Sunday, January 04, 2009

Willie Brown: Blagojevich makes a play worthy of Joe Montana

We may be the most corrupt State, and well down the tubes because of it, but you gotta marvel at the Guv's skill fighting a lost cause. From Brown's column today,

Maybe it won't save the governor's skin. But it [Burris's appointment] does completely change the game. If this were football, Blagojevich would be Joe Montana.

By naming the state's former attorney general and comptroller - a respected politician who ran against Blagojevich for governor in 2002 - Blagojevich has taken away some of the ammunition from critics who want him impeached.
I've known Burris personally and politically for years. He's a man of immense integrity, and truth be told, he has more credentials to be a U.S. senator than Obama did when he first won the seat.
As for Obama, this must really be driving him crazy. How does he say "no" to someone as qualified as Burris? And what do he and the Democrats do if black Americans get behind Burris? How are the Democrats going to handle that kind of pressure?

You can't help but stay tuned to a production like this.
It's got me rivited....front row seats here in Illinois to this tragicomic farce we've given America.


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