Burt "Bobblehead" Natarus said WHAT?!?
Elected officials say dumb things from time-to-time. Occasionally, they say something so embarrassing it makes the news, but most of those usually fade after a time. Chicago Alderman Burt Natarus made a comment so embarrassing and sexist recently that it isn't likely to go away ever.
According to Sun-Times columnist Carol Marin, Burt Natarus called her a "pussy". That's right, a "pussy."
Now, to Burt's credit, he didn't come out and say "Carol, you're a pussy." But it's pretty clear from the transcripts that's precisely what he meant.
Wow. That was my first reaction. Followed by "Wowsy-wow-wow."
There are some things an elected official should never say, and some words an elected official should never use, and Natarus managed to grumble both into a soundbite directed at a political reporter for a newspaper with a circulation of hundreds of thousands.
This of course isn't the first offensive remark Natarus has made regarding women. Just six months ago, Sun-Time columnist Fran Speilman reported that Naturus thought women shouldn't be handling traffic control duties downtown, because they didn't command enough authority due to their smaller size.(former Ald. Vilma Colon takes a poke at "Bobblehead Burt". She's not the only woman who feels that way.)
In an effort to outdo himself on the Stupidmeter, the column also notes Natarus's continued defense of "business as usual," which Natarus apparently plans to continue to operate as usual, despite having federal agents snooping around. Here's what Natarus said:
"If we're gonna operate out of fear, we might as well close up shop. I am not afraid, and I will never operate out of fear."
Did you hear that Patrick Fitzgerald? Business-as-usual is still open for business over at Natarus, Inc. Maybe Fitgerald can start with the $170,000 in "loans" from convicted insider Micky Segal and work his way backward. Or forward, since Bobblehead Burt is apparently still open for business.
Meanwhile, Natarus's likely opponent in the 42nd Ward, Brendan Reilly, has launched a new website at www.ReillyforChicago.com, and Brendan Reilly is holding a fundraiser next week. The 34 year-old Vice-President of AT&T, former Illinois legislative staffer and former Paul Vallas press secretary is expected to make this aldermanic race the one to watch next February.
Alderman Natarus will win easily.
He makes some entertaining comments, but ultimately he does a great job for the 42nd.
Things get done and he is pretty good at moderating development. He keeps builings going up (with the associated jobs) but at the same time, he has limited some of the developments.
As a 42nd Ward resident, I'm happy with him.
Skeeter, the only thing Natarus has gotten done in the past twelve months is play both sides of the smoking debate, stonewalling the smoking ban and then sending a letter to his constituents claiming victory when the ban actually passed.
The only time he's checked development is when the developers have failed to deposit a check in his banking account. Go visit the State Board of Elections website and see how many LLC's have deposited $1500 in his campaign right before a Zoning Committee Meeting. Show me one developer who's given money to Natarus and hasn't seen their developer approved.
Natarus barely won four years ago against a guy who raised less than $75,000. Reilly raised over $50,000 in his first month as a candidate. You can keep telling Natarus he's got no worries. He's got big worries.
Bernie Stone was part of this pussy parade. I hope there are plenty of tough aldermatic races next year. These old timers will drop quicker than Stroger if the heat turns on.
I meant, seen their "development" approved, not "developer."
And Skeeter, there's really nothing entertaining about calling women names, especially slang references for genitalia. If you don't believe me, ask your wife, your sister, your daughter, or better yet, your mother.
And Merlin, you shouldn't wish health problems on anybody. It's completely inappropriate. It's Natarus' entrenchment, not his age, that disqualifies him.
Skeeter you are on crack defending Natarus.
The statement is only meant for affect. I really don't wish them ill health just retirement.
Alderman Natarus can be beat, his 95 and 2003 numbers are not good.
He is a terrible alderman
I live in the 42nd.
I know what projects were proposed, because they are circulated. I know that he helped limit the building at Ontario and Lake Shore Drive. That was a long ugly negotiation involving heavy input form SOAR (and if you can't identify SOAR, you have no business talking about the 42nd). I know that he has played a role in limiting the size of other developments in the 42nd. The 42nd contains valuable vacant or underdeveloped land. Do we really think it is going to remain vacant?
As somebody who lives here, I can tell you that the compromises made were sound and were in the interests of the residents.
With regard to the smoking ban: What do you expect him to do? The 42nd has a lot of bars that might lose business. I personally despise smoking, but I can't blame the alderman for riding the fence.
