Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jan Schakowsky Speaks to the Delegates

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, who represents Illinois' 9th Congressional District, spoke before the assembled delegation of Democrats to the convention here in Denver on Monday, August 25th. The video is 7:32 minutes long.

More coverage of the Illinois Delegation and the Democratic Convention can be found at Prairie State Blue.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Is Jan Shakowsky feeling any heat over her convicted felon husband Bob Cramer?

    I heard Joe Berrios let all the Hispanic delegation know that she tried to disempower every Latino elected official elected Countywide in one night.
    People like Jan Shakowsky are hurting Obama because the coalition is White liberal and Black and does not include Latinos.

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    If Schakowsky seriously believes that Gov. blagojevich would appoint her to the Senate to succeed Obama, then she is as delusional as she is corrupt. Rod might be a bigger sleazeball while asleep than George Ryan was while awake, but even he realizes how Schakowsky and her crooked hubby nearly sandbaged Rod's candidacy beck in 2002.

  3. Jan is fired up and ready to go. if you have any proof of corruption, i'm sure the whole world would LOVE to see it! we'll just wait right here for it. feel free to provide evidence for such a ridiculous and clearly juvenile charge.

    the fact is that jan has worked her heart out for barack obama. in state after state, people have been impressed by her work ethic and her role representing barack. honest people will feel honored to have her as their congresswoman. i suppose the wackos might feel differently...

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I live in the 9th and am not a wacko.

    Jan Shackowsky's husband is not alleged to be a convicted felon but rather is a convicted felon he was found guilty and plead guilty.
    The organization that he was kiting checks for (in the millions) was one where Madame Congresswoman was on the board of.
    That is the same organization that gave money to various aldermanic candidates and got kids to work on campaigns cheap while Convict Cramer made the big bucks.

    Rod Blagojevich never forgave Dick Mell who finally admitted that giving $600,000 to Cramer and his group was a big mistake and a con (the nicknames for Cramer alternate between Convict Cramer and Con Artist Cramer) as Paul Vallas won Evanston, the Evanston endorsement and the 9th Congressional District big in 2002 not a very good showing for Cramer and Jan helping Blagojevich.

    Look deeper into the finances of Congresswoman Jan. Deep in the finances of many of these liberals, even the radicals--lie closet capitalists (at least for themselves) and some bad corruption.

    Maybe look at the pension (if not fraud legally at least unethically) of former Senator Carol Ronen (loyal to both the corruption of Rod Blagojevich AND Emil Jones) getting a massively higher pension for a months work at a higher salary--and politicians want to know why they are hated and taxes are high and there is a pension crisis.

    Look into the finances of Jan.

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    The Latino community is livid at The 9th district Congreessman for trying to kick out Jose Berrios and Francisco Avila, the only two Latino names on the ballot.
    She and the 9th District political machine ran a racist and exclusionary campaign for Tax Board of Appeals and Sanitary District.

  6. I apologize for being too subtle. If you have evidence of corruption (the charge against Cong. Schakowsky), FEEL FREE to post it. Innuendo aimed at her husband -- and trying to drag her into it -- is not evidence of corruption, but an unwillingness to substantiate the accusation. I won't be dragged into your sleazy politics; if you have evidence, show it. If you are merely speculating, let's acknowledge that. You, my friend, are merely speculating.

    Men of honor would never make a charge like that which they could not substantiate...

  7. Strangely, I just had lunch with key members of the Latino community yesterday. Not one of the three people I met with mentioned that. Sounds fishy to me...

  8. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Did you talk to Cook County Democratic Chairman Jose Berrios?

    I am not sure which key members of the Latino community you are speaking of?
    Did you talk to Alderman Manny Flores (whom some compare to Barack Obama)
    or maybe MWRDGC Commissioner Frank Avila who Larry Suffredin and Jan Shakowsky oppossed with politically connected attorney Dean Maragos, Citgo financed Maryanne Spyropolous and no education or credentials (in a cynical deal to get Black support) Diane Jones (who ran against Miguel DelValle.

    Considering that Jose Berrios is the Chairman of the Democratic party in Cook County he would be a key leader.
    Considering that Commissioner Frank Avila is the highest vote getter in the history of the MWRDGC ever and the highest Hispanic vote getter in the history of Cook County in a political office (there was a judge who was higher in a one on one race)--he would be considered a key leader--elected Countywide--highest vote totals.

    Also, that liberal hack machine supported Lobbyist liar Larry Suffredin instead of Hispanic female qualified Anita Alvarez for States Attorney.

    Ask some of the Texas and California delegation about Jan Shakowsky.
    The problem is that she and some others view a coalition that is strictly white liberal and Black without any Hispanics.
    The problem that is racism and exclusion and if it were done to another group would be called as such.

