Sunday, January 15, 2006

Illinois Politics and the Blogosphere

Mark Steyn's closing paragraph in his column today in the Sun Times.

Michael Barone made a characteristically sharp analysis the other day about the political impact of the Internet: "The left blogosphere has moved the Democrats off to the left, and the right blogosphere has undermined the credibility of the Republicans' adversaries in Old Media. Both changes help Bush and the Republicans." That's very well put. On the left, new media have only yoked the Dems ever more tightly to old weaknesses -- not least on national security and foreign policy. This November will be another bust.
Has the blogosphere impacted Illinois politics yet? And will it have a similar effect?

I'm thinking the Duckworth-Cegelis exchanges happening at places like SoapBlog Chicago, would be examples of the blogoshpere pushing Dems to the left.

But Illinois still has a strong Democratic organization that in its heart is traditional and socially conservative, and the regular party will stand up to a leftish push.

I can't think of examples of blogs checking Illinois MSM. I think the effect for the right is going to be on social issues.

Any thoughts?


Bill Baar 8:34 AM  

And then there is the whole fund raiser thing as mentioned here.

Anonymous,  10:34 AM  

Long time lurker - first time poster.

No. And it won't for a while. Save for the BamBam Obama crowd, Illinois politics is too old school to allow the blogesphere to become a major factor.

However, if say.....somebody in the know were to drop a blog bomb, it would get picked up and immediately lend some credence to the Illinois blogging community.

Anonymous,  4:22 PM  
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Anonymous,  10:25 PM  

So...Mark Steyn thinks things are bleak for Democrats, and everything's turning up roses for Bush and the GOP.

Really. Mark Steyn.

Ann Coulter weigh in? Sean Hannity?

Levois 12:04 AM  

I wish I knew what the local or statewide impact could be. I think that new media in Illinois can help bring the voter closer to the issues and hopefully to politics and gov't. In what way would be the next question however.

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