Monday, May 15, 2006

Missouri-the Annoy Me state

Illinois residents, especially those in the St. Louis Metro East, and many of our state and national legislators were shown the door, given the boot, and otherwise treated with disdain by neighboring Missouri officials on Friday.

Illinois lawmakers are disappointed and probably irritated beyond measure after learning the Missouri state legislature passed a bill authorizing the long needed, and much hoped for, new bridge over the Mississippi River to be paid for by tolls. This toll money will be paid by Illinois residents, for the most part, and will go into Missouri's coffers.

The federal government's transportation committee has set aside $270 million, Illinois set aside $210 million and Missouri, a state which was supposed to be partnering in this whole deal, well...they decided not to set money aside, but to have a toll on their side of the new bridge. Illinois lawmakers were really grousing on Saturday and rightly so. Much time and political arm twisting and favor calling-ins and pleading has been done by many Illinois state and federal officials. To no avail.

"It's like they asked us to dinner, ordered for everyone at the table, then stuck us with the check," said state Rep. Tom Holbrook, D-Belleville. "I can't tell you how disappointed I am."

U.S. Rep. John Shimkus, a Collinsville Republican, called Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt and urged him to help fund the bridge, Shimkus said.

"I am extremely disappointed," Shimkus said. "I called him to ask for a good faith effort. I asked him just to do something."

"It's time that Missouri steps up to the plate and makes some financial commitment to pay for this bridge that will contribute to their economic viability, as well as ours," said state Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Collinsville.

Missouri agreed to do their part when this project was first discussed. If there is to be a toll on the new bridge, which no one in Illinois wants, it should be on the Illinois side, the side which has done their part.


Skeeter 8:58 AM  

Like I've always said -- Never trust red-stater!.

JBP 10:10 AM  

So pay your own way for using the bridge. Why should a resident of Kansas City or Rockford pay for you to travel across the river? If you want to use it, pay for it.


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