National Disgrace: Oprah Highlights Illinois Education Gap
Today's Oprah Show featured a ballyhooed interview with Bill and Melinda Gates and a segment which focused on the education gap here in Illinois. Oprah organized a student exchange which allowed kids from Chicago's Harper High to spend the day at a high school in Naperville and brought the Naperville kids to Chicago for a day.
Here's what they learned:
When the Harper students arrived at Neuqua Valley, they were stunned to see what the suburban school offered—an Olympic-size swimming pool, a gym and fitness center, an award-winning music department, a huge computer lab, and a rigorous course curriculum.Meanwhile this little nugget from the Sun-Times' Ralph Martire is bound to catch the attention of Oprah and civil rights leaders across Illinois:When they arrived at Harper, the students from Neuqua Valley were shocked immediately by the difference between Harper and their own school. For starters, students have to enter Harper through a metal detector. They have a pool at Neuqua Valley, but the Harper pool hasn't been filled with water in a decade. The Neuqua Valley students have an award-winning music department, while Harper doesn't have enough instruments for a music class and relies on improvised instruments—like banging on desks. At Neuqua Valley, students can enroll in more than two dozen advanced placement courses, compared to the two offered at Harper. "It's so mind-blowing to think that there's such a difference and we're both in the same state, an hour away from each other," one Neuqua Valley student says.
The difference between the two schools can also be seen in their scores on state exams. At Neuqua Valley, 78 percent of students meet Illinois' reading standards, 76 percent meet the science standards, and 77 percent meet the math standards. At Harper, 16 percent meet the reading standards, 1.5 percent meet the science standards and just .5 percent meet the math standards.
The Illinois data are as bad or worse. In K-12 education, Illinois ranks as the third most segregated state for blacks, with 82 percent of black children attending majority minority schools. Latinos don't fare much better, as 76 percent of Latino children attend predominantly minority schools. Ninety percent of white kids go to virtually all-white schools. Clearly, the Illinois school system is still separated by race, but is it now more equal by race? Not from a funding standpoint. Minority school districts in Illinois start out with $1,154 less per child to spend on education than do predominantly white school districts, the second worst funding gap nationally (emphasis added).Too bad Senator Meeks didn't have that newsclip in his pocket when he marched on the Mayor's office last week. He might have marched to Governor Blagojevich's office instead to find out why the state is spending nearly $14,000 more on average on the public education of white children. I'd love to hear the Governor explain that one.
YDD, the state of Illinois is not spending an average of 14 grand on white students, never mind 14 grand more per student.
As for segregation, Chicago schools are certainly segregated but the article is kind of misleading. If all Chicago schools had exactly replicated Chicago's racial composition, then all Chicago students would be in minority-majority schools!
Chicago is minority white, and the minorities in Illinois are concentrated into Chicago and a few of the suburbs.,_Illinois
Blago and Daley are both terrible and terrible hypocrites on education.
Here is my problem with an Oprah show like this. She's right in hilighting the terrible discrepancies between rich and poor districts, but they always end up wanting to take more taxpayer money, instead of real solutions that will solve the problem.
I don't see Oprah giving any of her money to this districts. No, they want to yank the money out of the pocket of the hard-working middle class.
This is why I think school choice is an absolute no-brainer. This would level the playing field and give poor kids the chance to take their voucher and use it at the school of their choice. Create some competition and force those bad schools to get better.
What about the discrepencies in where people live? Take a stroll down 63rd and Cottage Grove Avenue. Tour some of the slums there.
The go take a tour of Oprah's Hancock Center Gold Coast home. You will be the difference of how people live & opportunities afforded to them.
Shame on you Illinois for allowing such discrepencies. I really hope something can be done about this.
To be fair to Oprah, (and I am for School Choice and don't believe more money is the answer) she does give a lot of money to help others.
I do not watch her show, was not a fan of Dr. Phil (But I did read his book on Family and it was excellent it was given to me as a gift and I was surprised how good it was)
Oprah does do a lot of good
It's called property taxes YDD, not too hard to figure out.
Question to the general audience..aren't teachers salaries generally higher in Chicago than the rest of Illinois? Isn't spending per student much higher in Chicago than downstate?
So, if we are not getting results in the City, why do we continue with the current Education monopoly system?
As always, The Daily Southtown gets into real journalism and not mythopoeic construction.
e.g. -
This is root of the problem. The branches are the kids being left in the dust by Education Reform.
I used to have to go through a metal detector at school. I understood why we had to but even I knew this wasn't right. This had to have been an interesting field trip for those suburban kids. There is definitely a problem that has to be addressed.
When you complete your studies, drop us a note at Leo. we can always use a bright committed young teacher.
"To be fair to Oprah, she does give a lot of money to help others."
And yet inequality still exists. I'd venture to say she should give more. Lots and lots more until the inequalities of 63rd & Cottage Grove and the Gold Coast are balanced out.
The STATE does not spend $14,000 per pupil. The state has a base amount it gives, the local property taxpayer in Winnetka, Highland Park, etc., realizing the value of a good education, taxes themselves the amount over what the state pays, in order to provide what is needed for their children to get ahead.
Politics in Chicago, does not help the situation in our school system. When the alderman are allowed to give themselves raises when they see fit, and everyone else has to fight for raises it is a total insult. There is also the problem of Local School Councils, that in most cases, persons serving on these board do not have the proper training to have the power given them; anyone can serve on this board such as, drug addicts, dropouts, felons etc. This is state mandated, but only in Chicago. Why?
There is also no stability in the school's. Administrators are replaced every four or less years. Not because of there inability to run a school, but in many cases, due to personal reasons on the councils behalf, or in some cases downtown administrators, because they want their friends and relatives in place.
I have also come to the conclusion that our priorities are totally out of wack. There was a time when teachers where respected, not any longer. We give more respect to entertainers and sports figures and pay them more. Yet, teachers had some input for where they are today. People continue to blame teachers, when there is enough blame to go around for everyone. Teachers have just become the scapegoats.
In Chicago, it is more important to plant trees, host the olympics build amusment and ball parks. These entertainment arenas, in many cases are not utilized by the poor; they can't afford, therefore they don't get the exposure. Many just stay in their neighborhoods and try to survive the daily gangs and drug traffic. Many don't attend school for that reason.
Schools are not going to be successful if you don't have parental support. Look at the statistics. In most cases, that's the problem with inner city schools. The children are raising themselves and they nor their parents are made accountable. The truancy rates, for whatever reason, are high in many of the schools. You can not give instruction if the students are not present. It sad to say, many who attend school come without needed supplies, hungry, they don't do homework and they are discipline problems. The teacher bashing has to stop. Inner city school teachers have more to contend with than their surburban colleagues. As a matter of fact, that's probably why so many surburban teachers choose not to teach in the city; they couldn't handle the stress. Contrary to belief, your best teachers are in the inner city; they have to teach the whole child. Not to mention they have to be mother, father, nurse, counselor....the list goes on.
On a more positive note:
There is at least one school on the southside, that no one seems to recognize, that has the parental support needed to be successful, but I haven't heard anyone mention it. The School is Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy. These students, parents faculty and administrators need to be recognized. Brooks students top the state in most categories.
As far as Ophrah is concern, she is a total inspiration and she does her fair share. Could she do more? Probably but so can the rest of us; what have our so-called politicians been doing? Filling their pockets, because they claim they work so hard. Doing what? No one works any harder than the teachers in Chicago. Do we have bad apples?
Who doesn't. Take a look at your PRESIDENT!!!
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