Saturday, October 14, 2006

Chicago Papers Think George Ryan’s Going to Prison Not Too Important

For the Sun-Times, corruption in Governor Rod Blagojevich’s administration took the front-page and four of five columns of page 3.

George Ryan's going to prison got one column on the left hand side of page 3:

Judge to
Ryan: Go
to prison
Jan. 4
In the Tribune, former Governor George Ryan’s going to jail on January 4th didn’t show up until page 12, what used to be the front page of the now-gone separate Saturday Metro section. There it was the main story:
Ryan loses freedom bid

Ex-governor to be jailed during appeal
The Tribune touts the UN vote on North Korea as its lead page 1 story. Other stories include the award of the Nobel Prize to the Bangladeshi man who pretty much started micro lending, a proven way to use the entrepreneurial spirit to life people out of poverty.

More important than the Ryan prison story are
· how a Naperville home where the Lemak kids were murdered by their deranged mother is now a tourist site,
· Chicago’s selling off more of its silver ware (in the form of downtown garages), and
· how corrupt Ohio Republicans are bringing a strong Republican Party down.
Maybe the Tribune is trying to diminish the impact of GOP corruption in Illinois by hiding the Ryan go to jail story.

Maybe the Tribune put the Naperville story on the front page to try to compete with the increasing New York tabloid front pages of the Sun-Times.

Maybe a Topinka endorsement is in its Sunday edition.

Maybe you will have another explanation.

Elgin’s Daily Courier-News, on the other hand, put
Prison for Ryan
as a small story on its upper right-hand front page story. It’s now as big as
Blago pal a no-show
to the left, but it at least shows the importance of the story.

What coverage did Downstate papers give the Ryan story?

= = = = =
Also appearing today on McHenry County Blog are my 1971 experiences with Republican mover and shaker Bill Cellini. Cellini, according to the State Journal-Register, was in on one of the Teachers Retirement System deals for which Governor Rod Blagojevich buddy Tony Rezko was indicted this week.


Cal Skinner 1:37 PM  

Is a governor's going to jail front page news or not?

From my trip to Jewel, I see the Daily Herald thinks the story is front page news.

Anonymous,  9:44 AM  

Cal, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus, is a man, not a woman. I'm surprised you made the mistake, especially since the Trib carried a picture of him. I won't ascribe any motives for your mistake, but given some of your politics you should be careful about this sort of thing.

And lovie's leather is right: the big news was Ryan's indictment and conviction, not the denial of a (relatively) routine motion in the case pending appeal. The conviction was covered as front page news.

Cal Skinner 12:49 PM  

Maybe I was thinking of a woman from India. I'll correct the mistake.

But I don't think his being told that he will not stay out of prison on appeal is "routine."

Levois 3:58 PM  

Is it because of Ryan's stature? And his role in the death penatly debate? Then I would say that the denial of his appeal should be front page news, though probably not enough to get a big marquee as other stories.

Anonymous,  6:36 PM  

I couldn't help but notice common to the Ryan indictments and schemes and this new Rezko indictment are ... Republicans. Ryan's Republicans are obvious. For Rezko, it was the ties to Levine and Cellini...

Still seem to be Republicans at the heart of these scandals.

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