Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Kris Broughton: You can do it, Harry. Just repeat after me. "Ro-land Bu-rris. Ro-land Bu-rris. Ro-land Bu-rris is the junior senator from Illinois".

Broughton's column: Roland Burriss Next Senator From Illinois.

Also, Fran Eaton reads it right I think. MJM's goofed and badly misplayed impeachment and a special election. We'll have the Guv for some time to come.

Despite the fact Blagojevich has made Illinois a laughingstock to the nation and the world, and it would be a relief and a face-saver to have him resign or be impeached, cooler heads will likely prevail in the Senate. Blagojevich is likely to remain governor, perhaps through the rest of this term.

In the meantime, let's hope Illinoisans have learned a hard lesson: We get the government we deserve. It is our responsibility to pay attention to state and local politics and know who we're electing. What we do in Illinois matters - not to just us here, but to the nation and to the world.

And just for the record, I sincerely hope this New Year's prediction is wrong.


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