Reader Round-up: Peraica, Inside the Big Box, Natarus Note
The Chicago Reader had a couple of well written and insightful pieces this week.
First, Ben "The Works" Joravsky gives us a much closer look at GOP County Board President candidate Tony Peraica, reminding folks why this Democrat-turned Republican-turned Reformer might have a tough time winning, all of the Stroger-outrage aside:
Joravsky is a talented writer with a shrewd understanding of the innerworkings of politics and government in Cook County. The piece includes a great anecdote about Madigan convincing Peraica to drop out of a State Senate race. Steve Brown denies the story, Peraica claims is true, but whether Peraica is spinning yarns or talking out of school, it assures that Madigan will have Peraica in the crosshairs this fall.IN A RAGE over Todd Stroger’s crowning in place of his ailing father as the Democratic candidate for Cook County president, pundits and ordinary citizens alike have been thumping their fists on the table and declaring, “I’m voting for the other guy!” So it’s a good time to take a deep breath and learn a little about the political unknown who, if the protest vote continues to gain momentum, just might win the November general election.
His name is Tony Peraica, and he’s a hardheaded, quick-tempered, far-right-wing Republican maverick who’s not afraid to pick fights with Cook County’s most powerful politicians--including erstwhile allies in his own party.
Joravsky's written a must-read series on TIFs and property taxes. I hope somebody gives this guy a blog soon, so we can hear from him more than just once a week.

I really enjoyed this little part:
William Beavers’s position was less surprising. The Seventh Ward alderman had earlier bluntly dismissed supporters of the ordinance as fools or tools. Now he attacked its chief sponsor, the 49th Ward’s Joe Moore, accusing him of meddling in other people’s business and stirring up trouble on issues he knew nothing about. “Joe Moore is sitting over there thinking he’s a savior,” he said. “Let me tell you about Joe Moore--he voted against affirmative action.”
There was a collective gasp. Beavers was referring to a 2004 ordinance setting new rules for awarding city construction contracts to minority firms. Moore rose and asked Daley, in his role as council president, for a chance to respond. Daley granted the request.
“I voted against that ordinance because it did not include Asians,” Moore said. “It wasn’t expansive enough.”
Beavers laughed. The Third Ward’s Dorothy Tillman mocked Moore, calling out, “Anything he can come up with! Anything!” Fourth Ward alderman Toni Preckwinkle, Moore’s closest black ally, jumped to her feet. “Mr. President, point of order!” she said. “I ask that we halt the personal attacks.”
Daley pounded the gavel. Beavers sat down, and Tillman momentarily lowered her voice. Neither of them had mentioned that one of their allies in the big-box fight, 50th Ward alderman Berny Stone, voted against the ordinance for the same reason Moore did or that 42nd Ward alderman Burton Natarus, another ally, had voted against it because he thought contracts should be awarded solely on merit.
It's not often you see the words "Burton Natarus" and "merit" used in the same sentence.
The Joravsky article seems pretty favorable to Peraica. He has moderate stances on social issues, shared by a wide majority of the voters.
His self-made immigrants success story seems a good antidote to the Hereditary Sytem the Stroger family would like to impose on the county.
Peraica wants to ban abortions at Cook County Hospital. If you think that is main stream, then Jill Stanek is a raving pro-choice liberal (and, not to digress, but I see she is off the honor roll on the right. What's up with that?)
Uhm, that's last week's issue of the Reader. See the "Ssection 4 is no more" banner? That was last week. The new one comes out tomorrow.
anonymous - I consider it "This Week's" edition until the new one actually arrives in stores...but I did want to post it before tomorrow. Since you're obviously reading your Reader before I'm reading mine, feel free to shoot me an e-mail if anything in there catches your eye.
Skeeter, I think your point is well-taken. Peraica's views on social issues are Old World, to say the least. However, let's be honest that the odds of Peraica actually getting a ban passed are nil. Still, Mike Noonan will certainly do a good job of making the case, and I'm sure Planned Parenthood and PersonalPAC will help.
I think that it is safe to say that Peraica is to the right of 80% of Cook County residents on social issues. Anybody know what percent of the vote Obama got here in '04?
Voting against public funding for abortions is completely in the mainstream and very different than "banning" abortion. An executive order, which is the status quo in Cook County, commanding public funding of abortion is not in the mainstream.
Peraica said on Roeser's show two weeks ago, that he accepted that the Supreme Court decision was the law of the land, and did not intend to work against it as Cook County President.
Now if someone would just get Cook County to operate under some kind of law, rather than a completely extra-constitutional executive order, perhaps the mainstream that supports the democratic process would come through, rather than having a few people in a smoke-filled room command that the county at-large finance abortion.
The law of the land? Would not work against it? I'm not even sure what the means.
Peraica is an anti-abortion extremist who will do everything possible to ban abortion in Cook County. It is what he stands for. He is a genuine fringe dingbat who is unfit for public office.
Thanks for the TIF links. I have put them up and credited you.
a little exageration on TP and abortion
skeeter seems extreme
TP cannot ban abortion
County hospital is a public taxpayer funded institution
people can still get abortions at Planned Parenthood etc.
It was Democrat George Dunne who banned abortion at County
What source do you have for your claim?
Given that he said almost exactly the opposite statement on a national radio show two weeks ago, this would be news to people who follow such campaigns.
And by the way, wouldn't a "fringe dingbat" be more likely to claim hereditary right to democratic positions than someone in the main stream?
Abortions have been banned at Military hospitals since 1978.
I don't know if that's extreme, but it's longstanding... under Republican and Democratic Presidents and Congresses.
It is shocking that Todd Stroger took Mike Noonan as his campaign manager.
Mike Noonan is part of HDO, is the law and lobbying partner of the notorious Victor Reyes (co-schemer A in Federal filing documents that according to federal filings tried to cut a deal with the Feds)
Now maybe guilt by association but this last election cycle he was meeting with independent groups and trying to force them out of the race against Sen. Tony "TWO SIX" Munoz (Two Six is the gang he was in)connected with a Heroin ring indictment connected to the Columbian cartel. Noonan is CURRENTLY the law and lobbying partner with Victor Reyes and their clients, while there is a Federal investigation going on.
Not exactly the perception Stroger should have.
Good one Skeeter...sigh.
The big box portion of this post was interesting. I knew nothing about the actual city council debate until now. All I knew about was the vote. I should look into this contracts thing though. And I'm with Ald. Nataurus.
Peraica also said on Tom Roeser's show two weeks ago that he would be in favor of allowing people to carry concealed handguns in Cook County.
Dems should watch to see if he supports that position when he's not on a conservative talk show. But get a tape. He was very clear.
For me, the big thing that came through about Peraica in that Reader article was just what an opportunist he is. Leaving the Dem Party, the allies he no longer has(like convicted felon Maltese), it's always because they didn't do enough for HIM. Never anything to do with the merits or principle. Just me, me, me.
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