Saturday, September 20, 2008

Greenberg Campaign Suggests Melissa Bean Contributor List Might Be Predictive of Future Companies Having Problems

Here's an interesting snarky email from 8th District GOP congressional candidate Steve Greenberg:

As you know, the Fed bailed out AIG to help them avoid bankruptcy.

A close inspection of AIG contributions shows the following contributions to Melissa Bean:
2008: $4,750 (through June 30)
Add to that the contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:

Lifetime: $41,249

In the list of top recipients since 1989, that puts Bean at 27th already, despite the fact that many of the names ahead of her have been in office for much longer or hold leadership positions.
If investors are wondering which companies are next to go under, maybe they should just go down the line of Melissa Bean’s contributors…

Published first on McHenry County Blog.


Illinois GOP Network 2:06 AM  

Great post Cal. People up you way really need to get behind Greenberg. It took Melissa Bean what.....two terms to become the special interest shill that she accused Phil Crain of being?

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