Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Durbin: know the foe

This seems offensive to me at time of war. Especially from a Senate leader with little to show for this session of Congress.

Via the Trib,

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin said Thursday that Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and state legislative leaders must end a budget impasse that threatens federal transportation money Congress has approved for the state.

"I would say we are looking for some leadership in Springfield," the Senate's No. 2 Democrat said in an interview with The Associated Press.

His comments came after a question-and-answer session with visiting constituents during which he cracked a joke comparing the logjam at the Illinois Capitol to religious strife in Iraq. Durbin said he had been asked to mediate the dispute between Blagojevich and state lawmakers, though he did not specify by whom.

"I told them that I was going to decline," he said. "I'd rather deal with the Sunnis and Shias than an open civil war. It's easier to figure out who your enemy is."
And Iraqi PM Maliki explaining the foes are neither Sunnis or Shias, but a deadly foe Durbin tragically at a loss to see,
"We put everyone before their moral responsibility to take a clear and strong stand in the face of terrorism in Iraq and we expect cooperation to dry up resources for terrorism," stressed Maliki. He added, "The terrorism that is claiming the lives of Iraqi citizens in Baghdad, Hilla, Mosul and Anbar is the same terrorism that intimidated citizens in Saudi Arabia, targeted the people of Egypt, and blew up the twin towers in New York and subways in Madrid and London."
Senator Durbin really ought to butt out of Illinois's budget despite the risk of loss of funds, and go back to the US Senate where there is real work he should have done.


Marilyn 9:11 AM  

Since when did Dick Durbin give up his right as a citizen to comment on the travesty that is Illinois state government at the moment? I think he's absolutely right, as a "peer" of these so-called leaders, to embarrass them and to speak his mind in a country that still says it believes in freedome of speech.

Bill Baar 9:40 AM  

Of course he's free to speak Marilyn, but that doesn't me others can't call him out.

This is the Democratic leader of one legislature that's done nothing complaining about the Democrats of another legislature (and the Exec) that's done nothing.

If that doesn't beg a shout I don't know what does.

Besides, it's a little offensive to have the Democrat's stalement compared to the slaughter by terrorists in Iraq of Shia, Sunni, and secularists alike.

That just rubs me the wrong way.

Obama had the good sense not to go there. (Read Fritchey's post further down.)

Marilyn 10:25 AM  

I don't see Durbin as being a do-nothing. There's simply not enough of a majority to get legislation implemented and votes to override the prez's automatic vetoes. I think there is a lot of work being done behind the scenes to sway Republican votes.

I also don't think his comparison is necessarily ill-taken. Maybe car bombs seem more savage, but letting people decline because they can't get enough food, education, and health care is still violence. We just don't call it that. The longer these idiots play politics with our lives, they're no better than terrorists.

Rich Miller 1:16 PM  

===Senator Durbin really ought to butt out of Illinois's budget despite the risk of loss of funds, and go back to the US Senate where there is real work he should have done.===

Isn't that exactly what he did?

Bill Baar 1:41 PM  

Rich: After makin his "joke" indeed he did...

Marilyn: re: The longer these idiots play politics with our lives, they're no better than terrorists.

You've made me a Blagojevich defender. Some speculate he's insane. Now you say he's no better than terrorist.

He's an Illinois Pol, plain and simple, in a long line of mediocre men we've elected to this office.

...but to suggest he and the crowd in Springfield are no better than terrorists... geez...

Skeeter 2:03 PM  

Lighten up, Bill.


Further, he didn't suggest that the people in Springfield were no better than terrorists. He suggested that finding peace between the two was equally difficult.

Maybe you should start reading the stuff you post, Baar. It might clear up some of your confusion.

Nothing at all in your post suggests "mediocre" in the slighest. It suggests somebody with a sense of humor.

Bill Baar 2:27 PM  

quoted Marilyn and was responding to her, not Durbin, about Pols being no better than terrorists Skeeter.

I'm well aware Durbin was joking when he compared the budget stalemate in Springfield to what Durbin precieves as a civil war between Sunni and Shia in Iraq.

Look at the front page of today's Daily Herald. What ever your feelings about Iraq and whether the US should stay or leave; it's no joke.

