Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Crains: County prez must fix hospital system, Sen. Durbin warns

Something to chew on for those here who say our elected Federal reps have no business getting involved with CPD on Police Brutality. Crain's on Durbin, Emanuel, and Schakowsky's chit chat with Stroger about Cook County Hospital. They had no problem chewing out Stroger behind closed doors I guess. Wonder what happened to the rest of Cook County's delegation to Congress.

The meeting in Sen. Durbin's office "raised the expectation that Mr. Stroger show leadership and get a handle on the problems facing the health system," a spokesman for the senator says.

Among other key lawmakers present were U.S. Reps. Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Jan Schakowsky of Evanston. Neither they nor Sen. Durbin could be reached for comment.
Update: Proviso Probe looked at the story and asked,
Is Stroger part of the problem because he wants to keep the perks of political power?

Is Stroger the victim, thrust into a situation where he has to commit "murder by spreadsheet" to deal with financial constraints he can't control?
I vote victim Carl 'cause I have a hard time seeing Stroger as a player but maybe that's just my old man's perspective of a Toddler.


Anonymous,  12:24 PM  

One possible solution is to get rid of it and give the federal millions to other hospitals around the city and county (lots of them). It sounds as though, except for illegals, many of whom are covered under the guv's Allkids plan, even if they haven't bothered to apply, most of the users of Cook County Hospital and its clinics and branches already have Medicaid, Social Security, or some form of private insurance. The County bureaucrats just haven't bothered to bill the insurance programs for the care. Too busy sleeping, reading the paper, and going out to lunch.

The few uninsured who are cared for at Cook County could likely be covered under other hospitals' charity care requirements. Remember, we the taxpayers pay for charity care because nonprofit hospitals (most are nonprofit) don't pay taxes in exchange for the charity care they are supposed to give. We are deprived of taxes on their lucrative profits so that this charity care can be made available. Hospitals should not get a pass on this.

Anonymous,  12:43 PM  

Senator Durbin should resign before Todd gets pissed.

Bill Baar 2:21 PM  

I wonder where Obama was.

Anonymous,  10:38 AM  

Obama was busy finding out how to distance himself from Stroger and Obama donor Antoin TONY Rezko. Obama has never been a profile in courage. But the poor and indigent and the African Americans suffer in health care.

Todd Stroger and the Cook County Hospital are incompetent and corrupt to the bone.

JSFan 2:47 PM  

This apple is delicious, bit it isn't as juicy as the last orange I ate.

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