Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tony, Don't be a Cmizdravac

Dear T:

If you are a dick, you will lose.

Yes, we are sick that Todd Stroger got the slot because of his daddy.

But other than the chattering political junkies, nobody cares, YET. It’s the summer, baby.

The press will push the nepotism and anger angle for you. Stop being so indignant—you appear a little Allan KeyesISH.

Take a deep breath, smile AND charm the voters. How about some self-deprecating humor?

“When I first became a Commissioner, I still had some trouble understanding English, especially when people spoke really fast. So when Cook County employees said “Whoozen’M’Diddee”, I thought somebody had sneezed. Now I know they were asking “Who is MY daddy?”

If you are strident and angry all the time, Democrats will select the familiar name “Stroger”.

Better they go with the devil’s son they know, than the angry devil they don’t.

P.S. For the love of Jehovah, please donate to the Peraica campaign here.

Illinois Shadow


Bill Baar 9:58 AM  

If I lived in Cook, I probably would have voted for Claypool.

If I lived in Cook, I probably would vote for Peraica.

There is a heck of a lot of piling on about Todd Stroger and it's mostly because of the family tie. That's really the only specific compliant.

And that doesn't seem all that offensive to me.

The system worked. The party nominated him.

And it saved us endless reruns of Danny Davis crowning Rev Moon.

Anonymous,  10:04 AM  

I don't understand all this criticism of Tony Peraica.

He does have an edge. But he seems strong, charming, articulate albeit with a Chicago address.

He is fiscally conservative, reform oriented, intelligent

All the other stuff is inside baseball and personality
Peraica has no corruption
Stroger has a lot of corruption

pathickey 10:23 AM  

I live in Cook County; I did not vote for Forrest; I will not vote for Tony; and I thought that Todd Stroger handed Warner 'I Can't Read The Idiot Cards' Saunders his 'dupa' on City Desk. Handled himself well against the Marin Corps on 11 as well.

Anonymous,  11:02 AM  

funny joke shadow

Anonymous,  11:02 AM  

Hickeys support for Stroger is based on that he is told to by Jerry Joyce. Also, the 19th ward, an otherwise not pro-Stroger area (besides the Black parts)but there are a lot of JOBS and CONTRACTS and interrelationships for the benefit of the politically connected few and not for the taxpayers.

Convicted felons are stealing grant money and lying on applications.
CFO's of Provident Hospital are running scams to pay fake bills to his own fake companies.
Violations of Shakman, ex cons and unqualified people 10X the amount of the City making Soric/Slattery toddlers play.

Increases in property tax.
Third World Medical care for the poor.
Contract abuse systematic.
Corruption in the Forest Preserve.

Hickey obviously does not care about corruption, taxes, or qualifications.

Cal Skinner 11:46 AM  

Marin was as fair as she usually is...which isn't very.

She could have been on the Democrats' payroll for the way she opened her segment of Chicago Tonight last night.

Three Democrats (four, counting Marin) and one Republican.

Really fair.

pathickey 12:20 PM  

Cancel my vote, cupcake. Ain't Democracy a hoot?

Anonymous,  1:13 PM  

Claypool has deftly prepared for his political future. Can you say Mayor Forrest?

pathickey 1:40 PM  

Let's see. Sherwood Forrest - no. Enchanted Forrest - no. Deer Forrest - no. Redwood Forrest - no.
Great Smoky National Forrest - no.


Anonymous,  3:30 PM  

If he runs for Mayor, Forrest would be in for a much ruder awakening than he got in the primary.

Anonymous,  3:51 PM  

Can't see the Forrest for the Trees!

pathickey 9:27 PM  

Da Tree Bears, Da Tree KingsfromOrientR,Da Tree Godfodders,Da Tree Guys in one God,Da Tree Amigos, Da Tree Colors in Da Flag . . . ad infinitum

Anonymous,  7:35 AM  

Democracy is a hoot Hickey, when machines don't work, counts don't come in until the machines come downtown, the judges weren't trained in the machines, the votes changed over the course of weeks for "adjustment"

Democracy is a hoot where offices are handed down from father to son without much light on the process and the people are just supposed to along with it despite a empty bed hospital with contract corruption, patronage workers, and third world medical care. Higher property taxes and forest preserve police living on the taxpayer dime and hunting deer. County government is archaic and makes City government look like St. Thomas More's Utopia.

Anonymous,  7:50 AM  

Peraica seems pretty good to me, he seems honest, voted to stop taxes and decrease the budget, he won't be powerful enough to do any right wing roger stuff.

Anonymous,  12:41 PM  

Sigh, you people make my hemorrhoids flare. And I don't have hemorrhoids.

