Bill Foster's Iraq ad
Here's Fosters first ad against Oberweis on Iraq.
How does this square with Illinois Democrats getting loans from an Iraqi ex-Baathist implicated in the Food for Oil Scandal? The AP's Exclusive: Indicted Blagojevich fundraiser got loan from Iraqi
And a photo of our Gov sitting between that Iraqi billionaire and Iraq's Minister of Electricity, convicted of looting Iraq, and --alleged by PM Maliki-- to have been sprung from Jail in the Green Zone by Blackwater now with a campus in Illinois? Now wonder why Congress is investigating Drugs in Baseball instead of following through with Waxman's call for investigating corruption in Iraq?
Today the House with a vote of 395-21 passed the Iraq Corruption Resolution, introduced on Friday, October 12, 2007, by Chairmen Waxman and Tierney. In his statement on the House floor, Chairman Waxman called the State Department abuses of the classification system “outrageous” and demanded answers to questions about corruption in Iraq.Tin Foil hat stuff?
I don't think so.
Our brave soldiers are still dying in Iraq Bill. This concern and whether we’re making progress to help stabilize and unite that country will weigh much more heavily on the minds of the voters than the fundraising antics of our two-bit Governor.
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