Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Party politics

By Bethany Jaeger
Politics often intertwine with state government, but it’s not often that state government tries to control the operations of political parties.

Democrats today advanced a measure that would force the Republican Party to change the way it selects State Central Committee members to match the process of the Democrats. Currently, the general public elects Republican precinct committeemen, who then internally select people to lead the GOP State Central Committee. On the contrary, the Democratic State Central Committee members are elected directly by voters during primary elections.

Rep. Lou Lang, a Skokie Democrat and an assistant majority leader in his chamber, is the new sponsor of HB 825, which would require open ballots for Republican State Central Committee members, too. He said the change would improve transparency and would respond to Republicans’ repeated argument that voters elect someone to replace U.S. Sen. Roland Burris, a Democrat appointed by impeached Gov. Rod Blagojevich to fill the seat vacated by President Barack Obama.

Republicans debated the idea of letting voters elect their State Central Committee members but rejected it during a statewide convention last year.

Yet, a similar bill, SB 600, is sponsored by Republican Sen. Chris Lauzen and has the support of Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno. Several top Democrats also have signed on in support. Patty Schuh, spokeswoman for Senate Republicans, said while the caucus is split on the measure, it's peculiar that Democrats want to have such a heavy hand in the way Republicans conduct their own business.

Rep. Michael Tryon, a Crystal Lake Republican, said political parties are private organizations that should have the right to self-governance, and it would be “very wrong” for one political party to dictate to another how to operate.

Rep. Skip Saviano, an Elmwood Park Republican who also is a Republican State Central Committee members, said the Democratic leadership flat out is trying to retaliate against Republicans for calling them out on inconsistencies over how to handle Burris’ controversial appointment. It also would kick the GOP when it’s already down, when they hold minorities in both chambers and don’t hold a single constitutional office. “This is an attempt to keep the Republican Party in disarray,” Saviano said to Lang during a House committee this morning.

Saviano said there’s been a longstanding agreement that each political party could conduct its own business. “Now, they’ve crossed the line.”

Then again, the numbers favor the Democrats, which have enough votes to send the bill to the Senate without a single Republican vote. “If they want it to be a done deal, Democrats could pass it and hijack the Republican Party,” Saviano said. “I mean, that’s what this is all about.”


Anonymous,  10:40 PM  

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

State government dictates how political parties operate all the time. Where do you think the bad system the IL GOP currently uses is laid out? It's in a state statute of course! And it was forced on rank-and-file Republicans 20 yrs ago, with no input. The statute was just jammed through by some selfish insiders.

It's also wrong that "Republicans debated the idea of letting voters elect their State Central Committee members but rejected it during a statewide convention last year."

There was NO debate allowed on ANY issue at the state convention last year. It's was a rigged disaster.

Mike Tryon is also wrong. He continues to think a political party is like a 4-H club or something.

It scares the heck out of me that selfish goofs like that are "lawmakers." He needs to go. He's an embarrassment to his district.

Anonymous,  12:48 PM  

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Louis G. Atsaves 6:08 PM  

I watched this matter get argued extensively and debated in Decatur, Illinois during the Illinois Republican Party State Convention.

Which convention did you attend Doug?

Aren't you the same Doug Ibendahl who wrote a lengthy article that said that the County Chairmen "illegally" voted vacant precincts and further said the True v. Illinois GOP lawsuit would embarrass the party? How did that one turn out Doug? The judge ruled against you guys on that one!

Anonymous,  4:18 AM  

I don't care what you losers say. Democracy will rule. The people will have their say. Real Republicans will win, even if we do get help from Mike Madigan.

Everyone who is against Lauzen and SB600 is an un-American commie-pinko who would really enslave us if they had any real power. They do not deserve support for any future political office. The opponents who say they are veterans are liars.

There is a rising red tide that will sweep Illinois, if only the corrupt GOP leaders in Illinois will step down. Not Roland Burris--I'm talking Andy McKenna and his pals the closeted homosexuals.

I'm a lawyer and I know whereof I speak.

Check out my latest analysis "Tom Cross Lied, and the GOP Died" at I make mincemeat of the mean, nasty and dishonest arguments Tom Cross knowingly perpetrates.

Anonymous,  4:31 AM  

And yes, I am the Doug Ibendahl, protector of marriage and fiance of Cathy Santos.

One more thing--we need this law. We need SB600 to pass, so good conservatives can gain real power just like they have in the Illinois Democratic Party. We need to be like the Illinois Democrats so we can have some turnover in the office of State Party Chairman just like they have. We need this law so that real Republicans can get elected and start repealing all the unnecessary laws and regulations on the books.

Don't think too hard about this, it's a no brainer.

And yes, Andy Martin is with us on this issue. He is a good Republican and right.

For more pungent analysis like this, visit

Louis G. Atsaves 11:45 AM  

Doug, Doug, Doug!

You lost in court your True v. IL GOP case about county chairmen voting vacant precincts. This after you authored an extensive legal opinion piece that was circulated claiming you would win and humiliate the IL GOP in the process.

You will lose in court over your latest nonsense with SB600 for the same reasons cited in the True case, political parties have the right to determine their structure and organization without court or government interference.

You claim we need some real turnover in the Chairmanship of the IL GOP just like there has been such turnover in the IL Democratic party. How long has Michael Madigan sat as chairman of the Illinois Democrats as compared to Andy McKenna's tenure as Chairman of the IL GOP?

You finally say "we need SB600 to pass so that good conservatives can gain real power just like they have in the Illinois Democratic Party."

If that is the case, join the Democrats if you feel they are the political party of good conservatives!

Anonymous,  12:45 PM  

That's obviously not really Doug Ibendahl. It's some stupid fraud with some serious issues. Get a life trolls.

Anonymous,  2:04 PM  

I don't know. There are too many similarities.

The arguments and language are the same, and he links to the FTN website.

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