Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hear That Giant Sucking Sound?

Today's Tribune has an article that explains why Sierra Club made having Illinois ratify the Great Lakes Compact one of our top legislative priorities of 2007. Indeed, we are emerging as a target for a thirsty country envisioning some very large straws pointing our way.

Good work by two lakefront legislators, State Sen. John Cullerton (D-Chicago) and State Rep. Harry Osterman (D-Chicago) to get this done this year. Now we need our Great Lakes neighbor states to do the same. (Minnesota already has).


Anonymous,  8:16 PM  

The great irony being, of course, that the Chicago River is the great big straw sucking Great Lakes water down to the Mississippi basin. Eventually, if we're going to stand our moral ground regarding Great Lakes water (whether the prospectors are from Waukesha, Nestle Waters, or Texas), we'll have to find ways to do more productive things with our wastewater than flushing it down the Illinois.

Jack Darin 11:14 AM  

Good point. Hopefully one day our wastewater will be so clean that we can examine that possibility.

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