Monday, June 30, 2008

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - June 30, 2008

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: DuPage County is at the heart of Illinois Republican politics and Wheaton is at the heart of DuPage County. Outstandingly, Wheaton has an international reputation for being Christian, for being conservative, and for being Republican. Outrageously, for decades, Democrats, the Chicago Tribune, other newspapers, and TV stations have done everything they can to drive Christians, conservatives, and Republicans out of Wheaton, out of Milton Township, out of DuPage County, out of Illinois, and out of America. Outrageously, for decades, Democrats, the Chicago Tribune, other newspapers, and TV stations have demonized Wheaton's residents as being patriotic, warmongers, boring, mean-spirited, selfish, racist , sexist, bigoted, intolerant, wealthy, heterosexual, white, Christian, conservative, Republican, and worse. Sadly, because of that demonization, Wheaton's downtown and its Independence Day parade have suffered and some are reluctant to move to Wheaton or to stay in Wheaton. But surprisingly, the Chicago Tribune praises Wheaton for welcoming each year scores if not hundreds of refugees into its Wheaton Square apartment complex. That apartment complex surrounds Milton Township's headquarters and is at the start of Wheaton's Independence Day parades. Today, Diersen will again hand deliver parade flyers to each and every apartment in that complex, flyers that encourage the residents to watch Wheaton's Independence Day parade. This year the flyers report that Republicans are sponsoring two parade entries - the Chicago Highlanders and Cub Scout Pack 64. Sitting in front of me as I write this is a picture taken on July 4 last year of Big Queenie the elephant with the apartment complex in the background. Last year, Republicans contributed $2,000 for Big Queenie to walk in the parade behind Congressman Roskam. Before the parade began last year, the many who visited Big Queenie included residents of the apartment complex and many parade participants including Joe Birkett and Lisa Madigan.,0,3779580.story
-- VERY SAD: Politics, pageantry mingle at Chicago gay pride parade Participants seek support for same-sex marriage - Kristen Kridel,0,5796178.story
-- WHY DO SO MANY WHO DESPISE AMERICA WANT OBAMA TO WIN?: Obama to wrap his story around the Red, White and Blue - John McCormick,0,7434622.story
-- Your Stroger-Daley Tax - Editorial,0,3891049.story

-- OUTSTANDING: Only 4 more days until Wheaton's Independence Day parade Republican participants include: Birkett, Bucholz, Eckhoff, Fortner, Hultgren, Kachiroubas, Olson, McBride, Milton Township Republicans, Muehlfelt, Sauerberg, and Roskam - Dave Diersen
Please plan on coming to Wheaton on July 4 and watching its outstanding Independence Day parade. So far, Republicans Joe Birkett, Fred Bucholz, Grant Eckhoff, Mike Fortner, Randy Hultgren, Chris Kachiroubas, Debra Olson, J.R. McBride, Milton Township Republicans, Gary Muehlfelt, Steve Sauerberg, and Peter Roskam have registered to participate. Many thanks to Joe Birkett, David Carlin, Roger Claar, Kirk Dillard, Grant Eckhoff, Mike Fortner, Gwen Henry, Randy Hultgren, Gary King, J.R. McBride, Debra Olson, and Phil Suess for sponsoring the Chicago Highlanders. Many thanks to Mary Jo Arndt, Michael Connelly, Bob Larsen, Darlene Ruscitti, Tim Whelan, and John Zaruba for sponsoring Cub Scout Pack 64. Many thanks to All Star Printing for printing parade flyers.

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: All the religions of the world discourage homosexual activity. To participate in Chicago's Gay Pride Parade is to promote homosexual activity. Tragically, the parade's 232 participant entries and 14 advertisers reject all the religions of the world and promote homosexual activity.

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: A veteran uses the "Gay Pride Parade" to promote homosexual activity,CST-NWS-pride30.article
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Democrats blame "A band of fiscally conservative Republican senators" for HIV/AIDS problems,CST-EDT-edit29z.article
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: 65th House District: Laura Washington promotes Democrat Aurora Austriaco,CST-EDT-washington30.article

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: More than 25 members of a Palatine "church" reject all the religions of the world and marched in the 39th annual "Gay Pride Parade" to promote homosexual activity
-- Killing pay raises is a good place to start - Editorial
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: The increasing out-of-wedlock birth rate in America is one of America's greatest problems. In a personal conversation with George F. Will shortly after George W. Bush was elected President, I urged Mr. Will to urge President Bush to set a goal for America like John F. Kennedy had set a goal for America to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. I urged Mr. Will to urge President Bush to set a goal for America to bring the out-of-wedlock birth rate back down to pre-Great Society levels by the end of the decade. Sadly, Mr. Will did not take my advice.
-- High fuel prices pinch the working girl Trucker-reliant brothel biz seeing 25% downturn - AP

-- VERY SAD: Thousands Attend Annual Gay Pride Parade Theme of March Was "Live, Love, Be Proud" Mike Puccinelli (Includes video clip)

-- VERY SAD: Organizers See Spike In Attendance At Gay Pride Parade (Includes video clip)

-- VERY SAD: Chicago turns out to celebrate gay pride - Ravi Baichwal

-- Governor could blame proposed budget cuts on Madigan - Rich Miller,063008miller.article

