Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cegelis's Kevin Spidel says corruption is rampant - Post II

Today's Trib has a letter from Jim Nowlan with more on our own local culture of corruption. A good introduction for Spidel,

Unfortunately corruption is still deeply rooted in the culture of Chicago and Illinois, as the Tribune notes. For example, in my courses in American politics at the University of Illinois in Urbana, I conduct a classroom survey, as follows: "Your older brother has been charged with a serious DUI, which would cost him his driver’s license. He absolutely needs a car for his new job; his young wife is home pregnant with their first child. Brother’s lawyer has insider connections and confides he can get the DUI charge dismissed—but it will cost an extra $1,000. Should brother pay the money, or turn down the proposal?"

Consistently two out of three (in one class it was 21 out of 24!) said they would advise their brother to "go for it."

Keep in mind that these students are seniors in political science, and nearly all of them plan to go to law school.

Reformers in Illinois versus the political culture are like cork guns against Abrams tanks.

Our eleemosynary foundations should direct funds to imbuing ethics early and to working on cultural change.
Not only is it rampant but too many of us think you're a dope if you don't go for it.

Thinking a National Office relieves a politician of any responsiblity for the ethical mess back home is no way to campaign. So I hope Spidel urges Cegelis to join Nowlin's cultural-change and speak out on the corruption in Illinois too.


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