Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Doing the right thing.

Once in a while I get guff for being one of the few conservatives who support same sex marriage on principle. Sometimes people think it's a product of being from a red thinker clearly blue state. I maintain that it's not the case, but since there are very few conservatives from red states who would make a bold stance, I'm admittedly left out in the cold.

'till now.

The extremely cool Pam's House Blend is running a story about two straight, white, male Wyoming Republicans, Rep. Dan Zwonitzer and Rep. Pat Childers have officially gone on the record as being against a statewide constitutional ban on SSM.

Activist/Blogger Mike Petrelis shares an email he recieved from Childres:

didn't have a speech prepared. I simply told a simple story about my family and told the Rules committee how the legislation was simply wrong. I tried to separate how the legal aspect of marriage from the religious aspect.

My youngest son wanted to have the same anniversary as my wife and I. He and his wife signed the legal papers on Sept. 1 in a Starbucks Coffee Bar during the week. Their religious ceremony was held with the family attending the next weekend.

Another example that I gave was that I was left-handed, born that way. My mother was left-handed but forced to write right-handed by tying her left hand behind her back. People do not do things that way now.

Growing up in the south, I also told about the discrimination against blacks.

I then told them that my daughter was a highly intelligent woman and functioning quite well in an independent business in Montana and that she was gay. She and her partner live a quiet life in her community.

I had researched our statutes and provided seven pages, single spaced, of statute cites (statute number with a few words of description) noting where marriage was tied to civil rights of couples.

Those statutes, if gay couples married out of the state were to move to Wyoming, would deny them their civil rights under the proposed law. Our definition of marriage has been in place since the late 1800's and does define it as a civil contract between a man and a woman.

It does not make it right with the understanding of human makeup as known today.

It's sad that there is any objection to same sex marriage - republican, christian, or otherwise. If there are republicans with this sort of hutzpa in Wyoming, there damn well ought to be in Illinois.


Anonymous,  1:18 PM  

Is the Polygamy issue a straw man or is it something legitimate that a change in the definition of marriage could lead to?

No logic, or a "danger?

Levois 2:11 PM  

I'm glad you bring up these discussions Dan. I don't totally agree with gay marriage but I think instead of adding a gay marriage ban to any constitutional document in either the state or federal constitutions, I'd support letting churches or private institutions determine who can get married. I'd say take the state out of it. That would be my answer for those who are opposed to gay marriage versus those who want gay marriage.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly 4:10 PM  

I like your thoughts Dan. To expand a little bit, in language that's easy to understand. Same sex or opposite sex, it's nobody elses business who is getting married. If your religious beliefs cause you consternation, take solace that two people are in a committed relationship recognized by the State. And one day perhaps, the Church.

Anonymous,  10:23 AM  

Sal are you referring to polygamy or polyamory? I'm more than happy to answer your question, I just want to make sure I'm answering the right thing. Both have similar pretexts, but spin off in a hurry.

Anonymous,  5:22 PM  

Dan, most of the conservatives that worry about what gays do in the privicy of their own homes usually have some sort of deep seated desire to join in. I am sure, but I do not know for a fact, but most gays do not give damn about what straight people are doing in their personal lives. Dan, write something usful, like what a rat Daley is as a left wing democrat, or how Daley uses taxpayers money to fund gay "workout" rooms. I suggest if you worry about gays, head over to Halstad Street, take of your panties, and join the party. You might enjoy yourself for once! LOL

Dan L 9:02 PM  

Woweeeee Paddy....

You know, everybody who knows you seems to think that you've got the mind of an 11 year old boy. I think that's totally true.

Where's your big Daley indictment at?

Anonymous,  5:11 PM  

Dan, my old buddie and pal, I enjoyed a laugh with Mr. Fitzgerald at the Sorich Trial, Patrick got a little sidetracked with some unimportant issues, you know scooter libby. He is back in town after a little laugh and a beer or two, and now we will see some fireworks. I am hoping for something like a Chicago downtown fireworks display. Lots of big blasts and blowhards heading off to the brig with a thousand excuses. I hope you join us in exposing corruption, or do you work at a Catholic Church? As for the 11 year old, you were close, I have ten year old twin boys and an eleven year old son, how did you know? Join the Inspector General. LOL

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