Tuesday, June 10, 2008

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - June 10, 2008

-- Republican party elects woman from Pekin DeMonte nabs position as GOP committeewoman - Karen McDonald
PEKIN - A Tazewell County woman now holds one of the top Republican spots in the state party and one of the top 150 for the GOP nationwide. Demetra DeMonte, 58, of Pekin was elected Republican national committeewoman by more than 600 of her peers Saturday at the party's state convention in Decatur. As such, she is one of three liaisons between the Republican National Committee and the state party and will hold a key role in outreach, fundraising and helping Republicans get elected. "I went into this campaign for the position knowing that as a downstater I would be at a disadvantage. However, Tazewell County is well known for its successes both in electing Republicans and raising money," DeMonte said. She was up for the position against Carol Smith Donovan of Chicago and Kathy Salvi of Wauconda. She was endorsed by Senate GOP leader Frank Watson and House GOP Leader Tom Cross. DeMonte also represents the 18th Congressional District on the Republican State Central Committee and has served as Tazewell County's GOP chair since 2004. She said she will decide over the next few days which of those positions to give up. "While our party has been losing offices all over the state for the last eight years, Demetra has been winning time after time and I believe she's going to be crucial to helping us start winning again," said Steve Shearer, a member of the nominating committee and DeMonte supporter. "It's quite an accomplishment." Elected as state committeeman was Pat Brady of St. Charles, who defeated former Sen. Steve Rauschenberger, R-Elgin. The third RNC position is held by state party chairman Andy McKenna. Interested applicants apply to a nominating committee, which consists of one person from each of the 19 congressional districts and a chairman. Each candidate is allowed to present their case and answer questions from the committee. The top vote-getter is passed on to the full convention for approval. "We're very pleased with the process and the fact that we have two outstanding new members representing us at the Republican National Committee," said Jason Heffley, executive director of the Illinois Republican Party. Committee persons are elected to four-year terms and attend quarterly meetings of the RNC. "They are leaned on a lot for speaking roles around the state, fundraising, liaisons with various political and outreach groups. It's an opportunity for them to have a statewide platform and move the ball forward," Heffley said. U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Peoria, previously considered running for national committeeman, but took himself out of the running in favor of a trip to Lebanon. The committeepersons officially will be seated at the Republican National Convention Sept. 1 through 4 in Minneapolis. "It is what you make of it and I fully intend to go at it full throttle," DeMonte said. "My belief is elections are won from the grassroots up."

-- Notes from the Convention floor (Part 1) - John Biver

-- Notes from the Convention floor (Part 2) - John Biver

-- State GOP Convention Coverage - Mark W. Johnson
http://www.ilgopnet.com/node/865 (Includes video clip)

-- Republicans Elect Pat Brady to Replace Bob Kjellander as Illinois Republican National Committeeman - Cal Skinner
-- Republican State Platform on Abortion - Cal Skinner
-- Part 1 - Notables at the Illinois Republican State Convention - Cal Skinner
-- Part 2 - Notables at the Illinois Republican Party Convention - Cal Skinner

-- Live Blogging and Summary of the Convention

-- RNC nominee Carol Donovan's Speech - Fran Eaton
-- Kudos to ILGOP for strong pro-life plank - Jill Stanek

-- VIDEO: Opening Video to Illinois GOP State Convention
-- VIDEO: State Rep. Jim Watson addresses ILGOP Convention from Iraq

