Monday, January 23, 2006

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

As I grow older, I realize the true brilliance of Sherwood Schwartz, the father of the Brady Bunch.

Yes, we have learned that Mr. Brady was interested only in Sam the butcher's links, and Carol wanted to slip into Greg's groovy attic bedroom, but the TV Bradys were good, decent parents, who allowed their children to fall on their faces and learn from their mistakes.

Every episode portrayed a Brady kid with a problem--Mr. and Mrs. Brady, while offering food, shelter and love, told the kids it was their responsibility to find a solution. Maybe the Bradys could help some of today's "my great kid in a plastic bubble" parents; as Mom always said, don't play ball in the house.

So, to support Goggle’s First Amendment fight against the man, I wanted to share an important public service it now offers: on demand Brady Bunch, 24/7.

I am partial to every episode without Oliver; and I really enjoy when Marsha proves her mettle and joins Greg's scout troop.

What is your favorite episode? And does any character remind you of an Illinois politician?


Anonymous,  8:57 AM  

I think Bill Brady is Oliver

Anonymous,  10:28 AM  

Peter making a volcano that shoots mud all over the place.

Peter = Blagojevich
Volcano = Budget
Mud = Taxpayer dollars

Anonymous,  11:08 AM  

Mr. Brady = Dan Rutherford

Anonymous,  11:59 AM  

I sense this site is losing it's intent, Rick, reign it back in!

Anonymous,  12:12 PM  

Don't listen to anon 11:59 am, Rich.

I love the shawdow

Anonymous,  12:28 PM  

Mom always says, don't play ball in the house.

Buddy Hinton's father= JBT

Anonymous,  1:40 PM  

I like the shadow too, but this is beyond lame.

Anonymous,  1:44 PM  


"my great kid in a plastic bubble" parents

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