Coburn, Bill.
As for Durbin, he merely did what members of the Judiciary Committee are supposed to do: ask probing questions of a candidate for a LIFETIME appointment to the highest court in the land. If I'm making sense of anonymous 1:29's statement, it's not the Democrats who should be paying back the nation, but the syncophant Republicans who lobbed softball after softball at Alito, revealing nothing but pat soundbytes and non-answers that GOP Sen. Lindsay Graham no doubt helped cook up when he was unethically assisting the White House prep Alito for the hearings.
(Also, 1:29, take note: it's the DemocratIC Party. To refer to it by the wrong name only makes you look like a moron.)
insider: the Dems didn't ask questions. They made LONG speeches.
That's whay they're taking a stand as the Party of the duped.
They don't do their job of asking questions. They ask nothing, don't listen, and then say they we're lied too; but it's really they are in worlds all their own.
Read Cohen's column on Biden and his mouth. This confirmation hearing dashed any hopes Biden had for running for Prez.
Yes, after all that bad press make my day filibuster Alito.
Durbin continues to be an embarrassment but that’s how you became a V.P. Candidate in the Democrat party.
Yeah, legal blowharding is always more embarassing than illegal influence peddling and money laundering...
Yes, I agree I think we should keep the gambling money out of politics it just seems to grease the skids in both parties. Whether it's Indian Gaming or the Governors buddies who want to sell Kino machines to the state. Gambling is corrosive to good government of course the only real way to keep the gambling money out of the politicians hands is not to have gambling in this state.
It was good to see you too, Fran.
You and Jill always spark the most intense debates here, which I happen to think is a good thing for all sides. The blog world is too bifurcated these days, and this is one of the few places that people from all sides can bang heads on a regular basis. I find it entertaining and extremely vital.
Keep it up.
1:29 Anon you sound about as bright as the lunatic non- christian right. why don't you go down to sugarland, tx where tom delay is from and go into the exterminating business? thats about all you are qualified for.
when is the Republic party going to elect moderates again?
Anything said by our Senator pictured above should be disregarded entirely because he is not genuinely trying to find out Judge Alito's views on anything. He is grandstanding for his liberal special interest group constituents prior to casting a predetermined "no" vote
Fron Styn in the Sunday Sun Times,
Even smear tactics require a certain plausibility. When you damn someone as a big scary mega-troubling racist misogynist homophobe and he seems to any rational observer perfectly non-scary and non-troubling, eventually you make yourself ridiculous. The boy who cried "Wolf!" at least took the precaution of doing so when there was no alleged predator in view. If he'd stood there crying "Wolf!" while pointing at a hamster, he'd have been led away for counseling. That's the stage the Senate Democrats are at.
More "troubling" for the party, the whole scarified routine is over something of ever more doubtful political value. Throughout last week's hearings, the Democrats had five key concerns: abortion, warrantless wiretaps, abortion, abortion and abortion. Neither abortion absolutism nor constitutional protection for terrorists resonates with the broader public -- and, indeed, going on cable TV round the clock for a week to flaunt such peculiar fixations only makes them look ever more disconnected from reality. When Ted Kennedy & Co. were demanding that the ancient records of the Concerned Alumni of Princeton be subpoenaed, I received a fluttering of e-mails comparing the Dems to Sen. McCarthy. But Red-baiting, unlike partial-birth abortion, had the advantage of public support.
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