Ilana: The 50th Ward's Queen of Mean
I had a fabulous day yesterday, best day I've had in a long time, as a matter of fact. It was sunny, not too cold and it was Valentine's Day - le Jour d'Amour. However, I can't say I was feeling any love from Alderman Bernard Stone's daughter and Chief of Staff, Ilana Stone Feketitsch.
A little background before I move on to the fun stuff...
Currently I work as the field director on Greg Brewer's campaign for alderman in the 50th ward against Bernie Stone. Bernie has not faced a real challenge since 1991. Even then, he still walked away with a significant portion of the vote without a runoff. I'm not sure that he or his broken organization quite know what to do with a well-funded, organized, competitive challenger, so I was not entirely shocked that they fell back early on to their usual yard-sign-removal and rocks-through-windows. So far all we've seen is a ridiculous amount of signs on businesses and empty storefronts, piles of terribly designed literature laying on front doorsteps, and a campaign manager (a.k.a. "aide") paid out of Bernie's Vice Mayoral budget tailing our canvassers in the official aldermanic Towncar.
So, bottom line is that these folks have been far too confident for far too long and they're lazy as all hell. People constantly tell us at the door that "I haven't seen my precinct captain in years" and "I get no response from the alderman's office when I have a problem," or "Once upon a time Bernie [insert ward service perceived as special favor here], but what has he done for me lately?" That sort of thing.They almost always go on to tell us a completely crazy story about Bernie Stone's daughter and Chief of Staff, Ilana Stone Feketitsch. It's been an open secret for a long time that Bernie plans to have his daughter appointed in his place at some point. When Bernie announced his plan to run for reelection the day after Thanksgiving, he confirmed that one of his goals is to have Ilana take his place (along with being the oldest alderman of all time). When I first started hearing these stories they were so off the wall that I thought they had to be exagerations. Usually they revolve around Ilana going crazy and screaming her head off and acting abusively towards anyone in her path. Since this is so prevalent that I've been forced to keep track, it's fair to say that Ilana is considered by over a thousand 50th ward voters to be the Queen of Mean of the 50th ward.
I had never met Ilana before yesterday. I had seen her once or twice and she seemed normal enough. A little biker-chick-crazy-looking for a Chief of Staff of an elected official, but hey - this is Chicago, right? We like our pizzas deep, our beer cold, and our polticians nutty. Why should their staff be any different? No big deal. So all I had were these crazy tales of Ilana and her legendary nastiness that I've been tracking...until yesterday.
Apparently Ilana didn't like that we were canvassing a street that she referred to as "her block" with Valentine's cards and flowers. It could be because we've been making quite a bit of progress in her neighborhood and Bernie's numbers, even in his own backyard, are not encouraging. It's hard for me to believe that she doesn't know her dad is in trouble and her job is in serious jeopardy; given her anger management issues, I can't imagine that anyone who isn't related to her would hire her. She's way too much trouble for a patronage job, but I doubt she would be trusted to drive Streets & San equipment anyhow. At any rate, Ilana apparently forgot that she's living in an age of burgeoning technology. A word to the wise: if you're going bat$#*t crazy in public, be wary that the people you're harrassing may very well have a video camera, and your tirade will likely show up on the internets (which, fyi, is a series of tubes) shortly after that.
Such as right...about...NOW! Come one, come all and witness The Ilana screaming at us to "Get the F**K off my block!!" (WARNING: Not suitable for workplace listening. May cause permanent mistrust of government in small children.)
Whoa. Is this how the daughter of a 34-year incumbent and aldermanic Chief of Staff should behave? And a solidly Democratic ward that went for Tony Peraica no less! During the middle of the day, when she's being paid substantially out of taxpayer funds, Ilana finds it necessary to take a break and intimidate and verbally assault campaigners, which is a felony under federal law.
If I don't do my job there's a very good chance this menace to society will be "representing" the people of the 50th ward sometime within the next four years. That's incentive enough for me to make damn sure Greg Brewer is elected alderman of the 50th ward! (It's worth noting that Mr. Brewer does not currently have any angst-ridden offspring waiting in the wings for daddy to hand over the keys to the kingdom.)