-- Local projects 'held hostage' by funding feud Naperville Republicans Cross, Dillard, Dunn, and Meyer blast Democrats over stalemate - Tim Waldorf,6_1_NA30_CAPITAL_S1.article
-- "Prosecutors had sought a 60-day jail term for McCulloch, who previously worked on behalf of former U.S. Rep. Dennis Hastert and U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam.",6_1_NA29_FRAUD_S1.article

-- OUTRAGEOUS: Bilingual classes required by law - Cigi Ross,3_1_EL30_A1BILINGUAL_S1.article

-- Where is Schock?
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Schock isn't just a congressional candidate vying for the 18th District congressional seat. He still is an elected official. We're trying to let his constituents know where he stands on the issues. That can't happen if he doesn't talk. Some ranking Republican leaders in the 18th District are starting to get concerned. What is he thinking? Schock's campaign manager, Steve Shearer, has assured us Schock is just very busy and working hard at fundraising. And those same Republicans are wondering if Shearer is devoting enough time to Schock's campaign and instead is filling his plate too full. Shearer is angling for a position on the Illinois Republican Party's state central committee - a post that will be vacated by Demetra DeMonte, who recently was elected Republican national committeewoman. He also holds a pivotal role in Joan Krupa's campaign for Schock's 92nd District seat.)

-- Governor busy with federal agents

-- Could non-citizens steal an election? - Fran Eaton
-- Yes, Non-Citizens can cast enough votes to alter election outcomes. - Mark Rhoads
-- VERY SAD: Obama, the LGBT rights supporter - Fran Eaton

-- Part 2 of Series What's Wrong With Journalism? Illinois Blog Blurs Lines of Journalism: A Matter of Trust - Daniel T. Zanoza

-- VERY SAD: Gay Pride Parade Shines Through Despite Rain
(FROM THE REPORT: The biggest contingent by far was those who marched on behalf of Barack Obama. More than a hundred (maybe more than 200) people marched for Barack.)

-- McCain Pounds Obama for Position Flips - Tahman Bradley

-- Libertarian Barr Says GOP Is Played Out - Zachary Goldfarb

-- McCain Gets Praise, Not Backing, From Grahams - Robert McFadden

-- John McCain visits with Billy Graham
-- McCain visits evangelist Billy Graham and his son A retired general has blunt words about the GOP senator's experience. Obama takes the day off.,0,4564705.story

-- Candidates' wives under media microscope - Carla Marinucci

-- McCain's judicial plan draws conservatives

-- Obama Backs Equal Pay for Women, Yet His Female Staffers Are Paid Less than Male Staffers - Fred Lucas

-- Lack of funds hobbling the 'Republican attack machine' - Steven Thomma

-- Obama’s Boys of Summer A Who’s Who of 1968 radicals supports the candidate. - Daniel Flynn

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who want Obama to win tell McCain that he must pander to Hispanics

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Illinois Memorial at the Vicksburg National Battlefield

Modeled after the Panthenon, the most impressive of the state memorials within the Vicksburg National Military Park honors the Illinois soldiers who took part in the campaign to capture the "Gibraltar of the Confederacy."

Leading up to the monument are 47 steps, one for each day of the siege.

Engraved inside the dome the names of each of the 36,325 Illinoisans who participated in this key battle.

Here's what Marlo Carter Fitzpatrick wrote about the memorial in Mississippi Off The Beaten Path:

Of the thousands of names listed, two are of particular interest. Fred Grant, the general's twelve-year-old son, is listed as his aide. Also listed is Albert D. Cashire, who served throughout the Vicksburg campaign. When Cahsire was hospitalized years later he was discovered to be a she--an immigrant named Jennie Hodgers, who had masqueraded as a man for nearly half a century.

Click here for Colonel Austin Bay's post on Vicksburg and the 26th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

To comment on this post, or to see read more about "My Mississippi Manifest Destiny," click here.

Gay Pride Parade Shines Through Despite Rain

not even the rain could keep chicago away from the annual gay & lesbian pride parade. you'd like to say that a good time was had by all, but the very least we can say is, a very good time was had! some people are intent on bringing it all down, but they can hardly stop what basically turned into a huge street party.

the rain was not the only thing we had to worry about. a participant feel off a float, got run over and broke his leg, putting a stop to progress for 2/3rds of the parade's entries. an ambulance was dispatched, putting a big hole in the parade (this for a parade that always has huge gaps due to stoppage for cross-traffic). still, most of the politicians involved were never effected.

the biggest contingent by far was those who marched on behalf of barack obama. more than a hundred (maybe more than 200) people marched for barack. as always, vi daley, john fritchey and sara feigenholtz had strong contingents. and alexi giannoulias had a big group, many with very colorful (and new, at least to me) t-shirts. of course, this is the parade to go all out for! plus, alexi's very able chief of staff (and my former state rep) was there, as well.

deb shore was there, representing the metropolitan water reclamation district. roberto maldonado brought his message of bringing the government to the people to the parade. tom tunney also brought out a big crew. they were surrounded by the floats from the local television stations.

there were a number of politicians, though, who were effected by the parade stoppage. anita alvarez was among them and well represented. her t-shirt said it all (elect me!). jan schakowsky (and super-surrogate for barack obama) was another. the cook county democrats -- aka "the machine" -- had a float with joe berrios and todd stroger. stephanie neely brought up the rear.

more photos in the comments.

