Paul Green Trashes Con-Con
Now a Roosevelt University Professor of Policy Studies, Dr. Paul Green is well known to governmental officials.
Many have heard him speak at conventions.
Having served as a township supervisor, he brings an understanding of the political arena that few academics have.
Thursday night, Green spoke to the McHenry County Economic Development Corporation’s annual dinner. One of his former students is now the EDC President Chris Manheim
You can read what the Northwest Herald reporter Lix Wolgemuth wrote, but missing from that coverage was an almost diatribe brought on by a woman asking his opinion of holding another constitutional convention.
He said it would be “held over my dead body,” that it would be “a disaster.”
He waxed eloquently about the quality of the delegates to the 1970 constitutional convention, the first held in 100 years.We “never had brighter people discussing anything,” he said.
“It was legitimate.”
I wonder what political entities are illegitimate.
Referring to a new constitutional convention, he observed,
It would be a lobbyist’s dream.= = = = =
It would be a taxpayer’s nightmare.
The quality of people would not be the same.
Locally, 1970 con-con delegates were Jeff Ladd of Crystal Lake, Jeanette Mullin of Barrington, Stan Johnson of DeKalb and Maxine Wymore, from northern McHenry County, I believe.
More on the weekends at McHenry County Blog.
Paul Green has become a butt-kisser for the powers-that-be. We need to vote for a con-con in 2008, because it is the only way (short of having the feds indict and convict everyone) to clean house in this state.
What makes you think that anyone different from those now in the House and Senate would get elected?
Cal, as long as you never run for or get elected to the new Con-Con, I could live with a few elected legislators.
I can understand the pride that delegates to the 1970 ConCon have. They produced a good document -- thirty-seven years ago.
There are a number of things I'd like to fix in our constitution (probably things Cal won't like, but . . .) I think we need a graduated income tax. (I do like, however, the corporate-individual tax rate limitation.) I'd like to see public financing of elections. I'd like to see merit selection of judges. I'd like to see our constitution protect reproductive rights and gay rights, in addition to women's rights. I'd like to abolish the personal property tax replacement tax, and see more regional sharing of sales taxes.
I think we are at the stage that we would preserve the good parts of the state's constitution while we discuss these changes.
And I don't think just legislators would be elected delegates. First, the number of slots could be increased. Second, I doubt every legislator would run. Third, I'm not at all certain that an incumbent's advantage carries over to a ConCon election.
At this point, it's just a theoretical discussion, though. I doubt we'll vote for ConCon.
No one can be as smart as us, says Paul Green.
Or as modest, apparently.
I'm less impressed with Mr. Green each time I read about something that he has said. I wish that the newspapers would stop asking him for his opinion all the time.
What are you people, nuts? Take a look around this state and show me a group of leaders capable of producing a new constitution? Now which of those people could get the nod to be in on it?
If you open a constitutional convention, the morons ruining this state will rewrite it so that Illinois completely goes under.
You do not call a constitutional convention until Illinois get a group of leaders respectful of the danger of government and respectful of the taxpayers of Illinois.
Right now, I wouldn't let these group of flunkies flush my toilet.
As usual, Green is right.
And anyone who thinks Green is a butt-kisser has never had him for a professor. He is who I would want in any knife fight. He knows NO sacred cows he hasn't butchered.
Mr. Green is living in nostalgia, which he should know is a detriment to government. "You know, families were stronger in the 1970's. Grapes used to taste much better in the 1970's. Delegates to the 1970's ConCon were the best ever... except for the drafting of the US constitution." No. The Republicrat drafters are just as corrupt as they've always been, but nevertheless, the people of Illinois demand our constitution reflect us *today*.
I like Green a lot, but he's wrong about this. It's simply wrong to fetishize the drafters and then not mention that the document they produced has led to much more concentration of power, flourishing of corruption, and the continuing inequities in school funding. The Constitution has a lot of pretty words, but most of the real teeth were quickly removed by the state Supreme Court.
===continuing inequities in school funding===
Including some of the highest property taxes in the country.
Is this the same constitution that requires a three-fifths vote to borrow money from banks at 5% interest, but a majority to borrow money from workers' pensions at 8.5% interest? That one worked out really well ...
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