-- IOWA: Draft political party platforms offer differences - Mike Glover
(THE ARTICLE: Want proof of stark differences between the Republican and Democratic parties? Read through their party platforms that will be considered at state conventions this weekend. Party leaders stress that the platforms are in draft stage and could be changed, but they represent months of work by some of the parties' most active members. In their proposed platform, Republicans call for elimination of big slices of the federal government ranging from the Department of Agriculture -- and farm subsidies -- to the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Education. "We believe that less government is better government," the GOP document declares. "We believe social problems are best handled by private groups or benevolent organizations, not by the government." For their part, Democrats will consider proposals to end subsidies for corn-based ethanol, halt new confinement livestock operations, legalize marijuana and delay prison construction. "The legitimate function of government is to accomplish those social goals which we cannot achieve as individuals," the draft document states. The two political parties began the platform process at precinct caucuses last January, when they began gathering proposals for inclusion. Delegates will compete the process this weekend at the state conventions, where they will debate and ratify platforms. Candidates typically pay little attention to the platforms, but they're important to hard-core activists in each party. By tradition, those activists are more extreme in their views, and the draft platforms shows that's been the case this year as well. On the Republican side, the role of religious conservatives is clear, with the draft platform's first plank being a 16-part proposal opposing abortion in virtually every way possible. That includes reversing a Supreme Court decision that legalized the procedure and calling for a constitutional amendment "that protects innocent human life from conception to natural death." The list of government agencies the Republicans would eliminate is long, including the USDA, IRS, Education Department, Energy Department and Department of Homeland Security. The draft platform calls for ending minimum wage laws, Social Security and privatizing Medicare. Democrats will consider a plank that declares the Supreme Court's abortion decision "settled law" that should remain in force. It calls for a "constitutional protection from intrusion in all sensitive personal matters and an individual's right to privacy in thoughts and beliefs." The Democrats' draft plan also calls for ending laws defining marriage as between a man and woman, repealing measures declaring English the state's official language and "ending the costly 'war on drugs."' In addition to settling on a platform, Republicans could face a controversy related to their nominee for U.S. Senate. Marion businessman Christopher Reed won the Senate primary by a little more than 400 votes out of more than 71,000 cast, and he has said he plans to address the convention as the party's nominee to oppose Democrat Tom Harkin. Former state Rep. George Eichhorn, who finished second, has said he will await the results of a canvass on Monday and Tuesday before deciding if he'll seek a recount, which likely wouldn't be completed by Saturday. The third place finisher, Steve Rathje of Cedar Rapids, also noted that if the canvass changes Reed's total so that it drops below a 35 percent threshold, the nomination would be thrown to the convention. Should that happen, "I will be ready to win the nomination of the floor of the Republican convention," Rathje said in a statement.)

-- Sign ethics bill, governor - Editorial

-- Time for state to end pay-to-play - Fred Spitzzeri, Naperville Township Trustee

-- Deputy Gov. Nix leaving Blagojevich administration - Charles Thomas
http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/politics&id=6193937 (Includes video clip)

-- Blagojevich Names Bob Greenlee New Deputy Governor

-- Manufacturers demand more from state, local legislators

-- Jackson: Rezko tried to influence airport - Phil Kadner
-- Verdict is in: Still plenty of Rezko issues to ponder - Rich Miller

-- Obama: Hard Victory - Paul Merrion

-- Poshard, legislators calls for renewed effort on capital bill this summer

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Earl A. Reitan of Normal complains about elected officials who say that they are conservative but outrageously take anti-conservative actions

-- Corruption fighters find Chicago a challenge - Mike Robinson

-- OUTSTANDING: Federal contractors must 'E-Verify' employees' eligibility to work Bush issues an executive order requiring companies to use an electronic verification system that is linked to the Social Security database. Critics have pointed to a 4.1% error rate in the database. - Nicole Gaouette

-- Former Bush Donors: Still Hesitant About Backing McCain
-- BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: Democrats Issue 2008 Gay PRIDE Proclamation Supporting Homosexual Marriage

-- Is Baghdad Safer Than Chicago or Detroit? Liberal Politicians Blame Guns, Not the Gunners Homicide Spurt in American Cities Is a Crime-Control Problem, Not a Gun-Control Problem - Bill Zettler

