Thursday, March 15, 2007

Where'd the Greens go?

Anon 6:33 wrote,

Put Greens in elected office and they will actually have the spine to legalize gay marriage.
and got me googling around since Illinois Democrats have proposed some pretty sweeping programs and curious what Greens had to say.

Their Website shows Sustainability was the theme of their recent March meeting in Normal.

Sustained obscurity seems the case. No spine's need for that, and strange for a left party when McKenna's out there calling for Revolution.

From his email,
People in this state are hungry for reform and Republicans in Illinois must be ready for a new Republican revolution – The kind of revolution where we no longer accept the status quo – Where we no longer accept a government that spends more money than it takes in – Where we no longer accept a government that doesn’t respect or protect the family – Where we no longer accept a bloated, corrupt government that puts the needs of the Governor’s cronies before the needs of hard working middle class families.
Revolution, working families: maybe Citzen McKenna's figured out the Illinois GOP must be the Party of Sam's Club,
So today's Republican party should be in favor of helping recent immigrants get ahead and slowing the flow of illegal labor--in favor of providing a helping hand to the hard working poor and cutting subsidies to the idle and shiftless--in favor of a tax policy that favors the working class and the productive rich. Above all, it should be in favor of limited government, and in favor of using government's considerable power to shore up the institution that makes a limited government possible--the beleaguered but resilient American family.
Illinois needs revolution, not sustainability, for we've sustained plenty -traditional and non-traditional families alike- with little reform in sight.

Update: Sustainablity must be the new progressive frame. It's sure not a fighting Liberalism of Paul Douglas: build; don't sustain.

xp Bill Baar's West Side


Anonymous,  8:43 AM  

Let the Republican revolution begin. Off with the head of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald!

Anonymous,  9:26 AM  

Where did Illinois Greens go? We're all still right here, working hard and organizing in the background, gearing up for the next election. You don't beat the Democratic machine on a frivilous challenge to your gubernatioral nominating petition, earn 11% of the vote, become a legally established statewide major political party, and then just disappear, you know.

Here's something that you probably didn't hear about. One of the speakers at the March meeting in Normal was a conservative radio talk show host, who talked about finding common ground between traditional conservatives and Greens. The plot thickens.

Anonymous,  11:05 AM  

The person above is absolutely right. We're still here, and we're actively growing! The DuPage County Green Party will be running its first candidates in 2008, among many other projects and campaigns.

Find out more about the state party at !

Anonymous,  12:25 PM  

Green Pages just published a great article about the Illinois Green Party.

Let's not forget that Greens are not only a national political party, like the Democrats and Republicans; but they're also working on international campaigns and issues, such as the upcoming worldwide conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

Bill Baar 1:02 PM  

What's the party of anonymity's position on a gross receipts tax for Illinois?

Letting the Health Facilities Planning Board slide away?

You guys have to come out of the bushes and from under your rocks if you want us to take you seriously.

pathickey 1:34 PM  

And quit lighting tire fires at World Bank Parties - thanks to the Greens I lost out on Smokey Joe Weber Kettle give aways at the World Bank Party in 2004.

Oh, and you guys can have Josh Kilroy back - I had no idea the 19th Ward had so many bridges until old Josh put the Kingsford to them.

Anonymous,  12:36 PM  

No, Greens are invisible because the mainstream media (papers, radio, television) do not care about Greens. The media sets the political agenda. While Libertarians and Greens have been holding press conferences and writing bills and advocating other legislation, the mainstream media turns to the other parties for comment. If you want to know what happened to the Greens, please ask your news publishers to stop ignoring our press releases.

Bill Baar 1:41 PM  

Dan...get with the times... your website wasn't current with press releases at all. What do you need MSM for?

Anonymous,  9:18 PM  

Of course the website isn't current with press releases. Greens have learned that writing a lot of press releases isn't what seems to get the media's attention, so resources have been focused elsewhere.

steve schnorf 11:06 PM  

Call me when you elect someone to a meaningful position in Illinois. Until then, stay in obscurity.

Anonymous,  10:43 PM  

Now that Greens are playing on a level playing field, in terms of ballot access, I have no doubt that you will see this soon. Of course, there are other barriers to overcome, like the corporate and PAC money that the Democrats and Republicans both eat up like candy, and which we don't accept; but we'll beat that too.

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