Thursday, May 04, 2006

LaHood promises to be a little less corrupt than before

The House of representatives passed by just four votes a better-than-nothing ethics reform bill yesterday. From what I can tell from this Copley News Service article, the major reforms in this piece of legislation seem to be requirements for more reporting by lobbyists and a few more controls over privately funded travel, as well greater disclosure of "earmarks" (read: "pork barrel spending"). There is also a provision that might keep Congressmen from collecting pensions once they get convicted of crimes, forcing them to live on what they have saved in shoeboxes under their beds or in safety deposit boxes under fake names.

But U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood (R-Peoria) just loves it:

"I believe it offers very tough reforms with tough penalties for violations. I also believe it will give evidence to the American people that Congress can make significant reforms for members of Congress," LaHood e-mailed a reporter after Wednesday's vote.

In January, LaHood halted the practice of using lobbyists to sponsor fundraisers for him. He also secured earmarks for some of the clients of those lobbyists. LaHood denied there was any quid pro quo.

My two cents: What is troubling is that LaHood needed a series of major public scandals involving prominent Republicans to convince him to make this move. Having lobbyists stage fund raising events on your behalf seems self-evidently corrupt. But LaHood's position seems to be that while there's nothing wrong with it, he'll stop doing it do it to avoid the appearance of impropriety, and to give compliant local media an excuse to wax eloquently on what an honest guy he is.

I'm not impressed. It's sorta like a mobster saying he isn't a crook because he's stopped inviting his bookie over to his house for poker on Saturday night.

Cross posted on Peoria Pundit.


Anonymous,  5:01 PM  

quite naturally... the same absolute crap from Bill Dennis. Why do I have to criticize you every time you write one of your propagandized writings? All you do is crap on Lahood who has done a great job for his district. This is just one more example of you having nothing on him. Why don't you and Halstead get together and have a big, liberal, idealess dumpfest?

Anonymous,  9:33 PM  

I beg your pardon. I am a libertarian. It is Cong. LaHood who operated sans ideals, ather than an absolute conviction he needs to get re-elected.

i like to post on Illinoiz my comments about LaHood because, well, I want share with the less fortunate.

Anonymous,  8:32 AM  

Get a life Bill.

Anonymous,  6:06 AM  

Bill, you are so misguided. Get to Washington a time or two. You'll see that Ray is the most respected by not just his fellow members, but also by staff, media, and everyone else in our nation's capitol. For you to question his integrity is outragous.

Anonymous,  10:23 AM  

LaHood should be respected in Washington. That's where he has worked and lived for over 30 years, including his time as Congressional staff. They've seen him a lot more than people in the district.

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