Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Fritchey mulls treasurer race, troubled by Mangieri

From Fritchey's blog:

So by now, I guess that, even though I have been trying to make a decision quickly and quietly, it's no secret that I have been weighing a run for the Treasurer office, (and no, this post is not a going to be a pronouncement one way or the other-very soon though), so I read with some interest Rick Pearson's article today discussing the fact that with Judy running for Governor, the race has a whole new dynamic to it.

What surprised me in the article was the flippant tone of Knox County State's Attorney Paul Mangieri's comments. It's one thing to have an air of confidence, as you should, even if you were tapped to pitch because there was nobody left on the bench. But it doesn't strike me as smart politics to gamely take a reporter's bait, and in so doing, deride "Chicago liberalism" (is he talking about the Speaker?) or more so, "the courage of the convictions" of myself or others by not getting into the race at the time of slating. If he doesn't get that the race is wholly different now than it was, he is missing something. And I don't know if that is a quality that I am comfortable with in any of our candidates.

From The Inside Dope


Anonymous,  4:04 PM  

Guess John doesn't get the fact that some/many Dems see the need for some balance for all Demos to succeed in '06!
If the that Trib story hurt his feelings, think how bad the real stories will be.
Maybe John will need to drag out his secret plan to campaign for Sheriff

Anonymous,  8:01 PM  

If Mangieri doesn't like Chicago liberals, he should spell out why.

He should pledge not to accept a dime from Chicagoans, if he feels that way.

It also was pretty poor of Mangieri to take the bait and start firing potshots at his own party -- he must have skipped Madigan's "Politics is a game of addition" speech.

It's also pretty tough talk for a guy who lost his last race for State Senate b over 5,000 votes, despite significant propping up from Madigan and Jones.

Anonymous,  9:20 AM  

This isn't about who likes who, but about who can win the office. Of the names that are out there, the only one with a strong probability of winning the General Election is Fritchey.

Anonymous,  2:05 PM  

I agree, how could anybody argue that perennial candidate Mangieri or some unknown banker's son would be a stronger campaigner or candidate than Rep. Fritchey, who has a good proven track record and apparently good support beyond Chicago as well?

Anonymous,  2:28 PM  

Fritchey is so full of himself. Such an opportunist if I ever saw one. Jeez, John, if you really wanted the job you would have presented yourself at the slatemaking. And, yes, Fritchey's comments on his own blog after the controversy about the zoning case for the castle on the Northwest Side show just how thin skinned he really is.

I am for Magieri. I am from Chicago and have never met the guy, but I realize the one thing the Dem ticket does NOT need is another Chicagoan.

And for the above post, where does Frtichey have support outside of Chicago?

I will be campaigning for Paul M. He will win the general election, if the dems get behind him. And, yes, I am talking about you on the northside, the same ones who have tanked other Dem nominees from downstate.

If we want to grow as a party and remain competitive downstate, Paul Mangieri is the candidate we need to support.

Anonymous,  9:53 AM  

Any word on who the GOP is going to run?

Anonymous,  10:45 AM  

So let me posit a few questions for the group...

HonJohn pointed out that Mangieri hasn't stated why he wants to be Treasurer.

But HonJohn's reason, spite, is perfectly acceptable?

Exactly who (and the scrappy bunch on this blog doesn't count) comprises HonJohn's base of support outside of Chicago? Outside of the north side?

Anon 9:20 - you state that HonJohn is the only Dem with a chance of winning? Based on what?

NDPOTUS -- the lakefronters are not the only moneybrokers in IL Dem politics. Labor and Trial Lawyers wield a pretty big stick. And as a trial lawyer himself, I'm pretty sure Mangieri can get cash from them.

I'm not even necessarily a big Mangieri supporter, or an HonJohn detractor -- but this notion that Mangieri doesn't fit a certain mold AND he may have offended a couple dozen people, gloriously led by HonJohn, and thus must be slayed from the ticket is beyond silly.

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