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - June 29, 2008

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: McQueary reports on Blagojevich the horse,062908mcqueary.article
(FROM THE REPORT: Blagojevich's trainer also recommended turning the horse into a gelding, or castrating him, at a young age. Blagojevich, you see, was a bit too aggressive and unfocused. Horses that keep their reproductive parts are called "studs" and can be used for breeding. But they require special handling and separation from other horses because of their temperament. So Blagojevich went under the knife. While learning about horse health care, I stumbled upon something profound. There is, in fact, a completely legitimate medical condition to blame for all the aggression among Democrats in Springfield. Forget the jokes about testosterone, or even the very real talk of impeachment. What we need is a team of surgeons. But I digress. On the day I met Blagojevich, he was in his stall waiting impatiently for his morning jog. Like the governor, Blagojevich the horse jogs a few times a week for three or four miles at a time. To see his daily routine and my exclusive interview with Blagojevich, watch the video posted on our Web site, You'll see him run gracefully around the track at Balmoral, pulling the cart on which I sat with his trainer. I think Blagojevich knew I was a member of the media. He kicked enough sand and grit into my hair to plug a Fox River levee. I also got a unique view of his posterior. There's a joke in there that might apply to the governor. But I'll let you figure it out.)

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD, BUT NOT SURPRISING: Democrats Barney Frank and Lisa Madigan blame foreclosures on Republicans,0,936320.story
-- Obama's brass monkey king good luck token charms Indians - Laurie Goering,0,410922.story
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Mary Schmich promotes homosexual activity,0,3104649.column

-- VERY SAD: Neil Steinberg promotes homosexual activity, again,CST-NWS-stein29.article

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: OUTRAGEOUS: Daily Herald promotes Obama, again
-- High gas prices not oil companies' fault - Nancy Thorner
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Mike Sullivan of Mount Prospect blasts Birkett

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Schoenburg reports on Bill Brady, Joe Birkett, Dan Rutherford, Corvettes, and John Shimkus
(FROM THE ARTICLE: State Sen. BILL BRADY, R-Bloomington, who ran in the GOP primary for governor in 2006, has strongly hinted he’s laying groundwork for another run. And DuPage County State’s Attorney JOE BIRKETT, who was running mate to GOP gubernatorial candidate JUDY BAAR TOPINKA in 2006, has posted articles on his campaign Web site,, including one from the Naperville Sun headlined “Birkett considers run for governor in 2010.” . . . State Sen. DAN RUTHERFORD, R-Chenoa, who ran for secretary of state in 2006, has also let it be known that he is a likely statewide candidate in 2010. Oh, and Blagojevich is raising campaign money too. If the past is prologue, much of what he’s raising could go to lawyers. Still, if he has any left, he just might run again as well. Brady visiting Turkey Sen. Brady is among a bipartisan group of about a dozen Illinois lawmakers visiting Turkey. “They have meetings with members of Parliament,” said PATTY SCHUH, spokeswoman for Senate Republicans. “They’re an official delegation meeting with government officials of Turkey.” She said the trip was sponsored by the Turkish American Society of Chicago, a nonprofit group, and the Chicago Turkish American Chamber of Commerce. “I think they’ve been trying to reach out in a number of ways to build some relationships,” she said. Schuh said she believes lawmakers who went on the trip are from all four legislative caucuses and are paying their own airfare. The trip was from June 20 through Monday. Brady’s district includes part of eastern Sangamon County. Corvettes get a day U.S. Rep. JOHN SHIMKUS, R-Collinsville, recently sponsored a House resolution to name June 30 “National Corvette Day.” No, Shimkus doesn’t drive one, and he has never owned a Corvette, said spokesman STEVE TOMASZEWSKI. But there’s an annual Corvette Funfest put on by a company called Mid America Motorworks in Effingham, which is in Shimkus’ 19th Congressional District. The event, Sept. 19-21 this year, is expected to showcase 12,000 Corvettes. MIKE YAGER of Mid America, as well as the National Corvette Association, came to Shimkus with the idea for the resolution, Tomaszewski said.)

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: National Association of Latino Elected Officials lets known McCain hecklers get in
(FROM THE ARTICLE: McCain was interrupted four times by protestors, three of whom were identifiable as CodePink members. Four separate interruptions (as opposed to the number of people protesting, which can vary) may tie a record for recent McCain events. Of the first protestor, a woman from Code Pink who frequents most of McCain's stops in Washington, McCain quipped, "That's a very familiar voice to me." The woman was protesting the Iraq war, saying that she wanted a "peace candidate." . . . Before Obama took stage later in the morning, a NALEO official apologized for the protesters, noting they were not a part of NALEO and didn't represent NALEO. Protestors at a McCain events are not uncommon; many people are opposed to McCain's position on the war in Iraq. Especially in Washington, the likelihood of someone interrupting McCain is about as good as the likelihood of McCain addressing his audience with his signature appellation, "my friends.")