    Talk to the Arizona and New Mexico delegation and ask them how they are concerned about Hispanic Democrats going for McCain (I am supporting Obama and did in the primary)

    In one election if Jan Shakowsky had her way she would of eliminated every single Latino elected Countywide. There would NONE, ZERO. NO Representation.
    That is called a lack of diversity and inclusion.

    What about that do you not understand? What if Joe Berrios tried to take out all Jews in office or all Blacks countywide.
    Try to understand that. I am not sure why that is so difficult.
    Jan Shakowsky (and huge Pension Carol Ronen and Larry Suffredin and the whole North Shore machine) supported ZERO HISPANICS, NONE.
    (Even if she did not like Berrios because of his being with the regular machine)

    In terms of corruption, I do not know of any allegations against Jan Shakowsky personally (of illegallity) but her husband is high profile with her and She sat on his board where the checks were being bounced to 1.2 million dollars including to support her run for Congress when she initially won in 1996 against JB Pritzker and Howie Carrol. So it is a factor.
    It is not illegal but the high pension of 1 month Carol Ronen certainly does not make fiscal sense for taxpayers or public policy sense.
    Other allegations I do not know but Jan Shakowsky runs her organization not like a democratically elected independent organization (look at the 48th ward and the Senate replacement) but a Karl Rove like Machine with dirty trickster Alex Armour (there is not much diversity in that organization, you have to be rich, white and preferably Jewish)

  9. Anonymous8:42 PM


    The Motor voter and the desire to increase voter registration and voter turnout has made it easier for fraud. I was a Hilary Clinto volunteer and I went to NW Indiana and worked part of the day in Gary, Indiana. Some of our workers almost got beat up, threatened, racial anti-Hispanic and anti white slurs, and serious allegations of vote fraud.

    Go to Lake County Indiana especially Gary for people (mostly African Americans) voting in different precincts, buying voter turnout with drugs and money, buying votes, dragging people to out to vote with marijuana and $10 and crack (I know it sounds insane)

    I like Hilary Clinton and wish she won but after the way I was treated by the Obama thugs in Gary. I would never vote for Barack Obama. His "team" was racist (I am a dark skinned Mexican American and a veteran and a Democrat and lifelong Chicagoan from the 10th and 7th wards)
    Nobody cared. The media didn't report it.

    The reason that some Hispanics are not supporting Obama is not because some Hispanics are racist but because some (not all) African Americans are racist towards Hispanics and don't share. Just look at all the talk of who replaces Obama and who is running for Statewide office and who is involved with the Obama campaign.
    I don't think that Obama personally knows about or would be part of the thuggery of his campaign in NW Indiana but it is indicative of people around him and a corruption in some sectors of the Democratic party (I was a precinct captain but quit in 1988 when a local area political leader became Republican and I stayed Democrat). The steel mills are gone but I never saw Obama when he was a community organizer supposedly in my neighborhood.

    The Veteran POW thing does help.
    But what I saw from the Obama camp was a thug nation that I don't want ruling America.
    I personally won't, and hope Hispanics won't let people piss on us and tell us it is raining.

  10. Pedro, don't be silly. Is Frank Avila (Sr) even in Denver? And while you are free to consider Joe Berrios "a key leader," I didn't say that. Frankly, if I want to talk to a machine hack, I talk to those who steer the ship, not those who row.

    You lost all credibility when you claimed "Frank Avila is the highest vote getter in the history of the MWRDGC ever." That is simply flat out wrong. Frank Avila has never gotten 864,965 votes, and I'm not even suggesting that was "the highest vote... in the history of the MWRDGC ever." Since I have no reason to know if Schakowsky and Sufferdin opposed Frank Avila's re-election, what I do know is that you obviously don't know what you are talking about. Frank Avila is not "the highest vote getter in the history of the MWRDGC ever." That you believe that casts considerable doubt on the rest of your commentary.

    Nor do I share your unrestrained reverence for the Avilas. While I have respect for Frank Sr, I am deeply disturbed by the family's efforts to build their own Democratic dynasty in Cook County government. I don't like the concentration of power in the Madigan family, the Daley family, the Stroger family or the Hynes family. Obviously, I can't support the Avilas build their own political dynasty. We must oppose it just as we should oppose the family dynasties of the others. Their embrace of the machine, and especially the machine's practices, demonstrates that they most be watched carefully. No reformer, and certainly no progressive, can support the Avilas in their unrelenting pursuit of power to be concentrated in their family's hands. That is wrong.

    For whatever reason, you seem to have a deeply personal, and possibly disturbing, obsession with Jan. Your comments are emotional, and appear to have no basis in fact. While I can only pray for you given your irrational hatred of the Congresswoman, I can note here that you are wrong. Your assessment of what she wants is clearly perverted, emotional and without evidence. But thanks for acknowledging that there is no reason to have called Jan corrupt (which was probably also an irrational comment)...

