Thursday, October 23, 2008

Poll: Two-thirds of Illinois voters want federal-style tax brackets

For the full story, check out Progressive Advocacy, but a Paul Simon Institute poll shows that 66% of voters want a progressive, federal-style income tax with higher tax rates for higher tax brackets. 

Hopefully we'll either vote yes on a constitutional convention so that we can put a progressve income tax amendment on the 2010 ballot or the General Assembly will do what they failed to do in 2008 and put the amendment on the 2010 ballot. Then the next Governor, whoever he or she may be, can implement a progressive income tax with the General Assembly in 2011 and do what two-thirds of the state wants.

"Down with the flat income tax!" says a super-majority of the state. 


Anonymous,  3:30 PM  

Terrible idea! Don't folks realize that when wealthy residents are charged more because we want to redistribute their wealth, they leave. Why do we think businesses left the US, and people threw all their money into banks overseas...forced donation is ridiculous. I am lower middle class at best and think it is horrible for us to charge people with money more for services they use less of. So let’s chase them out of town and create an even bigger deficit so we can all cover that. Brilliant. Stop being followers and stop blaming other people for your inadequacies.

~LOVE the Annoyed 22 Year Old

Anonymous,  10:34 AM  

If you put the 'over 3%' bracket just above my income level, you'll have my full support.

Illinois has a voracious appetite for social programs that we all need and deserve.

Time to update our outdated tax code! The majority of Illinois residents fully understand this.

Bill Baar 10:37 AM  

hmm...well...let a candidate advocate it on their platform.

Wumpus 9:14 PM  

Let the people who need it most be taxed the highest

Anonymous,  11:15 PM  

And guess which legally established, statewide political party is the ONLY one to, once again, support the MAJORITY position... The Illinois Green Party, of course.

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