With regard to the comments: Of course they were offensive. However, I love how the Republicans [not referring to you YDD, of course] get so upset about "political correct" until a Democrat says something done. Then it is a moral outrage. I have no problems splitting "He made bad comments" from "He's done a good job for the 42nd."
Finally, I love the anonymous comments calling him a terrible alderman. Does does some nameless nitwit know? I live in the 42nd. I how how the the 42nd is run far better than some downstate Republican posing as somebody with knowledge of Streeterville (that is an area of the 42nd, my nameless frien).
Wow, he lives in the 42nd, that makes him an expert...and then he follows it up with an attack on the anonymous posts...another Skeeter classic...can't wait to see what else he pulls out of his playbook!
Natarus has always been a bufoon.
Skeeter -- How do you credit the Natarus for limiting development when he's the cheerleader for building the world's tallest building in Streeterville?
Gimme a break.
And if you despise smoking so much, and you bothered to look at the facts and listen to the debate, you know that there's not one shred of evidence that the smoking ban is bad for bar business. Do you think they've stopped drinking in California and New York?
So yes, the bar owners were worried, but their fears were irrational, and we don't pay our elected officials $85,000 a year over 30 years to ride the fence.
Meanwhile, Natarus has no problem articulating a position on foie gras, driving with cel phones, and diapers on horses.
With regard to the "world's tallest builing":
What was the original proposal for that location?
What is the current plan?
It is an empty lot with some of the last remaining unobstructed lake views. Did you expect they were going to put a surface parking lot there?
How about the project at Ontario and Lake Shore? What was the original plan? What is currently being built?
Speaking as someone who actually lives in the 42nd, although I would prefer that we have rows of small houses, I realize that is impossible. High rises are going to come in. If they are coming, we should at least get some limitations, and moreover, let's get some quality. The new buildings going up in the area roughly bounded by Ontario, LSD, the river, and Michigan all are architectually interesting and all of them were the product of negotiations and limitations over size.
With regard to the smoking ban: Welcome to life in a democracy. They are a large number of bars and restaurants that thought it might be bad for business. They pay taxes. They employ people. Sometimes, in a democracy, you need to listen to the people, like our alderman did with constructiona and with the smoking ban.
Cell phones? It matters in the 42nd. Diapers on horse? That matters. Street noise from the kids banging buckets? That matters to us. Religious symbols on condo doors matter. The crackdown on motorcycles matters.
Alderman Natarus has done a great job for those who actually live in the 42nd.
We should all know by now that Skeeter excuses anything Democrats do, not sure why we are surprised by his comments.
If Natarus was a republican, he's be singing a different tune.
Glad to see City Hall talking the tough issues like smoking and what we can eat in restaurants, that's' real leadership, never mind the blind eye they turn to corruptions and scandal.
Youre party is doing a great job Skeeter, thank you my non-real name friend.
Anonymous said...
We should all know by now that Skeeter excuses anything Democrats do, not sure why we are surprised by his comments.
If Natarus was a republican, he's be singing a different tune.
9:46 AM
Actually, the opponent is A DEMOCRAT. If it was a matter of simply favoring Democrats, I have my choice.
No wonder you don't sign a name. First you show that you know nothing about the 42nd. They you show that you are not even capable of checking out the link on the post. Read it. He's a Madigan guy.
He Skeet...who cares about the other guy, you totally missed the piont, as usual.
Tell you what tough guy, I'll give my real name when you give yours, otherwise, we're all anonymous, so get off it, you're a freaking broken record.
And hey, let's get together and see what other rights Burt can take away from us, being a socialist, I'm sure you got a long list my friend.
Melissa Bean said...
What area makes up the 42nd ward, it'll help give those of us in the suburbs an idea of what you all are talking about.
3:23 PM
Actually, that is my point.
If you don't live in the 42nd, what difference does it make?
If you can't identify SOAR, then how can you possibly comment on whether or not Alderman Natarus has done a good job or a poor job for the 42nd?
We are talking about an Alderman who has day to day responsibility for 1/50 of the City of Chicago.
If you don't live in that 1/50, or even in Chicago, then why be concerned?
Finally, if you don't live in the 42nd and you don't like the Alderman, then feel free not to come into the 42nd.
Skeeter..how about answering her question? Otherwise, STFU
Anonymous said...