-- Pfleger to Return June 16 and All Is Forgiven—Until Next Time

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: February 17, 2008 Flashback: George Kocan reports on Pat Brady's presentation at TAPROOT's February 16 breakfast meeting
(THE ARTICLE: John McCain has adjusted his strategy - George Kocan Republican pundits, like radio personality Rush Limbaugh and writer Ann Coulter, have blasted candidate for president John McCain (www.JohnMcCain.com) in recent weeks for his many failures to uphold conservative principles. Their criticism has grown to such an extent, as to undermine his viability as a contender who can beat a Democrat candidate like Barak Hussein Obama. This critical development has impelled Pat Brady to come to TAPROOT's monthly breakfast meeting Saturday (Feb. 16) to turn the political discussion to a more "fair and balanced" direction. An attorney, Brady has known and respected the Senator from Arizona for more than 20 years. He presently serves on the McCain 2008 National Finance Committee and as a delegate to the Republican National Convention. According to Brady, McCain did well in Illinois on Super Tuesday. He picked up 70 delegates, even though the campaign spent little money here. This indicates that voters are taking him more seriously and that his campaign is gaining momentum. He has adjusted his strategy to calm conservative fears and inject more enthusiasm for his candidacy. He made a special appearance at the Republican Lincoln Day celebration in DuPage County. He is also scheduled to appear at a fund-raiser for Jim Oberweis, who won his primacy race to represent the 14th Congressional District and replace Dennis Hastert. Oberweis will likely have a tough time against the Democrat Bill Foster, who brings big bucks to the contest. In some ways, the coming election for president resembles 1980, Brady explained. Ronald Reagan ("The Gipper") won then and "cleaned it all up," referring to Democrat Pres. Jimmy Carter's lackluster years in office. He expects McCain to play a similar role, probably mostly because of his personal qualities, his history in the Navy as a POW and because of his family's history of military service going back several generations. "The man is made of steel," Brady declared. McCain has accumulated a conservative record in three important areas. Regarding economic policy, he favors low taxes and opposes laws that hurt business. He supports repeal of the "death tax." While Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton brought $350 million worth of earmarks to New York, McCain had "zero." Regarding social issues, he has amassed a perfect pro-life record and will support conservative and constitutional candidates to the Supreme Court like Sam Alito and John Roberts. A strong possibility exists that four justices will retire from the bench in the next presidential term. Finally, McCain understands the geopolitical world. He will not cut and run out of Iraq and send troops to Pakistan to fix the mess Benazir Buhtto's assassination provoked, as Democrat candidate Barak Hussein Obama announced he would do. Chairman Dave Diersen gave the group a short synopsis of the Conservative Political Action Conference held in Washington every year. Dave was in the audience when President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Gingrich, Huckabee, McCain, Romney, and others spoke. He was the first to shake Gingrich's hand as he entered the hall to give his speech. Ann Coulter sat at nearby table during the Friday evening banquet. Newsweek magazine reported on CPAC in its February 18 edition - Dave is included in the upper left of a picture on page 3 of that magazine. Peter LaBarbera, Chairman of Americans For Truth, briefed everyone on the Protect Marriage Amendment. It received 100,000 signatures on the petitions, without the backing of a well-financed campaign. Contact: www.ProtectMarriageIllinois.org.)
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: February 16, 2008 Flashback: Pat Brady, a member of the McCain 2008 National Finance Committee, a McCain delegate, and long time McCain friend speaks for McCain at TAPROOT meeting - Dave Diersen
(THE ARTICLE: Pat Brady, a member of the McCain 2008 National Finance Committee, a McCain delegate, and long time McCain friend spoke for McCain at an outstanding TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois meeting Saturday morning, February 16, at the Old Country Buffet in Lombard. Attendees had an outstanding opportunity to comment on McCain and his candidacy and to ask questions. Brady did an outstanding job of representing McCain and answering questions concerning McCain and his campaign. Attendees included Elden Brauer, Robert Graham, Gwen Henry, Joyce Hundhausen, George Kocan, Jim Krenz, Peter LaBarbera, Bob Larsen, Jerry Marchese, Liz Martinez, Marilyn Rickert, and Bob Schmidt. At TAPROOT's January 19 meeting, Scott Bludorn spoke for Ron Paul and 6th Congressional District Huckabee delegate Joe Denner spoke for Mike Huckabee. TAPROOT's next breakfast meeting is March 15.)
-- DIERESEN HEADLINE: May 9, 2008 Flashback: If they vote together, just six of the 19 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee (SCC) members -- Wiggins, DeMonte, Claar, Syverson, Clarke, and Winchester -- can control the IRP - Dave Diersen