I saw somebody call Tony "charming." Thats like calling Mayor Daley "completely and thoroughly unaware of any wrongdoings going on in his administration." We all know thats just not true.

Tony is naturally irritating, annoying and willfully confrontational...which is GREAT! He would stop being such an ass, but he can't help himself.

I keep reading how Stroger is "corrupt." Um, who the hell are we talking about? John or Todd? To all you Clayfools, don't try the whole "same difference" line - it makes you look dumber than you are.

Seriously, I have a great disdain for Tony "the Toilet" Peraica, but, hey, like an earlier poster said, its summer and, well, most of this early crap won't matter come November. Still, it is telling that people admit to not knowing much about either guy, but are willing to vote for Peraica, well, just because he's...not John Stroger's son.

These people are as dumb as their logic:

Truth: Todd Stroger never lied to the media about his dad's condition. He said, almost from the outset, that a decision would be made by July and it was.

Truth: Todd Stroger has nearly one decade more experience of public service than The Toilet and has always been a Democrat, unlike Tony who adopted an ideological change when the Dems didn't let him play with their ball.

Truth: Tony Peraica cannot point to one piece of decent legislation, a new ordiance or any other accomplishment during his time as a Board member, other than playing obstructionist.

Truth: If John Stroger had not had a stroke, the media would be about as interested in him as they are about Shaqueesha Johnson (don't know who she is? Neither does the media...or do I for that matter).

False: Tony Peraica is a "reformer." He hasn't reformed anything and won't. He still faces a majority regular Dem Board and won't be at all effective. That's like saying I'm a millionaire...and believe me, I aint got a million bucks.

False: Tony Peraica will clean house, cut jobs, etc., and not raise taxes. WHAT KIND OF FOOLS ARE YOU?!?! If you aren't cutting jobs in the public safety or healthcare, you aren't going to make a dent, no matter who you fire - the County's deficit is structural in nature, with no new revenues on the horizon and healthcare costs rising exponentially. Honestly, who do we think we are to buy houses and not pay taxes on them to assist in the administration of government? THATS STUPID! WE ALL KNOW TAXES GO UP! ALL THE TIME! HERE"S THE PROBLEM: fools run out and buy ALLLL the house they can for the money they've saved, then can't afford much else, outside of their SUV payments and gas. If you really think Tony Peraica is going to help you out of that jam, think again. He'll just do it with a smile.

So here's the deal - Todd and Tony will both define themselves, personally and politically, over the next few months. The public will find out that Todd is actually a pretty smart, reasonable, low-key guy and that Tony is an arrogant liar with an agenda and an ego so big that you are suprised that there is anyone that self-important roaming God's green earth.

The only thing that repulses me more than a lying is rank ignorance. Seems to be a lot going around.

Anonymous,  1:47 PM  

Hey "Sigh"-- nice try but your transparent vitriol will fool no one but the fools. BTW when a cure for ignorance is discovered-- make sure your in the right line.

Anonymous,  3:22 PM  

Peraica himself admits that he only came over to the Republican party because he got tired of waiting in line in the Dem Party. He went back and forth running as a Dem, then an Repub, then a Dem again, and then finally won something as a Repub. in a Repub leaning commissioner district in Cook.

Tony's "conversion" had nothing to do with the issues. All about opportunism. And it was just a few years ago.

He was perfectly happy for example spending all the Reagan years in the Dem Party.

Plus, this "reformer" has gotta explain his support for Topinka and the fact that he got his own son on the County payroll.

Repubs could have made some progress this year, but not with Tony.

Gary Skoien's got the Cook County GOP completely misfiring. It's even worse than the State GOP.

Anonymous,  4:15 PM  

Another nice try--

Party affiliation in Cook Cook county is by convenience only--ask Daley. If reform is your agenda, you have to get elected somehow. Once in--and this is the fear for some and the promise for others--you get a shot at changing things. That's because it has been proven that the parties have a unique way of homogenizing cnadidates into the combine. Peraica owes nothing to any of them. Boo!

Anonymous,  10:37 AM  

That was a horrible try.

Peraica has never stood for reform, so somehow he's magically going to become a reformer. All we've got to do is follow his secret plan and elect him. Right, maybe he'll stop getting his family members County jobs once we promote him. He has no choice but to be like the rest while he's just a Commissioner.

Good lord, what turnip truck did you fall off of?

Anonymous,  11:48 AM  

Outsiders are very threatening aren't they? Won't be contolled, can't be manipulated, not vested in the "system" and won't play by our rules. We had every thing figured out. Our own big chunk, worked just fine-- now what! Who needs elections anyway! Oh my! Oh my! But-- what will we do? Please oh please what shall we do?

Anonymous,  8:58 PM  

The anti Peraica rhetoric is silly,
corruption is prevalent in county government, it is a joke

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