Friday, April 06, 2007

GRT and The Art of War in Illinois

There are three books I consider required reading for all policymakers, political activists, and political junkies. The Art of War is first on the list (I'll talk about the other two soon). First not because it takes pre-eminence over the other two, but because it's the most venerable, and because so many folks make reference to it without ever actually having read it. And this is a book that bears re-reading.

I was reminded of Sun Tzu today by CapitolFax. Those of you who subscribe to CapitolFax (if you don't subscribe, you really should pony up the $30 a month) know that CapitolFax founder/political reporter par excellence just spent several intimate days with Governor Blagojevich on his statewide bus tour. Based on his time spent with the Governor, Rich Miller offered up his analysis of the Governor's persona as someone who is always itching for a fight. [Editor's note: if you want to read what Rich Miller says, you need to subscribe]

Sun Tzu would not be impressed with the Governor's gladiator mentality. The ancient strategist, mandatory reading in all military officer courses through out the world (Hitler allegedly based his Blitzkrieg attack on the writings of Sun Tzu), offers us this surprising pearl of wisdom:

"To win a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the highest excellence; the highest excellence is to subdue the enemy's army without fighting at all."

The Governor has also made it clear in many statements to the press that he's willing to drag out this fight over the GRT as long as necessary, and expend great resources -- political capital, state staff time and resources, even his own political funds and those of his allies. Sun Tzu warns against this exhaustively, but the clearest passage is this:

"When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength.

Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.

Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.

There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare."

We see this happening now. While Blagojevich's hopes of passing his original GRT have passed, and his dream of passing any form of the GRT grows dimmer every day. Meanwhile, he's been weakened politically, and his top ally Senate President Emil Jones becomes increasingly weakened by the lack of progress on electric rates and fractures within his caucus over the GRT. At the same time, Speaker Madigan and Lt. Governor Pat Quinn are growing in strength, without actually expending any of their original resources at all.

The top beneficiary of the Governor's extended anti-business campaign, ironically, is the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce. While the State Chamber is spending money and resources on organizing opposition and t.v. ads, I'm betting that their fundraising is far outpacing their expenditures. GRT has also giving them a new-found relevancy in state politics, after a period of dormancy. A new tool for organizing local businesses and expanding their base. And a key ally in the Illinois Press Association.


Extreme Wisdom 2:19 PM  


Though not privy to anywhere near the inside info as you and Rich, isn't it fair to say that whether he really wants it or not, the whole GRT dog & pony show is a stalking horse for HB750?

GRT isn't moving, HB750 is.

Republicans will fight the GRT, but can't wait to roll over on HB750.

The Chamber will fight the GRT, but can't wait to roll over on HB750.

If I were a Democrat strategist, and I wanted to find a way to pass an HB750 while taking the minimum blame for its eventual exposure as a scam, I'd invent the "GRT strategy."

I sucker dumb Republicans (are there any other kind in IL anymore?) into supporting it.

I pretend it's a compromise, and the fatuous business community goes along for the ride.

Am I missing something here? Please advise.

Bill 2:37 PM  

Please! It is supposed to be a secret!
Whatever, it seems to be working doesn't it.

Yellow Dog Democrat 2:41 PM  

That's conventional wisdom, but take note of the fact that the Governor is actively attacking HB 750. It's in his t.v. ads, it's in his talking points for the bus tour. He's got Doug Kane attacking it here on this blog nearly every day. I just don't buy the conspiracy theory that the Governor is trying to clear the way for HB 750, although that may be the end result.

Why the Governor things his plan is better than HB 750 is not clear. Even his own budget guru has admitted that it's atleast possible that the GRT will be passed on to the folks he wants to protect from HB 750. And, as I've pointed out, the GRT is a much bigger net tax increase, and voters already think he's broken his pledge to not raise taxes, according to polling.

I've only met the Governor once, at the Gay Pride Parade back in 2001, so I won't claim to know what's going on in his head, behind the rhetoric.

