Thursday, August 06, 2009

Christina Tobin on Reality Report

Christina Tobin, Founder and Chair of Free & Equal Elections, interviewed on Reality Report, discusses the origin, purpose, and structure of the organization; petition drive efforts, including challenges and lawsuits here in Illinois; actions of elected Illinois politicians; and other issues affecting Illinois and elsewhere.


alberto bocanegra,  3:23 PM  

Here my question to you Christina why would you support a racist who founded a racist group in Illinois as the Minuteman Rosana Pulido?

Squideshi 10:41 PM  

Alberto, are you suggesting that certain candidates should be refused a place on the ballot, based on their political beliefs? Illinois HAS tried to do this in the past, enacting statutes, later found to be unconstitutional, which denied Communists, Fascists, and Nazis a place on the ballot. I think Christina has demonstrated that she's willing to work for free and equal ballot access for EVERYONE--not only those with whom she agrees on every issue. It's similar to the Jewish attorney from the ACLU in Chicago who defended the right of the Nazi Party to march in Skokie. I'm willing to bet that he didn't agree with the Nazis, but he did recognize that free speech meant allowing speech that we might not agree with.

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