Passing the job on now to your kid is sop in Illinois, especially for Dems... There's got to be something else at issue in the 50th Bridge beyond speculation of what's just SOP now for Dems. At least those with family.
I know you know there's a difference between little-d democrats and their values and belief system and the elected officials in Chicago who are in the Democratic Party "just cuz".
It's those "just cuz" Dems who are the ones passing elected positions on as if they are fiefdoms.
It happens in areas that are predominantly Republican also -- heck, our President is one administration removed from his own father who was also President.
It's not "SOP now for Dems" ... it's standard operating procedure for entrenched politicians (Ald. Stone appears to be one of them).
The video of Stone's daughter is embarrassing, she made a fool of herself. But what is funnier is Brewer's people running to their car when confronted by Ilana. What were they afraid of? Was she waving a gun?
What a nutcase! I cannot imagine coming to see the alderman and getting THAT! Bullet proof vests will be standard issue for residents of the 50th ward!
Hey, like I said, all I knew about Ilana before this incident was the scary, crazy stories I've heard. Some of them are really, really bad. So yes, I was scared!
Methinks she just cost daddy his reelection and herself a current and future job.
I thought the 50th would go to a runoff. I have my doubts now. I think Brewer may win without the need for a runoff.
I suggest you contact the police and file a complaint. For Ilana's own good. She needs counseling!
Methinks she just cost daddy his reelection and herself a current and future job.
I thought the 50th would go to a runoff. I have my doubts now. I think Brewer may win without the need for a runoff.
I suggest you contact the police and file a complaint. For Ilana's own good. She needs counseling!
Methinks she just cost daddy his reelection and herself a current and future job.
I thought the 50th would go to a runoff. I have my doubts now. I think Brewer may win without the need for a runoff.
I suggest you contact the police and file a complaint. For Ilana's own good. She needs counseling!
> What were they afraid of?
maybe a space-saver furniture bonk on the head
This is a State where Democrats talk about the size of their nuts.
A woman acting tough and telling people to F*** off in front of her house isn't going to lose face with voters.
If you're messing with any junk she but out front were she shoveled, you'd have really been in trouble.
This is Chicago, folks. I once had a precinct captain on the West side threaten me with a gun. Getting yelled at is child's play. Who knows what Bridget was doing before this setup video.
I'll bet Bridget probably is now safe at home in the suburbs. I understand that Brewer is importing union people from all around the region because he can't find enough homegrown support. Have you ever seen an SEIU demonstration? They don't play nice either.
Sorry about the multiple comments. I was having trouble with blogger.
Now if some of you guys think the alderspawn's behavior is "Hey, this is Chicago, we all got big nuts" then it is not your "nuts" you should be concerned about.
Her behavior is wrong. Now I don't know much about the 50th ward race except Bernie Stone is a hack and an embarrassment. He needs to go.
As for his alderspawn......time to move psycho-chick because the day of judgement is ten days away.
"MY block?"
We didn't know you owned it.
The level of arrogance and attitude of entitlement is amazaing amongst the Alderbeasts and their Alderspawn.
Throw 'em all out.
bridget crossed lines
Bridget Dooley is a vicious FAR-LEFT RADICAL who is a disgrace to what a political Professional is supposed to be.This farce of a "video" is deliberatly staged,using a CHARACTER ACTRESS to portray someone.and to all you non-50th warders who think this disinformation stunt by Bridget is so cool,you deserve this Carrot-topped smear artist;but thats the dfa way,WIN AT ALL COSTS WHATEVER IT TAKES- EVEN LIES!on 2/27 the voters of the 50thward are going to kick Bridget and her RADICAL cohorts back to the sewers they came out of,but not before they pick their candidate's pocket's clean
heard a rumor Dooley even has moved into Brewer's house.wonder if Greg and Maribeth are going to claim Bridget as a DEPENDENT??
that must be cozy-planning mean dirty tricks over hot chocolate in their pjs- me thinks the brewers are wondering what they were talked into-
bridget's scam: Perhaps practice your punctuation and give the wild accusation gig a rest. I was the one the Queen of Mean was yelling at. Nobody would act that way besides her, even for money. Stay tuned next week for my recreation of the moon landing.