-- OUTSTANDING: Elgin Township Republicans salute Shirley Rauschenberger - Betty Brown,3_5_EL29_BETTYBROWN_S1.article
-- OUTRAGEOUS: Darlene Hulin adopts gay and lesbian pride, participates in annual parade - Gloria Carr,3_5_EL29_PARADE_S1.article

-- Let Illinois capture gas tax revenue, not Washington - Ronald Fraser

-- VIDEO CLIP: Obama's ties to the Chicago Machine

-- The question remains: Who verifies who's qualified to vote? - Fran Eaton

-- VERY SAD: Obama Supporters Take His Middle Name as Their Own - Jodi Kantor

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Andrew Malcolm ridicules the GOP and a House GOP report on three recent special election losses
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Grover Norquist blasts Obama,0,6172074.story?page=1

-- VERY SAD: Huge crowds expected for SF gay pride parade

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Tragically, anyone involved in politics who has ever engaged in a homosexual act is subject to blackmail by homosexual activists. The Democrat Party platform promotes homosexual activity, but the Republican Party platform does not. People who believe that homosexual activity should be promoted vote for Democrats. People who believe that homosexual activity should not be promoted vote for Republicans. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Homosexual activity does not divide the Democrat Party because the Democrat Party will not let you hold an important position in the party unless you promote homosexual activity. Homosexual activity divides the Republican Party because the Republican Party routinely gives important positions to people who believe that homosexual activity should be promoted and they use their positions to demoralize, denigrate, and dive out those who do not agree with them. Tragically, for decades, people who believe that homosexual activity should be promoted have dominated and divided the Illinois Republican Party.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: DeNunzio is not the stereotypical face of the GOP. When he was chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party, he was in the Gay Pride Parade. "I wasn't happy about being in a parade with people running around half naked," DeNunzio confessed, "but I believe in the big tent." And that the GOP should be "a party that welcomes everybody." In that spirit and in recognition of the GOP's historic ties with African Americans, DeNunzio made the S.F. GOP a presence at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast. As a member of Mayor Gavin Newsom's 10-year plan on homeless commission, DeNunzio believes that San Francisco has "created a homeless industry." And he wants to take on that industry, but with the understanding that city policies should "respect the dignity of the human being." Christopher Bowman, another indefatigable Republican, thinks DeNunzio "was a helluva fine commissioner" - both on the homeless panel and on the Aging and Adult Services Commission. "He does his homework, and he gets things done." "One of the problems has been that many Republicans have a defeatist attitude," former Police Chief Tony Ribera, now at the University of San Francisco, noted. "I know that Mike does not." DeNunzio is aware that he is in an uphill fight. So be it. "Half the tennis players are not going to win," he shrugs. "They still go out and play.")

-- ‘Hanoi Hilton’ jailer says he’d vote for McCain Former captor denies account of torture, says McCain made it up for votes - AP

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Race based politics is extremely divisive and extremely destructive. Very sadly, "700 Hispanics attending the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials conference" make it clear that they will promote whoever panders the most to members of their race,0,4476422.story

-- VERY SAD: MURDERERS OVERJOYED: Illinois State Bar Association Assembly Votes to Support Abolishment of Death Penalty

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Conservatives support Republicans. Liberals support Democrats. Republican leaders argue that Hispanics are conservative, do why do so many Hispanics (65% in the most recent poll) support liberal Democrat Obama?
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In early May, a Gallup poll showed Obama beating McCain 51 percent to 41 among Hispanics--a relatively narrow margin. But by the end of the month--as the Democratic race was winding down--Obama's support had skyrocketed to 62 percent, and McCain's had plummeted to 29. Polls taken since then have mirrored that massive 30-point gap, with the most recent (AP/Ipsos) showing Obama clobbering his Republican rival 65 to 21.)
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Newsweek sets up Alan Jacobs, 49, an English professor at Wheaton College, as the spokesman for "young evangelicals"

-- Is Obama switching positions? Some say it's a reality in politics - Margaret Talev

-- McCain says: “Obama’s word cannot be trusted” - Jeff Mason

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Andy Martin Responds to the Washington Post

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Ms. Wonkette uses profanity to argue that Corvettes are gas guzzlers, but my 2005 is rated by her EPA at 18 MPG city and 26 MPG highway

Former State Treasurer and Cook County Appellate Court Justice Frances J. Lorenz Services Sunday and Monday

Former State Treasurer and Cook County Appellate Court Justice Frances J. Lorenz Services Sunday and Monday
Kathleen Bergan Schmidt, Chairwoman of the McHenry County Democratic Central Committee, has sent out an email concerning the Thursday death of transplanted Chicago politician Francis J. Lorenz.

Lorenz, who lived in Lakewood's Turnberry subdivision, was appointed state treasurer in 1960 and defeated for the office by Republican Bill Scott in 1962. A rematch for the office of attorney general in 1968 also saw Scott come out on top.

Lorenz had family in Crystal Lake and was passionately concerned with the treatment of a grandchild at school, according to a friend who conferred with him in the 1990's.

Locally, Lorenz was associated with Zukowski, Rogers and Flood, if my memory serves me correctly.

Here is Bergan Schmidt's email:

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of Justice Francis J. Lorenz on Thursday evening.

Justice Lorenz was the 2007 Recipient of the Democratic Party of McHenry County's Thomas Jefferson Award for Lifetime Achievement. As was stated on the 2007 program:

Retired Illinois Appellate Court Justice Francis Lorenz began his career as a lawyer for the city of Chicago. He became a leading authority in eminent domain law, and led efforts for land acquisition for O'Hare Airport and the Skyway Bridge. He was elected Clerk of the Superior Court of Cook County in 1956, then Cook County Treasurer in 1958. He was appointed Illinois State Treasurer in 1960. In 1963 he became Director of Public Works and Buildings, where he oversaw construction of the Chicago area's toll roads and major highways. Justice Lorenz was elected to the Illinois Appellate Court, First Judicial Circuit in 1970, where he served until his retirement in 1992.

