Sunday, November 05, 2006

GOP Push for Scheurer

I finally got my hands on two mailings made by the Illinois Republican Party that must be the ones driving the Melissa Bean supporters nuts.

I have no idea which one came first, but I thought you might find them of interest.

Oh, yes, before I start, let me tell you that Bill Clinton has been calling Democrats in the 8th congressional district urging them to vote for Bean. President George Bush is calling those who have voted in Republican primaries urging a David McSweeney vote. Not being in the 8th district, I only got a call from Laura Bush asking me to vote for Judy Baar Topinka.

The first 8th district mailing has a picture of Congresswoman Bean waving. These words are written in a circle:

At the bottom right above the address section is
If you believe in ANYTHING…she’s not the candidate for you.
The other side of the large post card has a traffic sign at the bottom pointing both ways.

On the left is an attractive is a photograph of Bill Scheurer. Here’s the text:

Bill Scheurer
If you want to pull out of Iraq…he’s your man.

Bill Scheurer wants to end the War in Iraq immediately…

Scheurer wants to pull out our troops as soon as possible…And he wants to “restore Constitutional liberties.
The positions are footnoted from his web site, as of 9/13/06, but the end quote mark is missing.

On the right is a photo of David McSweeney at a desk. Here are the words underneath:

David McSweeney…Let’s finish the mission and bring our troops home safely.

David McSweeney believes that we should support our troops 100%…And provide the best equipment availability for our military.

McSweeney wants to help the Iraqi government stabilize
and take control.
At the bottom under the sign pointing left and right, it says,
E LE C T David McSweeney as Our Congressman.
The second piece is more complex.

The first three panels are about aviation safety.

"Plane. Wrong."

That's what the first page says. A jet is between the two words, which are positioned above its wings.

The same photo of Bean waving is used on the second page. It is obviously doctored to make her look fuzzy.

"If you believe in ANYTHING...she's not the candidate for you," is the headline on the second page.

Page 3 talks abouit how "Bean voted to cut funding for aviation security."

Opening up the second panel (third page) and a smiling Bill Scheurer is looking at you with the headline:
Bill Scheurer…
If you want to withdraw from Iraq immediately…he’s your man.
Immediately below is a repeat of the message above:
Bill Scheurer wants to end the War in Iraq immediately…Scheurer wants to pull out our troops as soon as possible…And he wants to “restore Constitutional liberties.”
McSweeney appears below, also with the same message:

David McSweeney…Let’s finish the mission and bring our troops home safely.

David McSweeney believes that we should support our troops 100%…And provide the best equipment availability for our military.

McSweeney wants to help the Iraqi government stabilize
and take control.
And, you can catch up on what Scheurer is doing today, plus what Democrats are doing to win county board seats at McHenry County Blog.


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