Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28, 2014 GOPUSA ILLINOIS email is posted at


Anonymous,  7:23 AM  

Illinois it seems has lost its ability to produce manufacturing jobs in this state. I know that China and Mexico along with other foreign countries can produce products cheaper than American companies can but is this the only reason that manufacturing has left the state and the country. Perhaps there are other roadblocks in the way of industry that causes manufacturing companies to not consider operating in Illinois and other states in this country, Could it be that the elitist politicians and the Greens/ EPA has shut down manufacturing companies and as a results given away the goose that laid the golden eggs and America's future in the process.

Anonymous,  7:24 AM  

Illinois it seems has lost its ability to produce manufacturing jobs in this state. I know that China and Mexico along with other foreign countries can produce products cheaper than American companies can but is this the only reason that manufacturing has left the state and the country. Perhaps there are other roadblocks in the way of industry that causes manufacturing companies to not consider operating in Illinois and other states in this country, Could it be that the elitist politicians and the Greens/ EPA has shut down manufacturing companies and as a results given away the goose that laid the golden eggs and America's future in the process.

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