Justice Lorenz was a generous supporter of our local Democratic Party and was quite pleased with the recent growth in Democratic strength in our county. The Democratic Party of McHenry County has lost a great friend.

A floral arrangement has been sent on the behalf of the party. Thus far, I know of 3 members of the Democratic Party of McHenry County who will be attending the visitation and/or funeral mass for Justice Lorenz. If you would like to do likewise,

visitation will be from 3 to 9 PM on Sunday, June 29, at the Davenport Family Funeral Home, 419 E. Terra Cotta Avenue, Crystal Lake. On Monday, June 30, there will be a service at 9 AM at Davenport Family Funeral Home, followed by Mass at 9:30 AM at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church , 451 W. Terra Cotta, Crystal Lake.
Unfortunately, Lorenz retired so long ago there is very little information about him on the internet.

Posted first on McHenry County Blog, which contains articles on where Democrats are campaigning Sunday, plus details of State Rep. Mary Flowers single payer health care hearing in McHenry.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Progressive Blogs Roundup

furthering the effort to provide a little balance -- and a weekly reminder that the blogs on the left end of illinois' political spectrum are intellectually diverse and highly spirited. some of the posts from this past week include:

* rob nesvacil mocks the republicans' hypocrisy for criticizing the "seal" at a recent obama event. if you think about it, the only thing republicans can do to prevent barack from becoming president is to keep him from looking presidential. which it appears they will go to extraordinary lengths to do.

* SCAM has a piece about Fear of a Black Planet President. he asks, "And if voters really want to cast their ballots based on fear, they should try this on for size: "Ninety-five more years in Iraq.""

* josh kalven writes about david plouffe's presentation on the obama campaign's strategy for winning the electoral college this fall.

* josh kalven chimes in on McCain's Chicago Mess: "Unfortunately for him, Illinois Minutemen leader Rosanna Pulido was present at the meeting and has been publicly expressing her "disgust" with McCain's private comments in the days since."

* ccdem notes that dan seals is the 50 States, 50 Candidates for illinois.

* the candidate himself, dan seals, wants Help Electing the Government We Deserve. we do deserve better representation than mark kirk in congress, so give dan a hand.

* ellen of the tenth live blogs mark kirk's campaign call on your tax dollar.

* josh kalven once again points out mark kirk's hypocrisy, this time about kirk's bogus china drilling claim.

* ellen of the tenth writes about mark kirk opposes Oil Drilling Lease Use it or Lose it Policy in the week after the american petroleum institute's red cavaney admitted that there is no idle drilling equipment out there so the oil companies can't even explore the lands they have a right to drill on, let alone add new capacity from ANWR or the ocean shelf.

* hiram wurf posts about scott harper's campaign against the increasingly out of touch judy biggert, who's got some 'splaining to do about her vote against recession extension of unemployment benefits.

* jeff berkowitz wants you to tune in to his interview with scott harper tomorrow.

* mose buchele writes about how the Legal Troubles Deepen For marty Ozinga.

* josh kalven asks if steve sauerberg is ready for prime time.

* david ormsby writes that gov. blagojevich wants to cut hiv/aids testing and drugs to balance the budget. he observes that, if you couldn't afford rod's high-priced fund-raiser this week to make your views known, you can try the gay pride parade on sunday. i suppose it's possible the governor will come out of his shelter.

* congresswoman (and indefatigable obama surrogate) jan schakowsky posts a diary about dan biss' bid for the illinois house seat in evanston.

* josh kalven looks into Sen. Durbin Creating Parallel Party Apparatus In Illinois

* adam doster finds Medill Reports' clearinghouse on all things Con-Con.

* mose buchele notes what is going on in the cook county state's attorney race. am i the only one who doesn't think peraica wants to be state's attorney, he just wants to have his name on the ballot to set up a 2010 rematch?

* ellen of the tenth posts that her mom wants you to know that "medicare is not free:" In fact it's kind of expensive and at risk of getting even more expensive and/or more difficult to use. As this country cannot seem to get a reasonable health care plan opting to throw the federal treasury down the Iraq toilet, the issue has been whether to decrease physician payments and increase the Part B premium paid by seniors or let the doctors scratch and keep premiums as they are.

* the inside dope blogs about why newspapers are struggling to adapt to the 21st century.

* UMRBlog asks what were people's experiences with the recent flooding.

* josh kalven wants to start a conversation about affordable housing.

* will reynolds writes about Green Tuesday in central illinois.

* carl nyberg wonders why we teach our children to love the war.

typical disclaimer: none of these blogs (afaik) are currently represented on illinoize, which is why i chose to write about them here...

Chicago, city of broad strictures

In posting this Tribune opinion, I suppose I could ask one question. What happened?

Chicago's grit is the stuff of legend. The city's hard-scrabble history conjures images of wind-beaten dock hands; rugged immigrants working punishing factory jobs; and 500 acres of slaughterhouses and their hard-time killing floors.

At the same time, Chicago has always adopted a work-hard/play-hard mentality.

The city drank its way through Prohibition; its brothels became legendary, as author Karen Abbott detailed in a great new book, "Sin in the Second City"; and though Chicago today has a well-earned reputation for fine dining and cutting-edge cuisine, it is more known for sating its hunger with a greasy kielbasa, a thick steak, or an inch-deep slice from Gino's East.

But Chicago seems to have lost a bit of its hard edge. The town that poet Carl Sandburg called "a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities" has itself gone soft, thanks to meddlesome politicians and public health officials who think Chicagoans aren't capable of making their own decisions about health, risk and vice.
The fact is, a lot of "little soft cities" have become brassier and freer and, well, funner than Chicago.

