Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ethanol keeps spreading the misery

We already know that ethanol subsidies encourage farmers to take their land out of the production of real food, thus raising prices, thus increasing hunger and starvation around the world. Turns out that all these wonderful new ethanol production facilities are a huge drain on scarce water resources:

Some corn-producing regions are already scrapping over dwindling supply. The Journal's Joe Barrett recently reported that Kansas is threatening to sue neighboring Nebraska for consuming more than its share of the Republican River. The Grand Forks Herald reports local opposition to a proposed ethanol plant in Erskine, Minnesota, with anti-refinery yard signs sprouting up and residents concerned about well water. Backers of a proposed plant in Jamestown, North Dakota, recently withdrew their application when it became clear that the plant's million-gallon-a-day appetite would drain too much from a local aquifer. In Wisconsin, new ethanol plants are encountering opposition in Sparta and Milton.

Starvation and thirst seem a high price to pay so politicians (both Dem and GOP, both lib and conservative) can pretend the U.S. has a valid energy policy ($4 per gallon, coming soon) while sucking up to agribusiness industries at the same time.


JBP 3:10 PM  

Any sensible person knows logistics are much bigger factor than commodity price in "starvation". What does it really matter if there is 1 cent worth of corn in a torilla or .9 cents, when no one will manufacture or ship the cornmeal for 10x that amount?

Any time a farmer actually makes a profit he is condemned for being so greedy, when he makes a loss, he is pitiful.

Anonymous,  7:04 PM  


The cost of shipping the food (ie, fuel costs) are much more of a factor in food costs than taking the starch out for ethanol and giving the rest of the grain to livestock and poultry as feed....

But keep promoting those Big Oil talking points, it's apparently working in getting people to ignore what's actually driving up food costs.

Anonymous,  7:09 PM  

PS: Grain grown for ethanol is not irrigated nearly as much as food grain (if at all) so water concerns drop in farmfields growing fuel crops.

And production of ethanol fuel consumes less water than oil refineries go through... it's just that oil refineries don't make sense in the middle of the corn belt so the water use becomes more apparent in those areas.

Oh, and ethanol production tends to pollute water less too but who's picky, eh? (Chicago sure got up in arms when BP wanted to dump more mercury and other toxins into Lake Michigan at their Indiana refinery.)

Anonymous,  6:18 AM  

Thank you to the farmers who made the previous ethanol "is good for you" comments. Nahhh, they aren't biased , are they?
Until the US Government gets serious about "viable" and "economical" alternative energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric,nuclear, etc), we will be fighting wars in the middle east for the next one hundred years. Washington politicians (including Bush & Cheney) have allowed the US to become a boot-licker to those who possess petroleum. And, I say this although I am a conservative Republican.
"People do to you what you allow them to do to you."

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