Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Not Time to Play Taps for Topinka

I'm a bit astonished as I read the Blogs and newspaper articles giving GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Judy Topinka up as dead in the water. That is not how I have read events of the past two months at all. In fact, I believe this race is hers to lose.

About two months ago, Dem. Gov. Rod Blagojevich went on a withering offensive, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars each week on TV ads attacking Topinka. It was unusual to jump into television ads that early and that far out from election day, but Blagojevich's numbers were so bad, he had to try to set the tone of the race early. What was not at all unusual to anyone who has ever been intimately involved in a big race is that you play some of your time on defense and some of your time on offense. Just because your opponent is racking up yards when he is on offense does not mean you are losing.

What was really striking about that period was that Blagojevich could not coax his own numbers above 50%. What was also striking about it was that with several million dollars of effort, he only managed to push Topinka into the mid 30s, instead of annihilating her. For six weeks of sustained effort and millions of dollars spent, Blagojevich barely got the equivalent of a field goal - and that's not a sign of strength.

In a one-on-one race, I am not a believer in early television. It is hugely expensive and produces results that are deceptive because they are transient and shallow. In a primary in Illinois, people don't start paying serious attention until after New Year. In a general election they don't start paying serious attention until after Labor Day. Horse-race numbers at that point start to mean something.

In a race where the incumbent has a huge war chest that dwarfs the challenger, one of the best tactics for the challenger is to horde their own money until after Labor Day while making every effort to goad the incumbent into spending as much of his own money before then as possible. Hmmm...that's what Topinka has done thus far. Maybe it was an accident - or maybe it is sound strategy.

Certainly, she will have to have a good offensive plan once Labor Day has come and gone. But to reveal much of it before then only gives her well-funded opponent ample time to craft a response. In the meantime, she has work to do in shoring up the Republican base, which is socially conservative. I have read several interviews in which she makes a point of her opposition to partial birth abortion and her support for parental notification. It seems to me as if she is working at it - and I am a social conservative.

If Topinka shores up the base and has a good, solid game plan after Labor Day, she wins this race going away, even if Blagojevich raises four times as much money as he already has. You don't need all the money in the world; just enough to clear the threshold that gets your message across. In a gubernatorial general election in this race, the first five million you raise is critical. If, after that, you raise another 50 million, it is not even half as meaningful as that first five - because that's what gets you past the threshold.

Given those parameters, it doesn't matter how much more money Blagojevich raises now. His problem is that, after all is said and done, he's still Rod Blagojevich.


fedup dem 9:50 PM  

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous,  11:06 PM  

i understand optimism. i get wishful thinking. but to imagine judy has a chance (without an indictment) is fairly close to delirium...

but always good to have hope! keep hope alive!

Pat Collins 7:29 AM  

If nothing else, a truly original essay. I am not sure I believe it, as I think Conservatives have plenty of reason to stay home in Nov.

Sad to say, but must people must be motivated to go vote. Between Bush's missteps and Topinka in general, I just don't see a whole lot of motivation coming.

Anonymous,  11:09 AM  

I'm sure he's telling Zinga she's got a great chance to win in November as well....amazing.

Anonymous,  11:16 AM  


Pretending there is no problem between JBT and conservatives by saying you "read some interviews" were she is against Parcial birth and for parental notification is a kanard.
What interviews? Where is the outreach?
I know Charlie wants a big turnout for his race in the 17th district but you better get the vote out by yourself. The only thing making thing about even in turnout is the Dems are not crazy about their guy either.
Lucky to be in the 30's? she has 1.5 million left, how much after payroll? Less than 1 million he has 12.5 million and is raising more. Hers came from 1 million the president raised (in the daylight , in the open) Unless she figures out how to get the base fired up she is toast!!!!!!!!!
In my opinion she will not reach out to conservatives and her staff will continue to alienate the very people she needs.
I have NEVER skipped voting for an office but I am this time. I hope she can get the unhappy dems to make up for the loss of people like me.

Anonymous,  4:24 PM  

Like Charlie has a clue...he took Andrea Zinga to a 65,000 vote loss against a man that could not utter a sentance that one could even hear, let alone understand (in 2004).

Unfortunately, JBT has a chance only if Blago is behind bars.

Anonymous,  6:21 PM  

I think you make some good points Charlie. Judy will have to play it right with the Conservatives but remember they are mostly down state and really just don't like Blagojevich and that includes many Democrats. That's strong but he has pretty much moved the capitol to Chicago and spent little on the roads and schools down here. So voting for the "lesser of two evils" changes in this election to voting for someone "a little evil or for someone who just mugged you". The Conservatives will vote for Topinka they don’t want to be mugged again.

Charlie Johnston 7:18 PM  

Most astute comment of the day, Anon 6:21. People are quick to point out Topinka's problems with downstate conservatives, in particular...and I concede that requires a lot of work. But what most miss, particularly the chicago-centric crowd, is how deep the downstate animus towards Blagojevich is. It is visceral. In his first campaign he wined them and dined them - then after election deserted them and treated them with contempt. Theirs is not the anger of someone he never loved; but the anger of one who was dumped after giving it up for him. They hate Blagojevich - and that makes whatever problem Topinka has with the base a draw. If she has even a mediocre game plan after Labor Day, she smokes him.

Further, though Topinka was not my or any other conservative's first choice, Blagojevich has been a total disaster for us. We were mugged and don't want to repeat the experience. The more Topinka gets the message out that, though she is not one of us, she is not going to hurt us, the stronger she gets.

Anonymous,  8:09 AM  

Let's be honest. Topinka is not ever going to be a favorite of ours. You can see that in the comments talking about the lesser of two evils in the governor's race. If she can't make more hay in the polls given all the ammunition provided her by Blagojevich, then she ought to step aside for someone who can. Otherwise, we're in for an almightily bad election.

Anonymous,  12:27 PM  

There is no way she would step a side and even if she did the republican party would implode trying to figure out who to replace her with.

Anonymous,  10:25 PM  

Well, I'm available to replace JBT when she steps down. I don't have the baggage of other candidates like Oberweis. I can compete with Blagojevich for the Cook County and Chicago vote having lived there for almost 25 years. Plus, I now live downstate and so I am aware of the concerns of those who live in the "land beyond O'Hare". Furthermore, I guarantee that I'll live in the Governor's Mansion in Springfield. No in-law problems for me unlike Blagojevich and I'll play square with hiring. Watching how the "city that works" came unglued thanks to the decades of patronage has convinced me that competence should count more than clout. However, I do pledge to continue one of the hallmarks of Blagojevich's administration. Whenever possible, I will irritate the heck out of the Republicrats who run the legislature.

Anonymous,  5:50 PM  

Charlie, shouldn't you be busy taking Zinga to another horrible election finish, instead of doing the Topinka bootlicking thing on some blog?

Yeah right, paying some lip service on partial birth and parental notification makes up for all of the times she's helped Chicago Democrats and undermined good Republicans like Peter Fitzgerald.

Get a clue.

Anonymous,  6:04 PM  

Yes, anonymous sit back and watch Blago put our children further in debt.

Anonymous,  12:19 PM  

Anonymous, almost all of "Blago's debt" is from the $10 billion of pension debt issued early in his term.

That's the deal Topinka's main backer Bob Kjellander made $809,000 on.

So Topinka must not have such a big problem with debt. Or Charlie Johnston for that matter since he voted to reelect Kjellander for Nat'l Committeeman after all of this was known.

Nice try though.

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