At Reason Magazine, we recently took a look at how the 35 most-populous cities in the United States balance individual freedom with government paternalism. We ranked the cities on how much freedom they afford their residents to indulge in alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, gambling and food. And, for good measure, we also looked at the cities' gun laws, use of traffic and surveillance cameras, and tossed in an "other" category to catch weird laws such as New York's ban on unlicensed dancing, or Chicago's tax on bottled water.

The sad news, Chicagoans, is that your town came in dead last. And it wasn't even close.

Chicago reigns supreme when it comes to treating its citizens like children (Las Vegas topped our rankings as America's freest city). Chicagoans pay the second-highest cigarette tax in the country, and the sixth-highest tax on alcohol. Chicago has more traffic-light cameras than any city in America (despite studies questioning their effectiveness), restricts cell phone use while driving, and it's quickly moving toward a creepy public surveillance system similar to London's.
What happened to that gritty city of old? The city that was when I suppose my parents left the south to come up north to take advantage of the opportunities available. Of course this isn't necessarily about smoking up a storm at a neighborhood establishment, running a red light, drinking up all that bottled water, owning a gun at home, or even eating fatty foods. How did Chicago become soft?

Hat-tip Newsalert.

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - June 28, 2008

-- Illinois urged to get out of death-penalty limbo - Nguyen Huy Vu

-- FRONT PAGE IN DUPAGE EDITION WITH COLOR PHOTO OF MCCULLOCH: DuPage political consultant Rod McCulloch gets probation, community service in election fraud case - Jim Fuller
-- State Representative Mike Fortner honored by the Metro West Council of Government, a group he helped found - Jack Komperda
-- Government gridlock is fine in Illinois - Jacksonville Journal-Courier
-- Death penalty fate still undecided - AP
-- Poverty doesn't justify abortion - C. E. Glomski, Elk Grove Village

-- Consultant Rod McCulloch gets probation for fake petition signatures Rips Birkett's prosecution case as 'politically motivated' - Dan Rozek,CST-NWS-fraud28.article
-- No time for Obama to play it safe - Carol Marin,CST-EDT-carol29.article
-- Enforcement of immigration law is good news for low-skilled Americans - David Francis
(Not posted as of 6:00 AM)

-- Ex-political aide Rod McCulloch gets 2 years' probation for election fraud in Milton Township,0,555571.story
-- OUTSTANDING: National Rifle Association sues Chicago, Evanston, Morton Grove, and Oak Park to repeal their firearms bans - Azam Ahmed,0,5491548.story
-- 11th Congressional District: Supreme Court ruling unlikely to change Ozinga's money plans - Erika Slife
-- Obama's success fuels (RACE AND GENDER BASED PREFERENCE GIVING) foes - Charles Babington,0,7252949.story

-- Where Does Obama Stand On Second Amendment? - Mike Flannery (Includes video clip)

-- OUTSTANDING: ICE arrests 43 illegals - Ryan Pagelow,5_1_WA28_ICE_S1.article

-- Understanding the campaign cash ruling Foster and Oberweis try to grasp what it means for them - Dan Campana,3_1_EL28_A3FINANCE_S1.article

-- "Illinois casino revenues have dropped sharply. A state smoking ban and a weaker economy getting the blame.",4_1_JO28_JOLIETBUDGET_S1.article

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD BUT NOT SURPRISING: Second Amendment: Hinz blasts Scalia and praises Daley

-- State Senator Frank Watson tells how tables turned on governor - Charles Stanley

-- 96th House District: Senger endorsed by Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce - Fran Eaton
-- Tell the Chicago Police to enforce the law (RE: Gay Pride Parade) - Fran Eaton
-- Registering illegals to vote? - Fran Eaton

-- A 13th CD Harper-Biggert virtual debate on the War - Jeff Berkowitz

-- Texas Republicans sport stiff upper lips at their state convention - Dave Mann and Forrest Wilder

