Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Rahm & the Madigans before Illinois Dem. Delegates

Cong. Rahm Emanuel talks to the Illinois Delegation to the Democratic Convention in Denver on Thursday, August 28th. The video is 2:17 minutes long.

Attorney General Lisa Madigan talks to the Illinois Delegation to the Democratic Convention in Denver on August 28th. The video is 6:33 minutes long.

Illinois Democratic Party Chair explains to Delegates how to cast their votes for President at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. He spoke before the Illinois Delegation Breakfast on August 27th. The video is 1:40 minutes long.


Anonymous,  8:17 AM  

Rahm Emmanuel will be good for Obama to win. He will get dirt and time it right. Rahm Emmanuel is the king of dirty politics and dirty tricks.
Rahm Emmanuel is probably better and dirtier than Karl Rove.
and that is a compliment

missatement of fact

Anonymous,  2:30 PM  

Rahm is smart and plays dirty.
He can make sure the Dems win the house.
Rahm hits below the belt and politics ain't tiddly winks.
Rahm can be the hard hitter while Obama takes the high road.
Rahm is the hatchet man.

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