Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Rousing Attack from a Labor Leader

Laborers International President Terry O'Sullivan talks about the stakes in the 2008 election to the Illinois Delegation at the Democratic National Convention on Monday, August 25th. The video is 9:51 minutes.

More coverage of the Illinois Delegation and the Democratic Convention can be found at Prairie State Blue.


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Is this the same Laborers Union that gave us Todd Stroger?

    Or didn't see the lay offs in the City coming?

    Or that was in Federal receivership?

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    How could Sullivan allow Mayor Daley (king of privatization and giving non union contracts to out of town friends of his with no health benefits) considering that Daley is FIRING 1800 City workers and union workers are getting laid off all over the city now.
    All for big friends to make money.

  3. You have something against making money??? are you a foreigner? perhaps from France or something?

    in case no one pointed it out, this is America. we admire people who make an honest living in this country. that's all the hard-working laborers want, as well. to make money doing an honest day's work for an honest day's wage. Real Americans support their quest...

  4. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Nobody (or at least I) am not against people making money BUT when people get no bid sweetheart contracts that milk taxpayers--that is when I have a problem.
    Some examples are buying prime city land for $1 like Michael Marchese, or taking little old Italians ladies homes on Taylor street like Oscar D'Angelo, or John Daley insuring all the Hired Trucks that were ghost payrollers.
    Privatizing city jobs with health insurance and pensions which certainly cost money but also create a middle class and stabilizaiton (outside of the Gold Coast and Lincoln park the best neighborhoods in the city to live in and the safest even safer than the more affluent ones mentioned above are city worker neighborhoods) so Daley's friends without competition (any capitalist free market benefit comes from COMPETITION) so there is no incentive and they are politically connected (like the Mayor's son Patrick Daley sewer contract with his nephew Vanecko in questionable investments with the pensions--as a side note the City pensions are very underfunded with the firefighter pensions being only 25% funded which will create massive future problems and Bill Daley used to get education CPS monies at his Amalgamated bank for no interest and Daley's fundraiser Paul Stepan wasted 50 million in funds on his ill fated hotel deals that Degnan and Bedore tried to muscle Miriam Santos into accepting) So that is not making money fair and square and we are paying for it.

    The unions are hypocrites. They are corrupt, mob run and rarely stand up for their members. The only good thing is some of the contracts and due process.

    The contradiction is not making money but making money illegally and that union jobs are dying and they are fawning over Daley while they are fat cats.

    Dennis Gannon is one of the worst.

  5. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Nothing against hard working laborers but something against the laborers union and their introducing and glorifying Daley.

    I may vote for Obama because how bad Bush is but it is not because of Daley and Illinois corruption.
    Our property taxes in Chicago are so high you cannot pay and evictions and foreclosures are at an all time high. Bush is worse and McCain is too close.
    But I am afraid that Bush will allow Daley to steal and Obama is not brave enough to stand up to corruption and hurting people.
    I hope Obama does not get rid of Patrick Fitzgerald.

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Mayor Daley is anti-labor.