I have some guesses, based on what I've observed though:

--He really wants his health care plan (and needs a bigger tax increase to pay for it). Either because he really believes it's the right thing to do, an explanation I'm a little skeptical of, because he never was known as a champion of health care as a Congressman or State Representative. Or, more likely, he hasn't given up hope of running for President someday, and while health care doesn't poll as a top state priority in Illinois, it does poll as a top federal priority nationally.

-- His political advisers have misread the tea leaves and the polling on an income tax/service tax plan that increases funding for schools and provides property tax relief. And they foolishly believed that voters would buy into their "big corporation" rhetoric and were too stupid to see the GRT would be passed on to them.

-- He's too arrogant to support a plan that wasn't his idea to begin with, and requires complex negotiations and compromises.

-- What the Governor actually hopes to accomplish at the end of the day is nothing, but he wants to be able to say he tried to do something, and blame others for the fact that nothing happened, gaining a political advantage.

Other folks may have other ideas, and I encourage them to post them.

Bill Baar 2:54 PM  

I'd sucker dumb Republicans (are there any other kind in IL anymore?) into supporting it.

You got it.

Sad thing about reading was my wife came home from volunteering at a Fox Valley grade school (which shall remain nameless) in a funk because of how far behind the kids were in basic reading skills.

Anonymous,  8:48 PM  

What power does pat quinn have exactly? I'd be curious what Sun Tsu has to say about disloyal lieutenents.

The conspiracy stuff sounds, well, conspiratorial. HB 750 does nothing for health care, the top priority on the Governor's agenda. Stalking horse my arse.

Extreme Wisdom 12:59 AM  

Anon 8:48,

I too wonder about the various scenarios when taking into account the Guv's and Madigan's difficult relationship.

OTOH, I notice that when the "3 men in room" (courtesy Jim Broadway) decide how the pie is sliced, they seem to get along well-enough to figure ways to either tax or borrow - as long as the cash flows.

As I said, I don't know all that the insiders know, but I'm still betting that the GRT doesn't pass and HB750 does.

I'm also betting that 4-5 Republicans in each chamber are stupid enough to vote for it, as they crow about illusory "accountability provisions" and "stopping the GRT."

Spare me the talk about Health Care. These taxes are for whatever spending buys votes, and the in their insatiable greed for more cash, the Education Establishment will kick even poor kids and the elderly to the curb so as to engorge themselves.

Anonymous,  4:08 PM  

Is it possible Comrade Rod and his goons came up with this Gross Revnue Tax to pad the state coffer's, so they have plenty on money to help them when many of them are are indicted?

Yellow Dog Democrat 10:56 AM  

HB 750 makes sure that the state's Medicaid bills are paid on time, and creates a $200 million fund to provide Cost of Doing Business Grants for local human services agencies, so I wouldn't say it "does nothing for health care."

Calling Pat Quinn Governor Blagojevich's "Lieutenant" shows a little ignorance of both the relationship between the two men and the two offices.

Rod got stuck with Pat Quinn back in the 2002 primary, he didn't pick him as his running mate. Our system of nominating the team is designed to foster independence of the Lt. Governor's office. From Day One, the two men have had separate agendas and separate messages.

Quinn wisely spent the first four years focusing on the needs of veterans and our armed forces, coming out of that box only occasionally to comment on issues of the environment and consumer protection.

Now that Rod has weakened himself, he's created a platform for Quinn, on both GRT and electric rates. Quinn's nose for populist issues has always been strong, but until recently he hasn't had the cajones to follow where his nose leads. The recent developments show a shift in the relationship between the two men, but Quinn hasn't done a 180.

Anonymous,  2:19 PM  

Quinn always was and remains an OPPORTUNIST! Show him an opportunity and he will drive his sideshow throught the hole. The problem with self-serving politicians like Quinn is they never get anything done, but make a lot of noise doing it. too bad the press is so easily bamboozled!

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