-- An Attack That Came Out of the Ether Scholar Looks for First Link in E-Mail Chain About Obama - Matthew Mosk
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Allen discovered that theories about Obama's religious background had circulated for many years on the Internet. And that the man who takes credit for posting the first article to assert that the Illinois senator was a Muslim is Andy Martin. Martin, a former political opponent of Obama's, is the publisher of an Internet newspaper who sends e-mails to his mailing list almost daily. He said in an interview that he first began questioning Obama's religious background after hearing his famous keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. In an Aug. 10, 2004, article, which he posted on Web sites and e-mailed to bloggers, he said that Obama had concealed his Muslim heritage. "I feel sad having to expose Barack Obama," Martin wrote in an accompanying press release, "but the man is a complete fraud. The truth is going to surprise, and disappoint, and outrage many people who were drawn to him. He has lied to the American people, and he has sought to misrepresent his own heritage." Martin's article did not suggest an association between Obama and radical Islam. Martin was trying to launch a Senate bid against Obama when he says he first ran the Democrat's name by a contact in London. "They said he must be a Muslim. That was interesting to me because it was an angle that nobody had covered. We started looking. As a candidate you learn how to harness the Internet. You end up really learning how to work the street. I sort of picked this story up as a sideline." Martin said the primary basis for his belief was simple -- Obama's father was a Muslim. In a defamation lawsuit he filed against the New York Times and others several months ago, Martin says that Obama "eventually became a Christian" but that "as a matter of Islamic law began life as a Muslim" due to his father's religion. The belief that Obama unavoidably inherited his religion was not uniquely Martin's -- as recently as May, it was proffered by Edward N. Luttwak, a fellow at the Center for Strategic & International Studies, in a New York Times op-ed piece.)
-- Tancredo Questions McCain - Jonathan Weisman
(THE ARTICLE: He may be the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, but John McCain has yet to heal all the wounds on his right flank. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), a failed presidential rival of McCain's and an anti-illegal immigration gadfly, launched into the senator from Arizona for meeting in secret with Latino leaders last week in Chicago. One participant in the meeting emerged to criticize McCain for taking a tougher stand on illegal immigration on the campaign trail than the line he allegedly used behind closed doors. Now, Tancredo is taking up the cudgel in an open letter to his party's presumptive nominee. "Recently in Chicago, you had a closed door meeting with a group of Hispanic leaders," he wrote. "Strangely, the closed door meeting was not on your official events calendar, no press was invited and no press release appears to have been issued. Yet, according to several news reports, you promised the group that you plan to pursue 'comprehensive immigration reform.' Senator, given your past sponsorship of amnesty legislation, such statements raise troubling questions. Are you planning to break a promise you made in February to postpone all other immigration reform legislation until we have first secured our borders?" Ahead of a scheduled McCain appearance in July before the National Council of La Raza, Tancredo warned, "I challenge you to deliver a message to that assembly which does not pander to their amnesty agenda. You should speak to the La Raza convention and to all Hispanic audiences about America's need for secure borders as a priority above all other immigration reforms. Moreover, I hope you take that opportunity to make it clear that it is in the long term interest of Mexico and other Latin American nations to halt the massive out-migration of their citizens." McCain has promised Republican lawmakers and activists that he will set aside his push to grant illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship, at least until he can certify that the U.S. borders have been closed to illegal immigration. At the same time, he has tried to win back support from Hispanic voters who have fled the GOP since the party took up the immigration issue fervently in 2005.)

-- Veepstakes: Lieberman brings up Wright - Mark Murray

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Liberals want amnesty, want more guest worker programs, want more mass immigration, and want more homosexual activity. Conservatives oppose amnesty, oppose more guest worker programs, oppose more mass immigration, and oppose more homosexual activity. Those who want amnesty, who want more guest worker programs, who want more mass immigration, and who want more homosexual activity are going to vote for Obama, not for McCain. The more that McCain hints that he might be for amnesty, for more guest worker programs, for more mass immigration, or for more homosexual activity, the fewer votes that McCain will get. Therefore, those who want McCain to be for amnesty, for more guest worker programs, for more mass immigration, or for more homosexual activity want Obama to win and want McCain to lose.

-- Immigration Hard-Liners and John McCain: Strange Bedfellows or Forever Star-Crossed? - Jordan Smith

-- VERY SAD: Michelle Obama Woos Gay Democrats in Midtown - Julie Bolcer

CORVETTE QUARTERLY-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Past/present Corvette owners include Joe Biden, Barry Goldwater, John McCain, Colin Powell, and Clarence Thomas. Diersen, who has owned a 1972 Corvette since 1971 and a 2005 Corvette since 2005, urges all Republicans, especially Republican candidates, Republican elected officials, and Republican party leaders, to own and drive American nameplate vehicles. (Files page)

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Sadly, Politico ridicules Congressman Shimkus for honoring Corvettes and therefore, sadly, Politico ridicules all past, present, and future Corvette owners. Sadly, Politico argues that Corvettes are not important because the are "truly a symbol of American pride," but instead, because they "help you get chicks" and because they look "really cool." The vehicle you drive says a lot about you. Who you ridicule and what you ridicule says a lot about you. Because Corvettes symbolize what is best about America's automotive industry, to ridicule those who honor Corvettes is to ridicule America's automotive industry.

-- New GOPUSA ILLINOIS poll: Why do you read GOPUSA ILLINOIS daily emails? You want information that helps you:
-- Advance the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform?
-- Get/keep/improve a job with an organization or individual that is involved in government or politics in Illinois?
-- Get/keep/improve a contract with an organization or individual that is involved in government or politics in Illinois?
-- Get/keep/improve some other type of income from an organization or individual that is involved in government or politics in Illinois?
-- Get/keep/improve government or political actions that directly benefit your personal or business financial interests?
-- Increase government or political preferences for members of your race?
-- Increase government or political preferences for those who share your gender?
-- Increase government or political preferences for those who share your national origin?
-- Increase government or political preferences for members of your age group?
-- Increase government or political preferences for those who engage in homosexual activity?
-- Demoralize, undermine, discredit, and/or demonize those who are involved in IRP politics to advance the IRP platform?