Skeeter..how about answering her question? Otherwise, STFU
4:17 PM
You have to love the wit and intelligence of the far right.
Nothing quite says "I am hoping to graduate HS next year, if I can just get that C in English" like "STFU."
Here's my response: Look it up. These things are not exactly hidden. If you:
1. Don't know where the 42nd is; and
2. Are too dumb to look it up;
then you really should not be evaluating the job done by Alderman Natarus.
Hey Skeet....way to be helpful, you're a class act. Not knowing a subject never stopped you from shooting off your mouth.
BTW, I LOVE that everyone is part of the far right when you're angry, that's a great comeback, atta boy!
Oh, that STFU means Shut the F up...come on city boy, you've heard that before.
Anonymous said...
Oh, that STFU means Shut the F up...come on city boy, you've heard that before.
7:09 PM
Sure. From the Vice President of the United States.
That was after the B-Team had promised to restore honor and dignity to the Oval Office. Well, since the comments were not made IN the Oval Office, it wasn't TECHNICALLY a lie.
On a related note, why is it that the rude and uneducated flock to the GOP? You seem to know something about this, Dumas (my new names for anon. posters), so perhaps you can provide some insight.
Come on Skeeter...you can do better than that, a big time liberal intellectual like yourself, I expected more.
I’ll check back later to see your response because you will be back and you will respond.
See, it’s in your liberal nature to come here, talk up a good game and make yourself feel better.
Maybe you’re not getting enough satisfaction at work or at home, that happens. But that’s ok, we’ll be your family now, and if your name calling and caustic posts help you get through the daily grind, so be it.
I think what everyone is missing here is the extent to which the Chicago City Council has as good an incumbency-protection program as the US House.
Never mind how good or bad any particular alderman is.
Of course...Manny Flores and Ariel Reboyras. That's what you're thinking, right?
But that is a pair of different stories, a combination of the fascinating volatility of Chicago's Latino politics right now, and changing demographics.
That does suggest a tiny potential chink in Natarus' armor - namely, that areas of the 42nd that stretch out toward Ukranian Village. But a liberal hipster voting bloc has yet to oust anyone, so...only time will tell.
But can anyone see a scenario in which businesses in the ward abandon Natarus? Their worst case scenario is they oppose him and he wins, right? If they support him and he loses, well, one can be forgiven for sticking with an incumbent...
Just a random collection of thoughts...
I want a Skeeter bobblehead doll!
I have known Burt Natarus for many years and can honestly say that the man is not afraid to say what is on his mind and never feels compelled to filter his beliefs.
Burt does not have much respect for women, in general, and that shows in his public comments. Let's face it, the guy comes from a different era - a time when women were best seen - not heard. It's no surprise his female colleagues on the City Council loathe this man.
Is Natarus a sexist? Yes he is. Has he made scores of bigoted remarks in committee hearings over the past three decades? He certainly has. Is he reknowned for associating with unseemly types, adjuncts for organized crime? Indeed. Have photos been taken of him fondling cocktail waitresses in River North bars? Absolutely.
What is most disturbing, however, are the long-running allegations of Natarus dispatching 42nd Ward Regular Democratic Organization operatives to shake-down local bar, restaurant and businees owners in the downtown Chicago Ward for substantial campaign contributions - lest they face permit reviews or untimely visits from City Health Department workers.
I've heard rumors that some of these local business owners have had it with this base-corruption and a handful are considering signing sworn-affidavits and outing the Alderman for his shakedown fundraising.
Skeeter - I, too, live in the 42nd Ward and have for a very long time - so consider me to be a fellow expert.
Melissa Bean: the 42nd Ward is the Downtown "Super Ward" - covering portions of the Gold Coast, Near North, River North, Streeterville, the Loop and West Loop neighborhoods. If you see a high-rise anywhere south of Division Street and North of Jackson Street - it's in this ward. It's the most affluent Ward in the City and home to our business, tourism and entertainment industry.
Skeeter - clearly you have a financial interest in Burt Natarus - because your rantings do not relfect the views of the vast majority of residents here who are desperate for this Alderman to be defeated.
Obviously, to date, Natarus has narrowly dodged some electorial bullets - benefiting from running against less experienced and underfunded candidates.
Let's hope this year marks an end to this career politician's embarrassing and corrupt reign as Alderman.
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