Monday, September 04, 2006

My bet with Rich Miller on Ned Lamont

I've got a bet going with Rich Miller on the turn out for Ned Lamont in Nov. I'm betting Lamont won't break his primary total in the general.

Check the comments on that post and you'll see Rich taking me to task on that guy during the primary returns who held up the poster saying Hannity Sucks Ass on Fox TV. I thought the guy symbolic of the insanity that's overcome so many Democrats, and Rich said I was making much ado about noting.

Bridget in the Sixth links to the story behind the guy with the sign over at Kos.

I don't think Mark Stark a fluke in today's Democratic Party.

Now, whether there are enough of his kind in Conn to cost me a beer this November, I don't know.... but I'm betting.


Anonymous,  7:13 PM  

I think the real question is, are you symbolic of the the Republican party?

Bill Baar 7:22 PM  

I don't know. I voted for Dems for McGovern through Gore. I don't know how many have given up on the party.

Anonymous,  8:21 PM  

This is by far the dumbest bet since Chevy Chase bet on Rocky III and he bet against Rocky. When in the entire history of fair elections has a candidate failed to get 1 vote more in the general election than he/she did in her primary?

You are a Darwin award in progress.

Anonymous,  9:55 PM  

In all fairness, Sean Hannity does suck ass.

Bill Baar 6:35 AM  

You are a Darwin award in progress.

But am I right on the Dems going into some kind of break with reality?

Check Bridget in the sixth post on this fellow who's become a hero to some of them... at least one in Illinois's 6th.

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