  11. Antonio,

    I am sorry to hear of your experience in Indiana. That's horrible. But you shouldn't extrapolate that Barack Obama (or Jan Schakowsky) would approve of how you were treated.

    The fact is that discrimination occurs, even to Jews! The right thing to do is to oppose it, where ever one discovers it, to speak out against it consistently and to work towards rectifying those wrongs. How you were treated was wrong. Period.

    You are in a huge minority if you are supporting John McCain. Surveys consistently show that 66% of Hispanics support Barack, and for good reason. Yes, McCain was in the military, but he doesn't seem to even be interested in acting as Commander in Chief. He needs to refight the Vietnam War, not go after those who attacked us on 9-11. He doesn't care a wit about the real threats that face this country, and would rather chase a ghost -- not that he should be criticized for believing in ghosts after his imprisonment. We need a strong leader to guide us in the 21st Century, not someone who is stuck in the past. If you feel the need to join McCain back in the 1960s, I can't stop you. But you can hardly be surprised that your fellow Hispanics won't join you there....

  12. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Frank Avila (Sr) was the highest vote getter in the history of the MWRD (I guess now GC). However Patricia Young may be the highest vote getter regarding percentage.
    Frank Avila (Sr) came in number 1 (out of 3 winners) this last election cycle (2008) although certainly not with 800,000 votes (not even in a Presidential year primary. Young may have had the highest percentage but Frank Avila had the most votes. Yes, that is in the history of the MWRD.
    Frank Avila got more votes that Terrenc J O'Brien or than top vote getter Debra Shore in 2006.

    While I think it is impressive that Avila got the most votes for the MWRD (yes, in the history that is accurate--I think over 300,000 but not 800,000) it is still a relatively obscure (albeit important office). The Avila's are nice people and have a little force but it is limited and they are hardly grabbing power and they are hardly even if unfortunately are not key leaders.

    The cost per vote for Avila is also very impressive.
    The tenacity of Avila Jr and Sr is impressive.

    But, the bottom line is that the MWRD is not the Senate or Mayor and also for all you Obama haters

    The Bush 8 years have devestated our country. So, respect the Avila's especially Commissioner Avila Sr, and yes he got the most votes, but getting the most votes in electoral history of the MWRD office is enough DON'T DOUBLE HIS VOTES, and also follow the Avila lead VOTE FOR OBAMA.

  13. Anonymous9:42 PM

    and you cannot blame Jan Schakowsky for her husband.
    You can pick your friends, and maybe once you can pick your husband but after that you are stuck with them.
    Jan is Jan
    If her husband did wrong that should not reflect on her

    You can disagree with Jan Schakowsky on policy or her politics but not on her husband.
    Jan has done a lot of good.

    The Democratic Party of Evanston endorsed Commissioner Avila and Senator Schoenberg is friends with Avila Jr since he was going to run for Statewide office. I do not know what the Congresswoman did but I think this whole thing is getting taken out of proportion.

  14. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Jan Schakowsky is a ward boss. There is a machine with her and Suffredin that does not reflect the diversity of Evanston (how many African Americans are included?) nor even the DPOE democratic process. It is basically still a "machine" that is consolidating power and trading endorsements and favors but they are more liberal socially than most other machine politicians.

  15. The claim that "Frank Avila (Sr) was the highest vote getter in the history of the MWRD (I guess now GC)" is simply false. I will again repeat, feel free to demonstrate that Avila received more than 864,965 votes. I've looked at the election returns and found nothing to support your claim. Repeating it does not make it true.

    That you think the Avilas are nice people does not mitigate the fact that they are trying to build a political dynasty and concentrate power in their family's hands. These are anti-reformer, anti-progressive tendencies that must be attacked by all those who oppose the machine. The Avilas have chosen to be part of the system that is corrupt and that we fight.

  16. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Commissioner Frank Avila Sr did get the most votes in a primary.
    That is true--just look at the Board of Elections website (and add the numbers)

    The Avila's have not chosen to be part of a corrupt system. In fact they are about the most independent and reform minded there is.

    Jan Schakowsky has a political machine and Larry Suffredin is an indider and lobbyist.
    There are many dynasties good and bad Daleys, Hynes, Cullertons, Joyces, Zalewski etc.
    The Avilas are not even close.
    Your argument is absurd.

    Avila did NOT receive more than 864,965 but if you add up the votes of the City and the County, he did receive the most votes in the history of this office (in a primary for nomination). He was the highest vote getter--merely add the city and county totals--look for the past 30 years.
    Although Patty Young may have had the highest percentage by less than a percentage point.

