Friday, June 26, 2009

Political Prison in Marion?

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit challenging what Rachel Meeropol, a staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, describes as "political prisons", including one facility located within the federal prison in Marion, Illinois.

The facility is known as a Communications Management Unit (CMU) and is designed to severely restrict the ability of prisoners to make contact with friends, family, or the media. The ACLU alleges that the units were created in violation of federal law. has a description of the units, and makes the case that they are being used as part of a national Green Scare.

Democracy Now has also posted a televised interview with Andrew Stepanian, an animal rights activist held in the CMU at Marion for five and a half months. Stepanian is believed to be the first prisoner to be released from a CMU and describes his experience while there.


Marie 1:04 AM  

If you're interested, about a week ago, there was an article on Huffington by someone who is inside the Marion CMU:

Squideshi 12:39 PM  

Excellent article Marie. Thanks for providing the link. I hope that people here in Illinois are paying attention to this, especially as it appears that the BoP is actively trying to stifle the media.

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