Saturday, February 09, 2008

Foster Misses an Oportunity...

How Bill Foster could have really reached out to Laesch's supporters....

Before Laesch's press conference yesterday he could have shown up and said something like this...

Since the founding of the Democratic Party, we have stood for the notion of making every vote count, and counting every vote. We fought for women's suffrage, and we fought for African Americans to vote. We fought for the Voting Rights Act, and we fought to count every vote in Florida. With so much at stake in THIS election, we cannot afford to allow any doubt as to the true intent of the voters so I'm going to ask for a recount. And because I understand that this involves the expenditure of funds, and my good friend John Laesch hasn't been blessed with my financial resources, I'm going to offer to pay for the recount personally.

Further I pledge until this is resolved I am only running and campaigning for the special election, not for the regular election in November. John is right we should make sure the voters decided this and that every vote is counted...

Thank You.

Then all Laesch can do is say thank you and his supporters are going to be more motivated to get behind Foster.



Bill Baar 9:18 AM  

A guy who writes a four page letter of resignation for the internet carries an ego the size of a Elburn smoked ham on his shoulders.

Foster's not paying for a recount.

He wrote of his colleagues at Fermi Lab ...I find myself branded as a troublemaker with an axe to grind.

Those scientists are smart folks. They knew who they were unloading. They had enough of his bickering.

titan saturnae 4:02 PM  

A winning candidate is not eligible to ask for a recount (he may only seek to have additional precincts recounted in the event that a qualifying loser requests a recount of less than the maximum number of precincts).

Foster would have to offer to pay for Laesch's recount request.

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