Anonymous: We were canvassing her block with Valentine's greetings consisting of red carnations and cards reading "Have A Heart, Stone" that detailed some of his most egregious offenses against the public. She was upset because we had already delivered some to Grampy's office. And to every store at Lincoln Village, and on Devon Ave, and outside Boone school, and inside Winston Towers... Ilana told us to leave, and though we were well within our legal rights to stay and continue to contact voters at their doors, we left. Actually, first I asked her if she wanted me to stay and listen to anything else she had to say, but all she could muster was "You should be ashamed of yourself." I told her "You're right, I feel terribly. Anything else?" I think the string on the wind-up doll was broken, because she just kept repeating the same phrase for about two minutes. She shut up real fast when I asked if she was intimidating me; I corrected myself and asked if she was trying to intimidate me because I was really doing everything possible not to laugh at this 40-something women who hopped out of her truck (Blk Durango lic# KCE 800 - I know because she followed us for a quarter-mile) dressed as a teenybopper.
Any other persons who which to spew hate made do so at the risk of feeling silly when I calmly rebuke their mistruths with facts. Thanks for playing.
"...may do so, rather." Please excuse the typo, I wouldn't want to be the pot calling the kettle black.
bridget,bridget,bridget,---Since you think your scam was so cool and you keep up the lie by publishing a lic.#, AS IF THAT MEANT ANYTHING,you must think that your U OF W RADICAL education prepared you to fool the world.50TH WARDERS ARE NOT THE DOLTS YOU AND YOUR "DISGUISED FASCISTS OF AMERICA" ARE USED TO FOOLING. ALSO,YOU AND THE "GUNSLINGER" ARE GOING TO SEE THAT YOU AREN'T UP AGAINST SUBURBANITE OPPONENTS THIS E-DAY
See what I mean? Stone's cronies are a bunch of nuts not living in reality. They're mean and they like to try to intimidate people who are simply exercising their democratic rights.
These people don't think that anyone should dare run against Bernie Stone. And why would they? It means that they have to actually spend time working to get their guy elected. They're not used to hard work. I'd imagine it hurts a little if you're not used to it!
The problem they are facing this year is that they've been complacent for far too long. They've ignored or dismissed residents' concerns for years and public opinion solidly reflects that. My field polls certainly do! So now, no matter what they do, no matter how hard they work their precincts, they will not be able to convince enough voters that Bernie is "good for the 50th". Not when people feel that he's good for nothing.
It sure seems like they're concerned about Bernie's fate come election day by the looks of their crazy behavior. As well they should be.
There Bridget goes again-nice rant!Bridget-this isn't about excercising Democratic rights-You have the right to do what you want,and say what you want,but not inflict harm.THIS IS ABOUT WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR RIGHTS!YOU ARE DELUDED if you think that a ward that re-elected the Alderman 4yrs ago with 76% is going the way you say phony"field polls"show.LOL,MORE LIES AND DECEPTION FROM "TEAM WHACKO"YOU'RE DOING SO WELL THAT YOU HAVE A "NEED" TO WAGE A VICIOUS NEGATIVE CAMPAIGN LOADED WITH DIRTY TRICKS-NOT THE SIGN OF A WINNING CAMPAIGN,BUT OF A DESPERATE ONE-YOU WON'T EVEN FINISH SECOND-NAISY DOLAR WILL.
Bridget-did they tell you to give your weekly ridicule of Indian-Americans a rest during the campaign?The 50th ward Indian community knows and rest assured ,the only Indian vote you will get is Sen
Actually the plate # is KCE 880, the flowers were carnations not roses, and this showdown ranks memorable for myself and a couple of my neighbors who witnessed it. Will there be a sequel or will election day suffice?
Damn. You posting this video has caused all of this. The fact that they posted anonymously is telling. They should get over it and tell Miss Thang to cool out instead.
you should tell your phony progressive friend,Bridget,that racism is out and her ANTI_INDIAN BOLLYWOOD FRIDAYS aren't cute or funny.Her candidate won't get 100 Indian votes
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