Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rezko International Airport

Quick flights out of country I guess...

Ozinga asks in a Press Release,

In the wake of Bryant's revelations, Debbie Halvorson owes her constituents honest answers to the following questions:

Ø Did Halvorson ever meet with Rezko or Rezko's associates about the Third Airport?

Ø If so, did Halvorson sponsor Senate Bill 2063 at Tony Rezko's request? Was anything offered by Rezko in exchange?

Ø If not, still: why did Halvorson sponsor a bill that would have created ample opportunity for the same kind of cash-for-appointments schemes for which Tony Rezko was just convicted?
Also, Rezko International Airport, and Phil Kadner quoting Jackson,
"Rezko said that in order to get the governor's support for the things I wanted, the governor had to be given key appointments on the ALNAC board," Jackson said.

"That is the same kind of thing they did with the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board and the teachers pension system.

"That's how Rezko used his influence, by appointing people to these boards.

"I wasn't going to let that happen to ALNAC."
"People wonder why I have been quiet for so long about the airport," Jackson said. "That's why I couldn't say anything. It was all about pay-for-play politics, and there was nothing I could say or do to move things along.

"I've been criticized by people who say I should compromise to make the airport happen, and this is why I haven't compromised.

"This is who I have to work with in this state.

"I can't compromise because all of the people I am dealing with have different agendas than I do.

"I'm a hero here. I refuse to compromise to pay-for-play politics."
Jackson ought to take a look at Pamela Davis to see what happens to heros in Illinois.

xp Bill Baar's West Side


  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Bill, you are too savvy to buy into Lady Pamela's pr machine.

    That hospital ain't there because it ain't needed. And that's just for starters.

    Remember that Edward had a high-powered (and high-priced) lobbying team including David Wilhelm and Honey Skinner that was getting them nowhere fast. At the same time Pamela is slipping on the electronic Maidenform, Wilhelm's office is slipping the Messiah (I trust you know who that is) a candidate list for the Health Board topped by Stu Levine.

    Didn't you ever wonder which Blago insider wore the wire and why Wilhelm left his lifelong power base to move to Bumfart, Ohio for "family reasons?"

    Back to Lady Pamela-she and two other Edward staffers then file a Federal qui tam (false claims act) suit against Levine, Hurtgen, Kiferbaum, and Bear Stearns, essentially allowing Fitzgerald to make her case. This may turn out to be a wasted effort as all those deep pockets may be thoroughly empty by the time she gets to them.

    For the past four years, Edward's staff and contractual PR people have been peddling this story and someone finally bit.

    These are not the actions of a hero where this person comes from.

  2. Don't you agree we would be better off with out a Illinois Health Planning Board?

    Then we wouldn't have needed Rezko or Levine, and Palmer would have no need for her own machine. At least not for this kind of purpose.

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Hell yes we don't need a Health Facilities Planning Board.

    Ban pay-to-play and it will die a natural death shortly thereafter.

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    To get on a board controlled by Jesse James Jackson Jr you have to give HIM the money. Go to a Jesse Jackson Jr fundraiser or even fundraiser/birthday party and you will see BRIAN HYNES the REZKO attorney from the SHEFSKY law firm (of Mara Georges and city legal work) and plenty of Rod Blagojevich friends and lobbyists like MILAN PETROVICH among others.
    Jesse Jackson is all about the money and is very aggressive on fundraising. Jackson Jr doesn't listen to people or care about issues, he cares about who has money and who can give him money.
    Jackson was close to Blagojevich since their days in Congress (and Jacksons indiscretions). Jackson likes rich people, not the poor fools in his district. Jackson don't do nothing for free he even charges for his photo according to the Reader. Look into Jackson's Nigerian buddies and also his first "union" job and many other things about this corrupt con artist.

  5. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Jackson against pay to play?
    Jackson a hero???!!!
    That is f-ng funny
    That is hilarious

    The son of shake down and a shake down artist in his own right says he is a good government hero against pay to play!!!!!!

    Ask Jesse Jackson about his relationship to Brian Hynes.
    Ask Brian Hynes if he was the lawyer for TONY REZKO!!!!
    Ask Jesse Jackson if he is close to MILAN PETROVICH!!!
    Ask Jesse Jackson what else he asked from Governor Rod Blagojevich.

    This Jesse Jackson Jr joke and clown has a lot of balls and a real sarcastic sense of humor.

  6. The deep question here is what's splitting the pay-for-play players then... why would Jackson lash out like this towards a Democrat running for an open seat?

  7. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Because Jesse Jackson Junior is a little weasel rat lying backstabbing loser. Also Halverson may not be giving Jackson everything he wants on the airport and this is leverage.