-- Only 6 more days until Wheaton's Independence Day parade Republican participants include: Birkett, Bucholz, Eckhoff, Fortner, Hultgren, Kachiroubas, Olson, McBride, Milton Township Republicans, Muehlfelt, Sauerberg, and Roskam - Dave Diersen
Please plan on coming to Wheaton on July 4 and watching its Independence Day parade. So far, Republicans Joe Birkett, Fred Bucholz, Grant Eckhoff, Mike Fortner, Randy Hultgren, Chris Kachiroubas, Debra Olson, J.R. McBride, Milton Township Republicans, Gary Muehlfelt, Steve Sauerberg, and Peter Roskam have registered to participate. Many thanks to Joe Birkett, David Carlin, Roger Claar, Kirk Dillard, Grant Eckhoff, Mike Fortner, Gwen Henry, Randy Hultgren, Gary King, J.R. McBride, Debra Olson, and Phil Suess for sponsoring the Chicago Highlanders. Many thanks to Mary Jo Arndt, Michael Connelly, Bob Larsen, Darlene Ruscitti, Tim Whelan, and John Zaruba for sponsoring Cub Scout Pack 64. Many thanks to All Star Printing for printing parade flyers.

Bill Foster: A Public Document for Offical Business

Bill Foster must think we in the sticks need big glossy pics to answer the questions on the small card attached to this Public Document for Official Business at the taxpayer's expense.

Gosh darn but we ain't that stupid.

xp Bill Baar's West Side

Friday, June 27, 2008

Transportation jobs still in limbo

By Bethany Jaeger
The hype over moving an Illinois Department of Transportation building from Springfield to southern Illinois goes beyond the roughly 110 jobs at stake. It begs the question whether the administration will be sincere in following a statutory process for closing state facilities and whether politics will overshadow policy in the decision.

The governor announced this afternoon that he intends to move the department’s Division of Traffic Safety from Springfield to Harrisburg in Saline County. The press release says the move would save $12.8 million over the next decade, while allowing much-needed economic development in southern Illinois. Several local officials, on the other hand, argue that there are numerous options for cheaper office space in Springfield and no reason to move the workers, who travel throughout the state for their work, away from the centrally located city.

The governor made it sound as though the move was final, but there’s a process that must take place under state law before the state can close a facility. Skeptics don’t buy the logic and question the motivation. Whether politics or cost-savings are behind the move, it’s the process that deserves attention.

The public body in charge of overseeing that process is the bipartisan legislative Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability. Dan Long, executive director of the oversight panel, says the State Facilities Closure Act is pretty clear: “No action may be taken to implement the recommendation for closure of a State facility until 50 days after the filing of any required recommendation.”

The administration has to file its recommendation to close the Springfield facility by July 1. That hadn’t happened by Friday morning, even though the governor officially announced Harrisburg would receive the IDOT Division of Traffic Safety shortly after. An IDOT spokesman said the intent is to file the necessary paperwork by the deadline. A public hearing has to be held, currently scheduled for July 31 in Springfield. Then the administration can’t actually close the Springfield facility for 50 days, which lands on September 11. The governor’s press release says the move would take six to nine months.

“If they’re acting already to move before the 50 days after the recommendation’s filed, I think it’s a violation of the act,” Long said. If that happens: “I suppose someone could go to court and challenge it.”

A legal challenge could come from anyone from the commission itself, to the legislators who serve on the panel, to the legislators who represent Springfield, to the public employee unions that represent the IDOT employees.

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31 represents the 110 of the workers affected by the move, according to spokesman Anders Lindall. Management would remain in Springfield. Lindall said he won’t speculate about the administration’s intent but did say, “We’re troubled by the way this entire process has proceeded so far.”

He compared the move to previous attempts to close Stateville Correctional Center in Joliet and another correctional center in Pontiac. “What’s common to each of them is that it seems very clear that there’s no logic or planning or sound policy behind any of them. Whether it’s political or whether it’s meant as a threat, I don’t know. But I do know that we don’t think it’s appropriate for anyone to threaten people’s lives and livelihoods, to threaten their jobs. And that’s what’s happening here.”

One political undertone involves the ongoing negotiations between AFSCME and the administration. They have to agree on a contract that spells out the amount state employees make and the amount they have to pay for health care and retirement benefits for the next four years. Threatening any state employee jobs could be perceived as a threat to compromise — or else.

Another political undertone involves the legislators whose districts would lose the Springfield jobs. The move first was announced the day after Springfield Sen. Larry Bomke, a Republican, voted in support of a measure that would have allowed the public to decide whether to recall public officials, commonly seen as a swipe against Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Bomke said the motivation seems clear to him: Retribution for the recall vote.

“I don’t think [the governor] likes Springfield,” he said. “I don’t think Springfield cares much about him.”

But Bomke said he felt skeptical that the move will actually happen. “This governor has a tendency to make announcements and then not follow through. So I’m hopeful this will be another case of that.”

Rep. Rich Brauer, a Petersburg Republican, described the plan as an “ill-informed idea that should be dropped,” as it would move some data entry employees with disabilities away from their homes and potentially affect their health care options. But, he said, “Unfortunately, the process isn’t binding. It’s going to take public opinion to change the fact that he has a lot of leeway on where he wants [to station them] and the fact that state government is here in Springfield.”

The question is whether the process will work as intended. After the public hearing, the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability has to review the information gathered and issue a recommendation about whether to close the facility and move the jobs. The commission’s opinion, as Brauer pointed out, is not binding. The governor could still move the jobs. But in the past, the governor has followed the commission’s recommendations.

The governor’s press office did not return repeated phone calls or an e-mail.

Bomke said the governor has thumbed his nose at the law before (mainly in his push for health care expansions), and this time also would come with consequences. “If he does, then it gives us clear grounds to sue him,” Bomke said.

Would he do that? “Absolutely. In a heartbeat.”

Note: The State Journal-Register posted this article saying IDOT employees who don't want to move to Harrisburg would be offered same-level jobs within the agency.

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