(THE ARTICLE: The number of Republican ballots cast in the February 5 primary election in each congressional district determined a new weighted vote for each of the 19 IRP SCC members. According to Article V, Section G, of the IRP by-laws titled Central Committee Votes, "All questions shall be determined by a majority of weighted votes cast on the question." IRP SCC members determine who will serve on each of the IRP convention committees including the committees that recommend who the next IRP National Committeeman will be and what the next IRP platform contains. Because together, they have 50.61% of the weighted vote, if they vote together as a block, just six of the 19 IRP SCC members can control the IRP. Those six are Dennis Wiggins (District 14 with 9.02%), Demetra DeMonte (Dist. 18 with 8.88%), Roger Claar (Dist. 13 with 8.84%), Dave Syverson (Dist. 16 with 8.29%), Jerry Clarke (Dist. 15 with 8.09%), and Bob Winchester (Dist. 19 with 7.49%). The remaining 13 IRP SCC members in descending order of weighted vote are: Ron Smith (Dist. 6 with 7.19%), Bobbie Peterson (Dist. 11 with 6.78%), Gene Dawson with (Dist. 8 with 6.58%), Tolbert Chisum (Dist. 10 with 5.76%), Regan Ramsey (Dist. 17 with 5.39%), Deb Detmers (Dist. 12 with 4.94%), Craig Pesek (Dist. 3 with 2.92%), Jack Dorgan (Dist. 9 with 2.8%), Skip Saviano (Dist. 5 with 2.21%), Carol Smith Donovan (Dist. 7 with 1.53%), Maureen Murphy (Dist. 1 with 1.42%), Judy Diekelman (Dist. 2 with 1.15%), and Bob Alejandro (Dist. 4 with .71%). It will be interesting to learn a) who each of the 19 want to be the next IRP National Committeeman, b) who each of the 19 appointed to each of the IRP convention committees, and c) if each of the 19 favor or oppose returning to direct election of SCC members.)
-- NEW GOPUSA ILLINOIS POLL: Who was most responsible for the success/failure of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party state convention?
-- National Committeeman Robert Kjellander -- National Committeewoman Mary Jo Arndt -- Chairman Andy McKenna -- State Central Committee (SCC) Member Dennis Wiggins (District 14 with 9.02% weighted vote) -- SCC Member Demetra DeMonte (18 - 8.88%) -- SCC Member Roger Claar (13 - 8.84%) -- SCC Member Dave Syverson (16 - 8.29%) -- SCC Member Jerry Clarke (15 - 8.09%) -- SCC Member Bob Winchester (19 - 7.49%) -- SCC Member Ron Smith (6 - 7.19%) -- SCC Member Bobbie Peterson (11 - 6.78%) -- SCC Member Gene Dawson (8 - 6.58%) -- SCC Member Tolbert Chisum (10 - 5.67%) -- SCC Member Regan Ramsey (17 - 5.39%) -- SCC Member Deb Detmers (12 - 4.94%) -- SCC Member Craig Pesek (3 - 2.92%) -- SCC Member Jack Dorgan (9 - 2.8%) -- SCC Member Skip Saviano (5 - 2.21%) -- SCC Member Carol Smith Donovan (7 - 1.53%) -- SCC Member Maureen Murphy (1 - 1.42%) -- SCC Member Judy Diekelman (2 - 1.15%) -- SCC Member Bob Alejandro (4 - .71%)