What Will Lieberman Loss Mean to Bean?
No one should expect an answer from me about the potential Liberman effect in the 8th congressional district, but it is a question worth asking.
3rd party candidate Bill Scheurer is on the ballot, even if few reporters seem to think he is worth writing about.Maybe he isn’t, but his party’s name is the “Moderate Party” (even if his platfrom seems pretty left wing to me.)
That "Moderate" label will surely resonate with more than a few voters.
And, he is the anti-war candidate in the race.
Incumbent Melissa Bean has caught donkeychickenitis, causing her sponsor Rahm Emanuel to tell her to stay home from a Channel 7 television debate.
That will make it more difficult, but not impossible, for Scheurer to play his get-out-of-Iraq card.
$50-$100,000 of Chicago radio time would probably do the trick.
When I was in college, we used to call those against the Vietnam War “peaceniks.” I wonder if that is appropriate today.
Regardless of what one calls those who support Scheurer’s position, I think this is the most relevant question:
Can Scheurer raise enough for radio time and resist spending it on something else?That’s 500 $100 contributors.
Or 1,000 $50 donations.
There are probably some against the war who can afford more.
Perhaps they will be ready to contribute substantially more, if Republican candidate David McSweeney is forced to dip into his fortune to match Bean's huge campaign fund.
If McSweeney self-funds, some of the deep-pocket supporters that Scheurer will surely have could make him really competitive on radio.
My guess is that he can raise the radio money with a newly energized support base that is potentially nationwide.
After all, I managed to raise that much to run for congress way back in 1982.
= = = = =
The photo is of Bill Scheurer and McBeaney, his donkephant.
As always, more than the one political article a day posted here on McHenry County Blog.
It won't mean anything, but I enjoy how you tried to tie this in just to post here today...it's ok to take a day off Cal.
Actually, I wrote it for McHenryCountyBlog.com before looking at what was posted on Illinoize.
It means that next January when two people pass each other in the hallway in D.C., they will say:
"Good Morning Sen. Lamont" and hear the reply "Good Morning Cong. Bean"
as opposed to:
"Good Morning Sen. Lieberman" and the reply "Good morning Cong. Bean."
It will be a subtle but important difference for Cong. Bean.
Funny. BS is rejected by Democrats so decides to run as an independent and he says that Bean is like Lieberman?! Bush would call that "ironical!" LOL
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