Why no flag pins?
I found this cartoon over at Uptown Avenger. I'm not sure what the
Governor is doing in this cartoon with a caricature of Charles Gibson. All the same this is a hilarious cartoon even if the Governor wasn't in it. Of course we know who the debaters are Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. I suppose mocking the debate on Wednesday between Hillary and Obama.
EDITED: Thanks to the commentors one of whom were absolutely insulting proving that they have nothing better than to insult someone they don't know on the internet I have deduced that the small man with the governor's hairstyle is George Stephanopoulos.
thats not blago stupid
That's not stupid blago! But they have the same hair...
and the other one is Charles Gibson, not Robert...
Although Stephanopolous does caricature as Blago...
Heh, I know what my problem is. I don't watch ABC news enough. lol
i am insulted that you decide to comment on the news when you have no idea what you are talking about
And I'm insulted when you come into this post with nothing better to contribute.
I'm insulted by all the insulting of commenters.
LOL! I'm insulted by the commenters who come in with the purpose of not saying anything relevant to the post.
I'm insulted that only a few of you anonymous "insulters" wandered over to the Uptown Avenger to see how stupid it is.
As for the toon it does look more like The Blagoanator than it does Stephanapoul????.
Perhaps George Stephan????? can possibly interview the Rodster from the federal joint in a few years.
"Governor, do they allow you to wear a flag pin here and if not what do you think about that."
The questions in that debate were beyond moronic. Speaking as a moron I know.
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