    Commissioner Avila was the top vote getter in this race in this cycle. Commissioner Avila got more votes than the highest vote getter last year Debra Shore. Commissioner Avila got more than the President of the Board Terry O Brian.

    It is not repeating it that makes it true--call Langdon Neal and David Orr.

    The Avila's are the most progressive, reformer, and oppossing to the machine that you can get. Whether it was stopping police torture, lawsuits for voting rights, oppossing HDO, supporting Pat Quinn, supporting Forest Claypool, supporting Anita Alvarez, supporting Hispanic empowerment, supporting innovative environmental initiatives.
    That is absurd what you say.

  17. The original poster claimed: "Frank Avila (Sr) was the highest vote getter in the history of the MWRD (I guess now GC)." That is patently false.

    If you want to change the claim, that does not alter the fact that the original claim is false.

    No reformer, no progressive, believes in the concentration of power into the hands of a single family or the perpetuation of political dynasties. By definition, the Avilas are not progressives, nor reformers. The eagerness of the Avilas to utilize the machine to insure their elections adds evidence to the obvious conclusion. The Avilas have no reformer instincts, no progressive tendencies, and no liberal values. Their attempts to build their own political dynasty is all the proof one needs. You can rationalize this all you want. It does not change the fact that the Avilas are outside progressive values. They do nothing to advance the cause of reform...

  18. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I worked with Frank Avila (Jr) on the Manny Flores campaign in 2003 and his (Avila Jr's) made it possible for Flores to beat Jesse Granato a 32nd ward corrupt political hack. It was Avila who pushed Flores on truth in budgeting, zoning reform with community involvement and property tax reduction.

    When Commissioner Avila won in 2002 (he lost 2 times previously)he had no support for the Machine because Avila Jr went to court on a Voting Rights conspiracy case that caused now Senator Martin Sandoval to resign from his position and Reyes and HDO struck back.

    Commissioner Avila has talked about (and now being implemented) hybrid vehicles at the Water Reclamation District. If you go to any board meeting you will see that the most informed and independent board members alternate between Commissioner Avila and the equally good Commissioner Shore. Avila supported consolidated flood control. Avila supported (the first to do so) research and prevention of prescription drugs in our waste water.

    Frank Avila Jr is one of the few attorneys to actually sue and take on the machine in Shakman cases, Burge torture, Whistle blowing and many other injustices.
    If Avila is suing Rich Daley and Dick Devine he is not part of the Machine.

    There is no concentration of power in the hands of the Avila's so that is absurd and there is no dynasty. If both father and son are involved with politics than that is good and there is nothing wrong with that. There are no midnight appointments and no circumvention of the election and no illegality or even lack of ethics. They both run for office as many people in politics do yet this time on their own merits.

    The voting record of Avila Sr demonstrates his reformer instincts, progressive values and liberal values.
    The law suits in the paper of Avila Jr and his TV shows (both father and son have TV shows that do progressive and reformer shows with people like Wayne Strnad, Peter Zelchenko, Jay Stone, Whistleblowers, Shakman cases, anti-organized crime) You make conclusions and state facts without examples. Give us an example of an anti-reform vote?
    Give us an example of an anti-reform law suit? Give us an example of an anti-reform TV show?
    Nobody has the reform credentials and good government credentials of the Avila's besides maybe Patrick Quinn or Tony Peraica and maybe John Fritchey comes close. You state lies or at least uninformed conclusions.

    Commissioner Avila in the 2008 Democratic primary was the highest vote getter in that race. Those numbers were the highest in the history (in a primary the general has not happened yet) of that same office. I don't know the intent or original statement but the general premise is true that Avila (Sr/Commmissioner) was the top vote getter (in a primary) in the history of the Water Reclamation District. I actually called one of the Commissioners (not Avila) and they said that was true.

    You seemed to obsessed with criticizing the Avila's and it is not because they are nice that I like them it is because they have courage and integrity.
    And yes they are my friends so that is my bias.

  19. I cannot speak to your experience with Jr, only from my own.

    Here's what we can all agree on: Jr continues to run for the MWRD, a commission upon which his father now sits. That would be an unprecedented concentration of power in the hands on one family.

    If you know of another family that has 2/9ths of the vote in a single elected commission, feel free to pass that along.

    Standing against the concentration of power and against political dynasties is not an obsession directed at a single family, but a principle that I (and reformers/progressives) hold dear. It's too bad that you have trouble with basic principles of democracy.

    Progressives and reformers in Chicago and Cook County have to take strong stands against people like the Avilas who seek to concentrate power into their family's hands. The Strogers, the Daleys, the Avilas, it doesn't matter which family you choose, they are all the same. Your friendship with them not withstanding...

  20. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Bored Now is crazy. He is obsessed with the Avilas and makes no sense.