For Durbin to butt into the budget debate with this joke (and yes Rich, then butt out) is close to obsence to me.

I heard Carville tell a Democratic audience the Party should win hands down in 2008, and then turn to the GOPers in the audience and tell them the good news for them is Democrats perfectly capable of talking themselves into another loss.

Durbin is a great example of how a jokester as leader can do it.

Anonymous,  5:11 PM  


The President has refused to provide the troops levels and needed resources to stabilize and bring peace to the Iraq. In addition, his administration has ignored the growing terrorist threat in Pakistan. What a huge military failure.

Bill Baar 6:08 PM  


So that's reason to make a joke about Democrats in Springfield?

Marilyn 10:17 AM  

In fact, Bill, you made the link between Durbin's comments and his tacitly calling the state legislature terrorist with this comment:

"And Iraqi PM Maliki explaining the foes are neither Sunnis or Shias, but a deadly foe Durbin tragically at a loss to see"

He said nothing about terrrorist. You brought that into the picture. So, in fact, I am responding to you. Terrorism has become such a nebulous word, but state-sponsored terrorism does exist. Does a logjam amount to terrorism? The people who are hurt by this petty, malicious politicking might wonder, even if most people wouldn't. Not strictly terrorism, even in my book, but definitely on that slippery slope that puts personal agendas ahead of innocent people. Oh yes!

Bill Baar 12:15 PM  


I was reacting to this comment from you,

The longer these idiots play politics with our lives, they're no better than terrorists.

My issues with Durbin is not that he compared Springfield with Terrorists, but that he compared Springfield to a Civil War between Shia and Sunni in Iraq.

It's not. As PM Maliki said, it's a war against terrorists; the same terrorists who bombed us.

Durbin's blind to the foe.

He sure didn't introduce the terror comparison because he probably doesn't believe there is a Global War on Terror in the first place.

Foreign affairs is just Springfield on a larger scale for him and fodder for jokes to boot.

Skeeter 1:35 PM  

You are claiming that the Iraqis bombed us?

Are you auditioning for a role on Fox "News"?

Bill Baar 2:07 PM  

No Skeeter, just agreeing with PM Maliki here, again, for you:

"We put everyone before their moral responsibility to take a clear and strong stand in the face of terrorism in Iraq and we expect cooperation to dry up resources for terrorism," stressed Maliki. He added, "The terrorism that is claiming the lives of Iraqi citizens in Baghdad, Hilla, Mosul and Anbar is the same terrorism that intimidated citizens in Saudi Arabia, targeted the people of Egypt, and blew up the twin towers in New York and subways in Madrid and London."

We captured the fellow who carried messages back and forth between Iraq and Bin Laden today.

The Terrorists we fight in Iraq today, with Iraqi allies, is the same terror that bombed WTC, London, and elsewhere.

Skeeter 4:39 PM  

Mere coincidence that the day following a major report on the failures in Afghanistan comes word that a "major" Al Quaeda figure has been caught?

You interested in buying a bridge, Baar?

Bill Baar 5:20 PM  

I'll buy this one Skeeter!

It's good news. I hope Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani talks lots his trips back-and-forth to Bin Laden.

Durbin is a little murky about who the foe is. Durbin just as soon surrender the bridge.

Anonymous,  8:35 AM  

Bill, Skeeter raises an interesting point.

The article says the 'top' Al-Qaida figure was captured in Mosul on July 4th, over two weeks ago. I wonder how long they've been sitting on this story? (I guess waterboarding isn't as effective as it used to be.)

The source of the story, spokesman Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, has an interesting background. He just arrived in Iraq straight out of the White House and is an information operations guy (ala the defunct "Office of Stategic Information"). Not the most reliable source.

Skeeter 11:06 AM  

Bad timing to bring up the whole "Iraq" thing.

A new National Intelligence Estimate was released this week.

Turns out the real problem is in the tribal areas of Pakistan. The report also suggests that the war in Iraq is taking troops and materials from the fight against Al Quaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Now Bill, about that bridge -- it is a really nice one. You sure look like a bridge buyer to me.

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